White Walker - Character Biography, Actor, Empty


Character History

Supernatural creatures whose name cattures fear for the older generation of seven kingdoms, became a terrifying disaster for the residents of the state. To protect yourself and loved ones from white walkers, the warrant clans united the efforts and erected the Great Wall. But can the structure, albeit so magnificently, to save people when the Eternal Darkness and Cold are coming to Earth?

History of creation

Writer George Martin

According to George Martin, the author of a series of books "Song of Ice and Flame", white walkers are not dead creatures that managed to resurrect by an unknown reason. In letters sent by the artist engaged in the development of comics on the famous plot, the writer compares characters with demigods from Celtic mythology:

"Oh different are not dead. They are strange, beautiful ... as if to put it ... Sides, made from ice, something like this ... ruthless, elegant, dangerous. "
Rangery shooting

Such seen George Martin of the main antagonists of the books and the series "Game of Thrones". However, at the time of shooting of a multi-sized film, the concept of the author (under the influence of the producers of the TV channel) slightly changed. The characters added more gloomy. Therefore, the approval of the appearance of heroes took a long time.

To come to the final consent of the scenarios and television studies managed only to shoot the second season. Due to the protracted approvals of the appearance and costumes, the designers could not sehe the necessary number of images. Computer technologies became salvation - the first scenes with white walkers, in fact, show one actor. Special finish specialists have spread the character and added small changes to the only ready-made suit.

Richard Colin Brake in the image of the king of the night

By the way, among the White Walkers in the TV series, famous people appear. The role of the leader of the magic beings was played by actor Richard Colin Brake, who soon replaced Vladimir Furdik. And among the ordinary fighters, the musician of the Mastodon group was hidden by Brann Dalor.

"Game of Thrones"

How and where white walkers came from - unknown. Residents of seven kingdoms first encountered monsters during a long winter, which covered the state and immersed the territory in cold and darkness.

John Snow

White walkers invaded the cities and villages, destroying everything on the road. After the fierce combat, the army of seven kingdoms managed to discard the enemy far beyond the state. Because of the terrible events, it was decided to build a wall that would protect the inhabitants from unknown creatures. To follow the wall and the impending danger entrusted the night doser, which later joined John Snow.

Since the invasion of white walkers has passed a lot of time. Residents of the state have already forgotten about danger, and all conversations about monsters were perceived by the young generation as a horror stroke. Again, the news about white walkers appeared after the death of the squad investigating the death of wild. A man who collided with magical beings, admitted to Nada Stark, but a man did not believe the words of Deserter.

White Walker

Over time, it becomes clear that white walkers never went far from the wall. For example, a long time, the leader of the wild beauty, in order to protect their own people, gives the monsters of newborns. Such a sacrifice gives guarantees that white walkers will not touch the crastler and people under his command.

Gradually, the defenders of the walls are aware that the calm, which many perceived as a victory was for white walkers only the period necessary for collecting the powerful army. With the first detachments of the impending threat, Sam Tarli collided. The leader of the Outdoor Forces regretted the young man, although this behavior is not characteristic of white walkers. Perhaps the creature possessing magical abilities knew that Sam would become the right link in a victorious battle.

White Wallowes

Again to encounter white walker Tarli to be to when he will protect his wife and son of the crastle. In the dust of the battle, the man found out that weapons from dragon glass could cope with a powerful creature. However, the child did not save this discovery. Deserters gave the baby to another representative of the race, which delivered live load on his own leader. And later, the main white walker turned the baby in himself like one touch of his hand.

The battle with magical warriors is gaining momentum. Alas, there are almost no chance of residents of seven kingdoms. After all, the leader of white walkers is enough to raise his hands so that the killed enemies rose and replenished the army of pale ruthless monsters.

However, this is not the only talent of white walkers. Warriors are endowed with force that exceeds the possibility of a person many times. Representatives of the race are equipped with special armor and blade. The latter in contact with the enemy weapon is a magical way turn swords and blades into a fragile substance.

The power of their own army white walkers clearly showed during the battle that occurred near the wall. The king of the night, who headed the attack, killed the dragon and almost the rest of the night watch.

Night King on Dragon

Walking on the back now already his own fire-haired monster, the leader of white walkers destroys the last barrier. Now there are no more defenders and a facing fortress on the path of magic beings. Riding the dragon owner of magical knowledge and the other army in a hurry to spread its own impact on the seven kingdoms.

Interesting Facts

  • In the description of the series that the HBO TV channel posted on its own site, in the text to the episode, where the leader of white walkers appears for the first time, a man is referred to as the king of the night. Later this information has been deleted.
  • In books dedicated to seven kingdoms, white walkers are called "other". George Martin has changed the name of the characters to remove the unnecessary similarity with the TV series "Stay alive."
  • Officially white walkers appear only in the dark, but the creators of the series neglected a similar fact.
  • Among the inhabitants of the North, the legend walks, that during the long night, a woman from the tribe was voluntarily given to white walkers. After such acts of love, half-bonds were born, which are not like people.

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