Iza Vysotskaya - biography, photo, personal life, cause of death



Iza Vysotsky is not familiar with the viewer as an actress of cinema - a woman did a theater career, and also taught "right" to talk on the scene of college students of the arts. Izolda Konstantinovna know, first of all, as the first wife of the legend of Russian cinema, a talented bard of Vladimir Vysotsky.

Childhood and youth

Isolde Meshkova was born in Gorky (Nizhny Novgorod) in 1937, survived all the hungry and terrible military childhood. Family turned out to be under bombing. In the fire of war, the girl lost his native father Konstantin Pavlovich, and then the stepfather of Nikolai Fedorovich, who was missing.

Iza Vysotsky in youth

In an interview with Isolde Konstantinovna recalled that since childhood he loved to dance. High School, where he studied diligently and easily combined with the choreographic school at the Opera Theater. The girl did progress on a dance field, but soon the studio closed.

On the day of graduation, during a walk through the native city of Iza, I stumbled upon an announcement, inviting yesterday's schoolchildren to enter the acting faculty of theater studio at Mkat.

Iza Vysotsky in youth

Of course, it was far from the lined ballet, but Izolda decided to show the talents of the exit commission. Happiness was tortured by another 120 peers, but Meshkov was the only one who passed the audition without additional "tests."

The girl met the irresistible Moscow. At first, IZA could not get used to the "dreary" atmosphere of the dramatic scene - without music, bundles and pointes. But gradually pulled into a saturated theater life.


Professional biography actresses began in Kiev. In the main city of the Ukrainian SSR, the girl fell by distribution. In its ranks, a native actress adopted the Theater named after Lesi Ukrainka. Directors generously gave out the main roles, for example, playing Sonya in the play George Berezko "Here I am going." Career promised rapid takeoff, besides the leadership of the theater gave a girl an apartment. However, spending on the distribution of two years, the actress returned to Moscow.

IZA Vysotskaya in the theater

However, it was not detained in the capital. Integrated the lack of roles, and Exceduated Vysotsky responded with the request of the Rostov Theater. Leninsky Komsomol. It worked here a year, and then until the 1970th chapel in the country - played on the scenes of temples Melpomenn Perm, Vladimir, Liepaja.

Finally, forever settled in Nizhny Tagil. In the local theater. Mine-Siberian served almost half a century. Repertoire actresses endless. The piggy bank was decorated with the plays "Tsar Fedor John", "Golden Dust", "Birds of our youth", "Mother" and other performances.

IZA Vysotskaya in the theater

For the role of Elizabeth English from the production of "Your sister and prisoner" a woman awarded a premium "and skill, and inspiration" for a personal contribution to theatrical art, for the honor and dignity. In addition, the isold of Konstantinovna wore the title of People's Artist of Russia.

Isolde Vysotskaya combined the game on stage with teaching activities. Ten years of the actress shared experience with students of the acting branch of the Nizhny Tagil College of Arts - taught scenic speech.


The actress filmography consists of only one artistic tape. In 2000, a two-series drama "Mining nest" was released at the Sverdlovsk TV and Radio Company. Director Vladimir Laptev took the formulation of the novel by Dmitry Mine-Siberian. A film was filmed on the old Demidovsky factory, which gave action a special atmosphere and flavor. Vysotsky got a significant role of Nina Leontievna.

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Isolde Konstantinovna did not regret that he chose the life of a provincial actress. In rare conversations with journalists (the Press Woman disliked) admitted:

"I am satisfied with how my fate has developed. For many years I have been an actress of the Nizhnyagilsky Drama Theater. I do not regret that I left Moscow, did not get into the movies. I never needed fame. "

Isolde Vysotskaya tried the strength and writing. In 2006, Vladimir Vysotsky fans received the book of Memoirs "Short Happiness for Life", in which a woman talks about a difficult relationship with his spouse.

Personal life

In the first year of the Iza survived passionate, but unhappy love. The brother of the school girlfriend Yuri Zhukov helped from the betrayal of the beloved, who had a teenager's teenager feelings for the bag. Izolda finally answered reciprocity and married a month after the young man.

IZA Vysotskaya and Vladimir Vysotsky

When the girl studied at the third year, Vladimir Vysotsky appeared as part of the Armenians of the MCAT studio - "All - joyful willingness to help, send, help out, just so say hello." The stamp in the passport of Isolde did not stop the fervor and hooliganist Volodya. Do not fall in love with him, according to her, it was impossible: Balagen, Soul of the Company, always in an embrace with a guitar.

Soon young people have already shared the shelter's room communal. The husband did not agree for a long time for a long time, helped the relationship of high-ranking relatives of Vysotsky. Scheduled a couple in the spring of 1960. Native Vladimir Semenovich was coldly met a young spouse. Mom, having learned about the pregnancy of Isolde, arranged a scandal - did not want a woman in 45 years old to become a grandmother. As a result, there was a miscarriage.

IZA Vysotskaya and Vladimir Vysotsky

Relations with her husband cooled also departure out of Kiev. However, Vysotsky often came to the holidays, then the premiere of his wife, and even even unexpectedly appeared on the general rehearsals. Having worked on the time, the actress returned to the capital of Russia.

Due to lack of work, I had to go to Rostov, where the young actress was offered a place in the theater. Vysotsky begged his wife to stay, but, according to the recognition of Isolde, Konstantinovna, she could no longer live under one roof with his family.

Iza Vysotskaya

Spouses arranged for a short time, but it turned out forever. Once there was a call from the former classmate, which reported that New Passati Vladimir Lyudmila Abramova is waiting for a child from him. In May 1965, Iza with Vysotsky divorced. The actor himself suggested the former spouse to maintain the name.

In the same year, Izolda gave birth to the heir. Gleb is the name of the famous Bard, but is not the native son of Vladimir Vysotsky. There were no more children from the actress. Gleb became an engineer, worked in the largest company of Yekaterinburg. Iza Vysotsky once again married, the third spouse buried shortly before his own death.


Isolde Vysotsky died early in the morning July 20, 2018 in Nizhny Tagil. The cause of death is called unimportant health and old age - actress turned 81 years old.

Iz Vysotsky died in 2018

Despite the disease, in the past theater season, the woman worked fully and even attended the ranks of the audience at the final performance on July 19. According to the son of the actress, Gleb Vysotsky, according to the will of her mother, her body was cremated. The dust is buried in Yekaterinburg.


  • 2000 - "Mountain Nest"
  • 2013 - "Vladimir Vysotsky. I do not believe fate "(documentary)

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