Irina Amanti - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Wife Vadima Kazachenko 2021



The name of Irina Amanti is associated with a scandalous history around the singer Vadima Kazachenko. The biography of the current artist's wife remained behind the frame to the broadcast of the transfer "Let them say", when the public first learned about the intricacies of the personal life of Kazachenko and his women.

Childhood and youth

Irina does not tell journalists about their childhood, family and hometown. Even the date of birth, apparently, the woman hides, and maybe it does not consider it necessary to make a frank report from his own past.

However, according to the information that leaving the network, but not confirmed Irina, the heroine of numerous talk shows was born in Odessa in May 1968. Her real surname is sausage.

The center of attention for Amanty is her spouse, part-time the initial artist, since Irina will produce singer. On her page in Facebook and Instagram photos with loved ones, information about endless courts and not a word about what happened in her life to a fateful meeting with Kazachenko.

Personal life

Love and relationship with Vadim Kazachenko, who worked out in the family of drama, severe trials, as well as scandals - the most illuminated part of the life of Amanti. Having become acquainted with the singer in 1995, Irina did not immediately decide on a romantic relationship. Although, according to her, she from the first minute he felt in Vadim's native man.

At first, the pair relationship did not go beyond friendly and business. Few later dating, the singer appealed to the American girlfriend with a request to help him in a delicate medical procedure on hair transplantation. However, conducting a preliminary examination, the doctors found hepatitis from the artist. As it turned out, cached the dangerous disease of Kazachenko at the dentist.

A long and hard treatment followed, during which Amanti helped the singers, supported him not only morally, but also materially. In addition, the artist lived in the Amacy family, becoming closer to the woman.

In 1998, misfortune happened already with Irina. The woman revealed a serious illness - cancer. According to memories, businesswomen managed to work with difficulty, moved 2 operations and chemotherapy. Unfortunately, for a millionaire husband, physical and moral experiences of his wife did not seem serious. Irina did not receive any support from him.

Woman not long thought about divorce with the previous spouse, despite his wealth and position in society. Did not save the family and the presence of Tatiana's daughter. By the way, there are no other children with Amanti, and the adult girl lives in the States.

According to Irina, the Italian treated her as a beautiful thing, a woman was obliged to look good and delight the eyes like a bright toy. She could not have any problems, but the decision of the emerging difficulties for her husband was becoming another purchase of precious jewelry or expensive fur coats.

The trouble continued to pursue a couple - the health of Kazachenko turned out to be under blow. Furunculosis was added to hepatitis, there was no trace from immunity. The artist was exhausted and exhausted. Then the caring Irina found a doctor who proposed experimental treatment, which no one gave warranties for the result. The entrepreneur paid the medicine, and fortunately, the drug helped.

The evil rock did not leave lovers. Mother Kazachenko became seriously ill. Cancer gave metastases to the spine, paralyzing the woman and depriving the positive forecasts of doctors.

After the next tour of Croatia, a new misfortune appeared: Irina had a hernia in the spine, as a result of which the producer lost the opportunity to walk and had to sit in a chair. Hormonal medicines, painful helplessness did not decorate it.

Kazachenko succumbed to the charm of the young fan of Olga Martynova. Soon Vadim left Irina and made marriage with a new beloved. However, the singer did not advertise this event, and the existence of Olga Kazachenko learned after the couple's loud parting.

Irina accepted Vadim back, forgave him and supported him. The singer died mom, a new spouse, according to his confession, did not live with him and appeared only for the next amount of money.

However, the young wife had his own point of view on the events. The girl declared his own pregnancy, and when Kazachenko refused to recognize paternity, went for the support of the program "Let them say", where he declared the admission of artist.

Immediately after that, a series of filming, interviews and real escaped the parties on the Internet. Users and viewers were divided into 2 camps: Some supported Kazachenko and Amanti, Olga Olga.

In 2017, the pair of Cossachenko and Amanti legalized the relationship. Vadim's proposal made after showing the mod in which the favorite participated. Irina agreed, and the couple played a modest, quiet wedding.

Wedding washed with scandaling over the ceremony. Shortly before that, the marriage of the singer and Olga Kazachenko was recognized as fictitious, but lawyers challenged the decision. In court, the young mother demanded an alimony to their content and education of the child.

Despite the scandalous setting around the name Vadim, on its page in "Instagram", the invalid Amanti publishes a photo of a happy family life with an adorable husband and their favorite - a dog of the breed of York Greta.

In turn, Kazachenko demonstrates love and devotion to his chosen one: on her birthday in 2018, he congratulated Irina a new album "Eyes in Eyes". Amanti tries to maintain a well-kept appearance of various cosmetology procedures. The businesswoman looks much younger than its age, but in the media there is no information about whether she resorted to plastic or not.


In his youth, Irina very successful in his career: besides the fact that the wife of a millionaire was successful and profitably owned by a network of spa salons in the United States.

In the distant 1995, when the Russian singer Vadim Kazachachenko brightened at the peak of popularity, Irina organized and financed his concert in the States. As Mamani recalled in an interview with, living in America, she absolutely did not know about such an artist and agreed to work with him at the request of the girlfriend.

Russian by nationality, Irina married the Italian, thanks to which he received a sonorous surname and moved to the States. After the hot-tempered spouse, it became known that Irina fell in love with a Russian singer and divorced him, he sold his spouse's business.

However, an active and talented woman, obviously not deprived by organizational skills, began working with Kazachenko. Thanks to her, concerts and tours of the singer in the 2000s were held. Irina became not only producer, but also by the director, personal assistant artist. Businesswoman took on all questions related to the career Kazachenko.

Irina Amanti now

In 2020, the story with the son of Martynova received a continuation. Earlier, the artist reported that he recognized his paternity. According to Olga, this news delivered it, although she is not going to associate his life with an artist.

However, after his statement, Vadim Kazachenko made a request to the guardianship bodies, the reason for which the singer's desire was to find out in what conditions Philip lives. The artist explained that, according to his observations, Olga recently began to pay less time to the boy because of the novel with the step of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan - Stepan.

Checking violations of the rights of the child did not reveal. To discuss the incident, all three participants in history, including Irina, again became the guests of the studio "Let them say".

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