Billy Zayn - biography, personal life, photo, news, films, filmography, "Titanic", in youth 2021



Billy Zayn is a talented American actor who captures viewers from the very first personnel not only by the skill of the game, but also an attractive appearance. The professional biography of the artist is an excellent example of how the dream helps to cope even with physical disabilities, and the belief is creating wonders.

Childhood and youth

William George Zayn is such a full name of the actor - Born on February 24, 1966 in Chicago. Zodiac sign of the Lyedie - Fish. His parents - the Greeks by origin, changed the surname Zneakos to a shorter, under which the whole world and learned the future star Hollywood. The waist and William George themselves were engaged in medicine, and in their free time improvised on an amateur theater scene.

If the parents of Little Billy were told that their son would become an actor with a world name, they would not believe: the fact is that Zayn suffered a serious speech defect, which does not contribute to the cinema.

To help the boy get rid of this defect, together with his sister, every summer was sent to the camp for gifted children, where experienced teachers worked with the Diction of Billy. The result exceeded the expectations of parents and teachers: Zayn not only learned to speak cleanly, but also showed acting talent, participating in scenes and performances.

After graduating from school, Zayn never thought over the future profession. The young man went to Switzerland to seriously learn scenic skill. A few years later, Billy, already being a certified guide, returned to the United States and began to attend numerous castings, hoping to get the first role.


I did not have to wait long: soon Billy Zayn has already signed a contract for debut shooting. It was the film Robert Zemekovis "Back to the Future". The beginner actor here got a secondary role, however, work with a professional film crew presented the necessary experience.

The partners of Billy on the frame were Michael Jay Fox, Lia Thompson, Christopher Lloyd. The film quickly became a hit, and Zayn continued his career, while I am satisfied with secondary images in films and TV shows.

The situation soon changed, and the images that director gave Billy Zayn, became brighter and more noticeable. So, in his youth, the actor appeared in the picture "Sniper" (with Tom Berenger and Adenom Young), in the tape "Detachment of volunteers" (where Partners of Billy were Stephen Baldwin and Tommy Lister), in the classic atmospheric western director George Pan Kosmatos " Tumstone. "

In 1987, Zayn passed Casting to the Dirty Dance project. He got the role of Johnny Castla. But very soon choreographer Emil Ardolino noticed that the young actor does not know how to dance, so I left Patrick Saysi in the film. However, this failure did not affect the popularity of the artist.

The brightest work of that time was the role in the cult series of David Lynch "Twin Pix", in which Billy got the role of rich John Willer. This image was remembered by the actor fans for a long time: Zayn really played very convincingly, and his black as a smt's hair and sensual lips drove the spectators crazy. After the triumph of "Twin Pizes", a short calm came in the performer's career, but soon the actor's filmography again began to replenish talented works.

Interestingly, the hairstyle of the artist has undergone changes over time. Zayn from young age was fond of swimming. Sport occupied a great place in the life of the artist. Billy was ready for sacrifices for his achievements, so for the best hydrodynamics began to steal hair on the head. Gradually, this hairstyle moved to the screen.

In cinema, the artist also tried to be laid out in full. So, for the role in the film "Cleopatra" he had to swing muscles in training, and for the sake of participation in the fantastic picture of Phantom, he was engaged in bodybuilding for more than a year.

In a short period, Billy managed to play in the "horror" "bikes from the crypt: demon night", as well as in the comedy thriller Jim Wilson "How to stay afloat." The actor won new and new fans, however, as it turned out, the real glory waited for Zayn ahead.

Star hour for Billy became the role in the cult painting "Titanic". The tragic history of a huge liner catastrophe, complemented by no less tragic love line and impressive special effects, not one year headed all sorts of ratings of popular films. The main images went to the actors of Leonardo di Caprio and Kate Winslet. Zayn played the groom heroine Kate.

Immediately after the premiere of "Titanic" about Billy Zayne and Leonardo di Caprio, they started talking about the sexiest men. Slender and tightened handsome Zein (an actor's height - 184 cm) really made an unforgettable impression.

Interestingly, Billy is often compared with another Hollywood heart, Arnold East. Especially clearly the similarity of two stars was manifested after the Arnie role of the Village Imhemepa in the films "Mummy" and "Mummy returns". Men are really similar. In addition, the image of Zeyna was compared with the appearance of the young Marlon Brando.

In the late 1990s, the actor mastered a new role and began to produce films. In addition, Billy Zayn did not refuse from the voicing of cartoons. So, the characters of the fabulous stories "Pokalontas-2" and "New Adventures of Batman" say the voice of Hollywood handsome. The voice of the artist was used in joining the song Rock Is Dead Marilyn Manson, as well as in the musician concert album The Last Tour On Earth.

At the age of 35, Zayn made his debut as a director. Initially, Billy removed several series for Stop For a Minute. Soon his filmography was replenished with the Big Kiss Franco-Swedish militant, whose budget was € 11 million. Later, the artist has repeatedly collaborated with Australian cinematographers.

Subsequent years also turned out to be rich in high-profile paintings with the participation of the actor: Zayn starred in several episodes of the popular series "Enchanted", where she reincarnated to the hero named Drake. Former demon and new teacher of the magical school literature for several episodes of their Citizenni managed to fall in love with not only the main character of Phoebe (Alissa Milano), but also the female half of the public.

Another work of this period is the main role in the thriller "Island on Troy", where Zayn reincarnated to the hero who fell into a deserted island after a fire on the yacht. Together with him, his wife and one of the surviving crew members turned out to be in an unfamiliar place. It was on the shooting area of ​​this film that Billy and Kelly Brooke originated.

Later, Zayn played in the paintings "Murder in Vegas", "Khanna law". 2016 and 2017 Actor dedicated work on the paintings "Sniper: Warrior Ghost" and "Sniper: Impeccable Killer." The star of Hollywood agreed to participate in superhero films, even when the roles offered not the brightest. So, the actor played himself in several episodes of the American series "Guys".

Personal life

Personal life Billy Zayn was no less bright than a career. The press constantly appeared rumors about the Lyedie novels. The first wife of Hollywood handsome was the actress Lisa Collins. This marriage lasted 6 years, then the spouse broke up.

For some time, Zayn avoided official obligations, and at the age of 3 years announced a new engagement. The next chief of Billy became also an actress - Leonor Varen. With her, Billy Zayn met on the set of the series "Cleopatra" (Timothy Dalton also played in the film, John Bow, Rupert Gravez). Next, the engagement did not come about, and the actors' relationship broke up. Later in an interview with the artist explained his reluctance to marry exorbitant payments, which he was threatened in the case of a divorce. This is how it happened to him after termination of the first marriage.

In 2005, Billy woke up again. The beloved actor became the model Kelly Brooke, which Zayn "beat" from Jason Statham. But this novel did not move into an official marriage: four years later the couple broke up.

But another model, Candace Nale, managed to stay much longer in the heart of Zayn. The girl presented the actor of two children - the daughters of Ava Katerina and Jiu. However, according to The Daily Telegraph, even the girls did not help parents to preserve relationships. The press appeared assumptions about the new Actor novels, but there was no official confirmation.

Billy Zayn periodically becomes the hero of the secular chronicles, and the photo of the actor is alive commented in "Instagram" and other social networks.

Increasingly, the subject of discussion becomes not new roles of the hyseride, but its changed appearance. The fact is that with the age of Zayn spread, and also let himself a noble beard.

Billy Zayn now

Now Billy continues to replenish the repertoire with new projects. In 2020, the premiere of Horror "Ghosts of War" was held with the participation of the artist, in which Zayn reincarnated in Dr. Engel. In 2021, he began working in several movies, including Waltzing with Brando, where he received the role of Marlon Brando.


  • 1985 - "Back to the Future"
  • 1990 - "Memphis beauty"
  • 1992 - "Twin Pix"
  • 1995 - "Bikes from a crypt: knight-demon"
  • 1997 - "Titanic"
  • 2005 - "Enchanted"
  • 2011 - "Sniper 4"
  • 2012 - "Channa Law"
  • 2013 - "Ghost Gudnight Lane"
  • 2016 - "Sniper: Warrior Ghost"
  • 2017 - "Sniper: impeccable killer"
  • 2018 - "Illusion"
  • 2019 - "Guys"
  • 2019 - "Ghosts of War"
  • 2019 - "Commandant hour"
  • 2020 - "Last Murder"

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