Alexander Showa - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Songs, Duet "Not Couple", Singer 2021



The sincerity and the depth of the compositions raised the duet of "nepara" to the top of the musical Olympus. The secret of success lies in many ways in the unique voice of the Solist Alexander Show. The talent of the artist is multifaceted, in his arsenal possession of playing guitar, drums and piano, as well as the authorship of music and texts of the lion's share of singles, which sound from his mouth.

Childhood and youth

Alexander was born in the Abkhaz city of Ochamchir in a musical family. The father had the skills of the game on the drums and guitar, uncle sang well and turned virtuosically with many musical instruments. The boy from four years has attracted the piano standing in the parent house.

And at 9, Alexander has already shone together with peers in the local children's ensemble "Anban". Teachers of the team taught the wards professionally playing guitar and drums.

A little later, Sasha's new knowledge went to the Sukhumsky school, enrolling the stage of the stage. But the plans and life in the homeland destroyed the broken military conflict between Georgia and Abkhazia. Parents decided to move to the Russian capital, where the life had to start first. The financial situation of the family left much to be desired, Alexander also had to make money on bread. The young man replaced the mass of professions, even worked with a loader in the store.


In the creative biography of the show, positive changes began after acquaintance with the musician from the Aramis group. The team capable of Alexander invited to his ranks, where he tried forces as a keyboard player, an arranger and a back-vocalist. Finance in the family was noticeably gained, and this allowed his relatives for nothing.

In his youth, during a noisy youth party with Sasha, a representative of one of the leading record companies of Europe was met by Polygram. The musician entered a tempting offer - to move to Cologne. The show agreed and the coming years "started" the people in the nightclub, and also performed their own songs at the Globus concert area. Here quickly became popular and won the love of regulars of institutions.

However, the role of the club performer did not suit the talented musician, over time he converts this occupation and wished more. Alexander decided to return to Moscow to create his own musical project. With the future colleague, Victoria Talyshinskaya route was integrated back in 1999. And in 2002, having left Germany, the show found a girl and suggested together the pop duet of "nepara".

The name was born painfully: went over the mass of options - quarreled, put up, they swore again. The idea threw the producer Oleg Nekrasov. The man is not enough threw that the guys are little similar to the duet, "not a couple at all."

"Why are we a couple? I am small, bald and ugly! " - Laughing the singer.

Alexander took responsibility for creating music and texts, and after a year the guys presented the Debut Album "Other Family". The group instantly became famous, the duet with concerts were waiting in every corner of Russia, invited abroad. Alexander with Victoria plunged into a saturated tour of the tour.

The following plates "all first" and "doomed / engaged", published in 2006 and 2009, also accounted for the taste of the army of fans. Singles "Other Cause", "They are familiar for a long time" turned into hits immediately after the premiere.

After the release of the last album "Nepara" was still laid three years. Ambitious and hardworking (by the sign of the Zodiac Capricorn) Alexander Show dreamed of a solo career, so safely went on solitary sailing. The singer has created a beautiful composition of the "Sun above my head", which was able to get out of the top lines of the radiochants. Also removed atmospheric clips, the video was consistently entered into a selection of musical television.

However, alone, the show did not stand for a long time. Already in 2013, the young man met Victoria and offered to reunite. The singer as if waiting for this moment - agreed without thinking. The duet again spoiled on the scenes, pleaseing the fans with new songs. The first single was the "Thousand Dreams", later the group presented the hits "Cute", "God was invented", "cry and see".

However, Alexander Shaw managed to solo parallel. Especially warm fans accepted the song "Remember". And in 2016, the musician presented the debut solo album "Voice Your", over the creation of which he worked even during the breakdown of the group. In the plate included 16 songs.

In the spring of 2018, Alexander participated in the "three chords". In this music show of the Chief Russian Channel, the singer performed the song of Alexander Rosenbaum "Jewish tailor" and all familiar compositions "Myasoyedovskaya Street", "Charming, Okoldovanna", "Girl in a dress from Citz." Eva Polna, Alena Sviridov, Dmitry Pevtsov, Dmitry Dyuzhev, and other castors and pop stars were performed by rivals of the musician.

At the concert "Chanson of the Year" in the Kremlin Palace Alexander sang a duet with the artist Arthur Beste. For speech, the singers chose the composition "I steal her".

In September 2019, after several years of joint creativity, "nepara" broke up. However, the news about the final parting of the group members did not surprise fans: Recently, the duet no longer issued bright hits.

In 2019, the singer's discography was replenished with a solo album "stop me ...", in which he once again convincingly proved that he was capable of more than just to be part of the duet. The first track "The world came crazy" Alexander presented on the air "Autoradio". Also, the new plate gave the public such hits as "a girl with closed eyes", "Stars will comply" and "you alone."

In addition, in 2019, the Contractor was noted by bright duets - the songs of Tum-Balalaika with Alalie Reed and "without you" with Awenius.

In early 2020, the public became aware that Alexander and Victoria could not part with friends. Both unfosstly expressed each other, and when the show bought the rights to the name of the team and his hits, they rummed that Talyshinskaya wanted to do the same for his back, but did not have time.

The amount of the transaction was the symbolic 10 thousand rubles, although the real value of rights was calculated by millions. As the show managed to conclude such a favorable deal, it is not entirely clear. According to him, his friendship with producer Oleg Negasov played the main role in this, who actually presented the Singers group. Talyshinskaya for this stated that Alexander "bought the cheaply of the Street."

Personal life

Alexander Showa - Abkhaseman by nationality. The low and thin (growth of 165 cm with weight 62 kg), without hair, he himself does not consider himself a handsome man, especially against the background of the inclined and spectacular partners, but the charm does not occupy a man.

The singer managed to marry twice, now the musician has two children. For the first time he visited the registry office even before the formation of the Nepara group, Maya's daughter was born in this marriage.

The musical duet performed songs so heartly that Sasha with Vika fans attributed a novel. In the press, an interview appeared in which Victoria was allegedly recognized that they were associated with a partner not only professional relationships. Alexander himself in the conversations with recent years says:

"Does anyone else think about. Here the question is that the scene and life are completely different things. I do not interfere with one with another. "

Meanwhile, the personal life of the artist has established itself. The second wife of the singer became Natalia, a lawyer for education. The show calls this union perfect, the quarrels rarely happen to his wife, the woman became real support, reliable rear. The family will grow up the daughter of Taisiya. The girl loves to dance and dreams of becoming a ballerina.

Alexander is divided by news with subscribers of page in "Instagram". The photo show the daily life of the artist, his hobbies. In addition to music, the show adores fishing, where he just did not visit the fishing rod. Says, the largest fish is found in Norway and in Kamchatka.

Shaw lived in Moscow from adolescence, but the musician stopped feeling comfortable in the city. Recently, Alexander, together with his wife and daughter, celebrated a housewarming. The family decided to buy an apartment in a luxury residential complex in the village of Razzovka. The singer shared with the "Starkhit" magazine:

"He moved from the city because waking up in the morning I was almost not worked. Now, on the contrary - I get up every morning with a smile. I like that there is a lot of light, beautiful neighbors, the park around the house where you can spend time with relatives. Ecology is beautiful, not what inside the capital. Now absolutely happy, new emotions. The feeling that I managed to refresh the long-stayed paints: we even had more attention to each other with my wife. "

Alexander Show now

Despite the statements that the "Nepara" will no longer be, the musician in March 2020 unexpectedly announced the intention to resurrect the project. The group included Alexander, two back vocalists and a team of professional musicians. In October, the group released the lyrical track "My Angel".

Alexander Shaw was surprised by the audience and the jury, acting as a special guest on the show "Mask". In one of the issues, the artist in a suit of Lionca sang the track of the group of earthlings "Grass at home". In the fall of 2020, Alexander again took part in the "Three Chord" show with the song "You Tell me, Cherry" in a duet with ae - vocalist group "City 312".

On the "New Year's apartment at Margulisa", which was broadcast on the NTV channel on the night of December 31, 2020 on January 1, 2021, a singer in a pair with Ksani Sergienko performed the lyrical ballad of Elton John Goodbye Yellow Brick Road.

February 2021 left for an artist saturated, he announced the release of the new track and took part in the show of the parody of the first channel "exactly", which is leading Alexander Oleshko.


  • 2003 - "Other Family"
  • 2006 - "All first"
  • 2009 - "doomed / engaged"
  • 2016 - "Your Voice"
  • 2018 - "Girl with closed eyes"
  • 2019 - "The world went crazy"
  • 2019 - "Stars will comply"
  • 2019 - "Wake up"
  • 2019 - "Stop Me"

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