Claire Foy - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



British actress Claire Foy has a bulk filmography. On her account of the role in film stars with Hollywood stars and even work in the Vampire Academy project with the participation of the Russian actor Danilis Kozlovsky. The actress has gained popularity among the public in the form of Queen Elizabeth II in the television series "Crown". For this role, Claire Foy is nominated for the prestigious AMMI Prize in 2018.

Childhood and youth

Claire Foy was born in the Provincial town of Stockport, in the UK, on ​​April 16, 1984. In the family she turned out to be the youngest of three children. As a child, the future actress lived in the cities of Leeds and Manchester, and then together with her parents moved to Buckinghamshire.

Actress Claire Foy.

Children's years she spent at the desk in a general education institution for girls from 12 years old, Eilsbury School. Having received a certificate, Foy entered the University of Liverpool University of John Murs. She chose the Faculty of Drama for training and in 2007 received a cherished diploma.

Having lived with friends from the theater studio during training and penetrating the atmosphere of the theater and cinema, Claire was convinced of the fidelity of the choice of the profession and decided to deepen his knowledge of the chosen direction. The actress paid great attention to education and set forth the goal of improving the surveyed skills, enrolling in the Oxford School of Drama.

Claire Foy.

In one year that the girl was held in a prestigious educational institution, she was a party to theatrical projects called "Easy Behavior", "Best Girls", "Ship Hill".

The first step of the actress on professional theatrical frames became performances set by Paul Miller: "DNA", "Miracle." For the first time, Foy appeared on the Foy Television, having received a role in the episode of the TV project "Doctors".


Attractive girl soon noticed the producers of the Air Force, having sought the actress on the main role in the mini-serial "Krozy Dorrit" on the work of Charles Dickens. This image made Claire Foy recognizable, and in glossy magazines the first photos of the artist appeared. The image brought her a victory in the nomination "The Best Actress" Award "RTS Television Award" in 2009.

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Each follow-up role, which directors offered Claire Foy, helped the girl to reveal his potential more and more. For a loud debut in the TV series, work was followed by a television film "Naughty", as well as the role of the Angel of Dobridge in the screening of Roman Terry Pratchett "Keep Mark!".

The fantastic ribbon about the Middle Ages called "Time Witch" was published in 2011 and presented Claire in the form of a young girl who had fallen sacrifices and convictions in witchcraft. The partner Foy in the frame was the militant Nicholas Cage in the appearance of the brutal knight.

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In the same 2011, Claire turned out to be a partner already popular Benedict Cumberbatch in the Destroyer's project, filmed in fact. The picture is recognized as the best debut at an international film festival in Moscow.

In an interview, Claire calls participation in the filming of the film "Promise" one of the pleasant moments in the acting career. She was very loved by the image of Erin Mattheus, embodied on the screen. In 2014, the series "Skull and Bones" presented on the CNB channel.

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In it, the actress played Kate Balfur and worked on the set with the artist of the leading role John Malkovich. 2015 marked for Clairly Anna Bolein in the TV series "Wolf Hall". It was created based on the novels of Hilary Martel "Wolf Hall" and "Make Body."

The project "Wolfall Hall" gave Claire Foy Pourevka to a great professional life. He received in 2016 the Golden Globe Prize and three nominations for the Emmy Prize. Thanks to the series, the actress noted the Writer Peter Morgan.

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He worked on the creation of the "Queen" with the participation of the actress Helen Mirren and the film "Another Boleyn", where the Hollywood stars Natalie Portman and Scarlett Johansson starred. After receiving an invitation from Netflix, Morgan understood what prospects of the Queen project, and was pleased with Claire Foy's cooperation.

The actress, which began his creative way from little-known short protrustions, in the first years of professional activity managed to play a few noticeable roles in full-length projects.

Personal life

For the actress, this period of filming in the "Wolche Hall" was particularly difficult. She passed the samples on the fifth month of pregnancy. The idea of ​​participation seemed doubtful, because at that moment the personal life was closely related to the work.

Claire Foy and Stephen Campbell Moore

The girl easily received the role of the operating government of Great Britain. She managed to reveal the queen's soul and her personality in the frame. The daughter of the actress from the spouse Stephen Campbell Mura was born during filming.

Claire had to take a little Ivey Rose with him to the site and alternate her feeding with access to the frame. The situation was also complicated by the fact that the husband was treated at the brain tumor at this time.

Claire Foy.

The actress was married since 2014, but after four years of living together with her husband decided to stop relations. For some time the couple lived apart, and then divorced. At the moment, the actors support friendships and bring up a daughter together.

In "Instagram" and "Twitter", fans are actively discussing outfits, figure, growth and weight Claire Foy.

Claire Foy now

Biography Claire Foy - a real example of professional acting success. Today, the artist has several proposals from the famous Hollywood directors and prospects for work in interesting projects.

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She starred in the picture of Stephen Golberga "not in himself" in the role of a mentally unbalanced heroine. Working on a psychological thriller, the director of the week removed the actress on the phone, broadcasting the feelings and emotions in the frame, which is experiencing a persecuted person.

Federico Alvarez invited Claire to work on the sequel "Girls with a dragon tattoo", and Damien Chasell offered a duet with Ryan Gosling in Ribe on Nile Armstrong. The joint work of the Actors was able to evaluate in 2018.

Claire Foy in 2018

This period has become significant for the artist. She received the BAFTA Award for the role of the Queen in the series "Crown" and the nomination for the AMMI award. The results of the latter will be known in September 2018. Carol Foy and Matt Smith, her film partner, embodied in the frame of Prince Philip, is looking forward to the verdict of the jury.


  • 2008 - "Being Man"
  • 2008 - "Doritt's crumb"
  • 2010 - "Naughty"
  • 2010 - "Witch Time"
  • 2012 - "White Heat"
  • 2014 - "Vampire Academy"
  • 2014 - "Skull and Bones"
  • 2015 - "Lady in the van"
  • 2015 - "Wolf Hall"
  • 2016-2017 - "Crown"
  • 2017 - "I breathe for us"
  • 2018 - "First Man"
  • 2018 - "The girl who is stuck in a web"

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