Elizabeth Moss - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography Actress 2021



Elizabeth Moss - American actress, who managed to make a dizzying career, conquer the hearts of fans around the world and become the owner of the AMMI awards and the Golden Globe. The most famous work of the girl was the role in the series "Major Story", however, in Elizabeth filmography there are many other no less decent paintings and images.

Childhood and youth

Elizabeth Singleton Moss - Takovo the full name of the actress - Born on July 24, 1982 in Los Angeles. Girl's parents were close to Bohemian Life: Father produced jazz groups, organizing records and concerts. Mom also played in a lip harmonica, preferring blues melodies. Both parents confessed the principles of Ron Hubbard Scientology.

From early childhood, Elizabeth wanted to be the focus of people, the scene and applause was Maniili. Hobby Moss steel dancing. Not one year, Elizabeth honed the dance skills, and as a teenager, even went to New York to enter the famous ballet school.

In parallel, Elizabeth developed and acting data. Thanks to the perseverance of parents, the Moss's screen debut took place at 8 years of age. The girl played a small role, but forever "infected" the magic of the shooting platform.

Elizabeth Moss in youth

After some time, Elizabeth began to invite in various films, however, only episodes and minor roles were given to the beginner actress. Moss also voiced the heroine of the animation film "Once in the Forest".

Becoming older, Elizabeth Moss found himself before the difficult choice: the girl was to decide that it would be its main profession - dancing or acting. Love for Sofitam won, and Elizabeth continued on the on-site career, deciding to tie a biography with the world of cinema.


The first time Elizabeth had the roles of awkward teenage girls, but gradually the roles of Moss changed, and already in the TV series "Western Wing" actress can be seen in the image of an exquisite girl. One of the bright works of Elizabeth of that period is the picture "interrupted life."

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Later, the actress confessed in an interview that this film presented her invaluable experience in the real star team of professionals. In this heavy dramatic picture about the fate of the girls who fell into a psychiatric clinic, Winon Ryder also played, Angelina Jolie, whipped Goldberg.

In 2002, Elizabeth got a role in another tragedy. We are talking about the film "The Heart of America", the plot of which is built around the teenagers who brought a weapon to school to take revenge on classmates for bullying and ridicule. Here Patrick Maldong, Brendan Fletcher, Will Sanderson, became partners in the shooting area.

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The first major role appeared in Elizabeth Moss Later filmography. In 2003, a picture "Virgin" was released on the screens. The heroine actresses is a girl who has grown in the family of fanatical baptists. The whole town where Jessie lives (which Moss played), also persistent on religion. Nobody understands teenage difficulties and experiencing heroine, and it has to be saved with alcohol and cigarettes. Jesse's mother played inimitable Robin Wright.

These and other roles brought Elizabeth some popularity and attention of the audience, but the real glory came a little later - with the release of the series "Madness". In the center of the plot - the daily life of the advertising agency, the peripetics of relations between employees and various situations in which they turn out to be.

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Moss got the role of a secretary, constantly falling into the binding. Elizabeth's game was so impressed by the audience and critics, which was even nominated for the reward "Emmy".

In parallel with the work in the "madmen", Elizabeth Moss played in the Broadway production "Stir", and also starred in several episodes of different films. In 2007, the girl appeared in the cult series "Anatomy of Passion", and in 2009 the filmography of the actress was replenished with the painting "Spouse Morgan in the run", where Moss got the role of Heroine Sarah Jessica Parker's helper.

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The year later, the actress appeared in the comedy frames of Nicholas Staller "Escape from Vegas". In 2013, the series "The Top of the Lake" was released, where Elizabeth got the main role.

Career Elizabeth Moss and unsuccessful work. So, in 2014, the Broadway statement of the "Chronicles of Heidi's Life", in which the actress was occupied, closed due to insufficient interest from the audience. However, the game Moss did not remain unnoticed: the girl nominated for the receipt of the "Tony" award. True, the cherished premium took another actress - Helen Mirren.

Elizabeth Moss and Max Minghell in the series "Maid's story"

But in 2017, Elizabeth Moss again got a role in the series, which later became truly popular. The girl received a major role in the Bruce Miller project "Major Story". This series was the screening of the novel-anti-nightopy of the writer Margaret Evwood.

Dramatic events of the "maid story" did not leave the audience indifferent, and the game actresses was awarded the Golden Globe award. Max Mingella, Samira Wileli, Joseph Fains, became partners of Elizabeth on the shooting area.

Personal life

In 2008, the Fred Armixen, famous spectators on TV show "Sabbar in the evening live, appeared in the personal life of Elizabeth. In 2009, Moss agreed to become a beloved wife. The wedding was held in New York.

Elizabeth Moss and Fred Armixen

Unfortunately, the attitudes of the newlyweds did not work out, and already a year later, fans who were looking forward to news about pregnancy beloved actress, read about her divorce with her husband. There were no children from the pair.

About new relations Elizabeth Moss is not yet known. In an interview, the girl was repeatedly recognized that he considers himself a feminist and makes serious demands to potential chosen. Moss also retains faith in Sentology's postulates.

Elizabeth Moss and Kate Moss

Elizabeth Moss often compare with a colleague across the screen - Merrey Primelli, known to work in the Turkish TV series "Magnificent Century". In the appearance of girls really have something in common. Also, Elizabeth's name often appears next to the mentions of the model and actress Kate Moss. Fans compare photos of girls in the hope of finding similarity, however Elizabeth and Kate are not relatives.

Elizabeth Moss now

Now Elizabeth Moss continues to work on the series "Major Story", which, as it became known in the spring of 2018, extended another season. In addition, the actress began shooting in the TV series "Fever", telling about the "Typhoic Mary" - a woman who has become the first healthy carrier of this disease in the United States.

Elizabeth Moss in 2018

On the news in the life of the actress fans can recognize Elizabeth in "Instagram", where that is divided by new photos and some plans for the future.


  • 2018 - "Old man and gun"
  • 2017-2018 - "Major Story"
  • 2015 - "High"
  • 2012 - "On the road"
  • 2010 - "Escape from Vegas"
  • 2009 - "Morgan's spouses in the run"
  • 2007-2015 - "Madness"
  • 2003 - "Virgin"
  • 1999 - "Interrupted Life"
  • 1991 - "Commando from the suburbs"

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