Leo Bokeria - biography, personal life, photo, news, cardiac surgery, heart, nationality, tips, age 2021



Leo Bokeria is a legendary personality in Cardiology. In the Scientific and Practical Center for Cardiovascular Surgery named after A. N. Bakulev, in which the Bokeria has been working as director since 1994, conducts operations for children of several days from the genus. Leo Antonovich is the inventor and innovator, many types of surgical interventions have been implemented for the first time.

Boris Yeltsin and Zurab Sotkilava trusted him. In order for citizens less often in operational, the canister promotes a healthy lifestyle. The doctor, says academician, should not work for salaries or gratitude, the main award is the recovery of the patient.

Childhood and youth

Leo Antonovich for the nationality of Georgians, was born in the city of Ochamchir (Abkhaz ASSR) in December 1939, and grew up in Georgian Poti. My parents have become a younger child who has already been 2 daughters in the family. In 3 years, Beria lost his father and, to surprise, remembered this day, although not aware of the tragedy of the situation. The teacher had to educate 3 children on their own.

Still at the Leo school knew what would go to medicine. In the homeland of "Doctors Heart" it was believed that if a man wants to become a doctor, it must certainly be a surgeon. In 1959, Beria from the second attempt entered the first medical institute named after I. M. Sechenov in Moscow. There, a young man found out that there is such a direction as cardiac surgery.

Determine the life path has helped the case. His classmate Boris Gelfand (now an experienced resuscitator and academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences and RAMS) was going to translate from the Mug of Academician Vladimir Kovanov at the Department of Operational Surgery and Topographic Anatomy, but he was replaced. When meeting with the future "Dr. Heart", he described in colorfully, as conducting experiments on dogs. Young Beria with interest has begun practical work.

The medicine

Beria began a labor biography in youth - on the 3rd course, during student practice in the district hospital. The novice doctor was entrusted to remove appendix. At the end in 1968, the graduate school Leo Antonovich came to work at the Institute for Cardiovascular Surgery, which was shortly before that the name of the founder and the first head of Alexander Bakulev was assigned.

Vladimir Ivanovich Burakovsky himself called him to work, who was at the director of the institution. An experienced cardiologist was able to become an opponent on defending the dissertation of the graduate student of the canteria. After reviewing the proposed Leo method, Burakovsky realized that a novice talented doctor was able to contribute to medicine and help both adults and newborns.

The first independent surgery on the heart of Leo Bokeria spent under hyperbaric oxygenation. This is equivalent to the case if the surgeon was under water at a depth of 25 meters. Later in the center developed the artificial blood circulation of the Heart - Lungs system, which did not have any analogues of the children's office, conducted dozens of operations with the prefix "for the first time in the world."

The name Leo canister is indicated in hundreds of patents for inventions that facilitate the life of patients and work to doctors. Among them are the methods of using extremely low temperatures, migrating with plasma and laser, impact valve valve and wireless electrocardiomulator.

About the Cracker's Clinic, called the "Heart House", is glory as a hospital in which they do not take bribes. For direct extortion, the director of the Center fired a couple of colleagues. However, in an interview with Izvestia, he admitted that it would not object to, "if the parents of a working child or a serious patient themselves will decide to pay for the work of sisters and the doctor."

For merits in the field of treatment of the "engine of the body", the cardiac surgery was awarded the three highest premiums - Leninsky, State USSR and Russia, not counting other official and informal orders and medals.

The first is for the introduction of heart surgery under high pressure. The second is for the development of a new direction - surgical arrival. In modern Russia, the canter was encouraged for the disclosure of the problems of the aneurysm.

Bokeria carries a large social burden. The doctor is headed by the All-Russian Organization "League of Health of Nation", the editorial office of a dozen scientific journals and the Russian scientific community of cardiovascular surgeons. In addition, scientific articles writes, heads of departments in two medical universities, it works in the Public Chamber and is part of the Board of Trustees of the Charitable Foundation for the Renaissance of Culture and the Traditions of Small Cities of Russia.

In 2019, the autobiographical book Leo Antonovich was published "in love with the heart." In Memoirs, Beria expressed admiration for the work and structure of the chief organ of man.

At the Institute, the Cardiochurgeon held a step from a senior researcher, head of the laboratory and to the director. In November 2019 he became an honorary president of NMITs. A. N. Bakuleva. But the appointment was not too happy, because the event was preceded by a scandal - actual compulsory dismissal due to age. And this is despite the fact that even the 80th anniversary Leo Bokeria met behind the surgical table.

Six months later he told in an interview as it happened:

"5 days before the end of the contract closed my signature in the bank. No one knew about this at the institute, even accounting. As if I could spend 2.5 billion rubles for these 3-4 days, which were on the account of the center. And 2 days before the expiration - I was at this point in the operating room - the "Red" telegram came to the institute about the fact that the contract was not extended with me. I come from the operating room - in the secretaries of the eye on a wet place. I went to the office, and on the table lies this telegram. "

In his years, Leo Antonovich does not feel like an old man. Speaking about the topic of raising retirement in Russia, the famous doctor noted that world practice - to work up to 65 years, regardless of whether a man is or a woman. However, the draft law submitted by the Russian government needs numerous refinement.

Personal life

With his wife Olga Alexandrovna, the famous surgeon together for more than 50 years. In January 2021, they became the guests of transferring the "Fate of Man". The spouse admitted that it was she who did the first steps in relationships. And the famous doctor so remembered this period of personal life:

"She had with our acquaintance big beautiful eyes, face, legs. And what else do you need a man? We first kissed only on the 3rd course. She did it ineptly. I realized that it was in my favor. "

The daughter of Ekaterina and Olga Beria were born in the family. Children in the profession went on the parent path, became doctors. Both - with a degree of doctor of science. About whom the grandchildren will be, who are already 7, the professor does not hurt. Senior Anton dreamed of cardiac surgery as a child, but when he gone, changed his mind.

Education of children The legendary doctor considered a very important thing. In an interview with the School of Crossing, he stated, only adults with their influence can protect the younger generation from the harmful influence of society.

Bokeria is trying to follow health. The case made Leo Antonovich completely refuse tobacco and alcohol. The doctor threw a doctor after a patient came from his native Poliamchir and, not wanting to offend at all, noticed that the Department of Cardiology Institute was too smoking. Then, in the sanatorium, Beria was poisoned by fish and gave himself a stamp - if he survives, it will take it with smoking.

From the wine to refuse it was easier, although the academic was once president of the tasting club, he said that the surgeon was scheduled for tomorrow, and, by the way, never sinned against the truth. In the company, Dr. prefers to sing or dance. In his free time, Beria reads books of books from a rich personal library, swims in the pool, with Olga Alexandrovna visits cultural events, especially loves art exhibitions.

Leo Antonovich promotes proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, for this purpose, at the ICC in Moscow, organized "walks with a doctor" - a share in which leading experts are sent together with ordinary residents in a hiking campaign. Those who wish can receive advice, measure anthropometric data. Manages the movement of Olga's daughter.

In the meal of Beria is unaffebled. Buckwheat porridge or homemade cottage cheese with yogurt cooked by Olga Alexandrovna's hands prefers for breakfast. The doctor drinks tea without sugar, and the only useful seasoning considers high-quality olive oil.

For 5 decades in Cardiology, Beria brought a set of rules that follows himself and encourages others: about an hour of continuous walking per day, look at life with optimism, get faithful friends, loved things and control the weight. Own Leo Antonovich holds within 80 kg with an increase in 175 cm, in the mid-2000 he wore a suit that sewed in the 60s of the last century.

Cardiac surgery does not lead pages on social networks, but in the same "instagram" there is a fan page, and you can find a photo by hashtega # Leoberware, which placed the patients and students who captured.

Leo Bokeria now

Every year in the center of cardiovascular surgery. A. N. Bakuleva performs more than 5000 operations on the open heart. About half of the Leo Beria Patients - Little Children.

In May 2020, Beria gave a forecast for the completion of the epidemic. The cardiologist suggested that Coronavirus would be able to cope at the end of summer, but unfortunately did not guess. Despite the pandemic, now the cardiac surgeon spends about 2 operations every working day. In 2021, he plans to continue to work in NMITs. You can become a patient institution if you can sign up through the official site of the hospital.

The person who is involved longer in professional activities, continues his health longer, said Leo Antonovich. In the April Interview, Russian Today journalists, he complained that after he was fired from the post of director of the center and appointed by the president, he had less practical work.

In a new position, he is more engaged in graduate students and ordinators, makes traversions and gives tips for health. Leo Antonovich also reads lectures on atherosclerosis and other diseases.


  • Laureate of Lenin Prize
  • Winner of the USSR State Prize
  • Winner of the State Prize of Russia
  • Prize winner of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology
  • Cavalier Order "For Merit to Fatherland" II, III and IV degrees
  • Cavalier Order Alexander Nevsky
  • Cavalier Order "For Merit Before Fatherland" I degree

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