Brothers Lumiere - biography, photo, personal life, exhibition, inventions 2021



Brothers Lumiere - the legendary "fathers" of the French film industry, who opened the road to the world of cinema to mankind. They removed the first film collections and spread them on the screen. The French Sinemtec stores about 1800 tapes filmed by famous brothers.

Childhood and youth

Louis Jean and Auguste Louis Marie Nicolas Lyumiere were born in Besansone (France). Father Charles-Antoine Lumiere was a professional artist, and also interested in photography. In 1870, the family moved to Lyon, where Auguste and Louis graduated from La Martiniere technical school. After moving from Besançon, Jeanne Josefina Kostil Lumiere gave birth to another son Edward and three daughters.

Brothers Lumiere

Charles-Antoine opened a small plant for the production of photographic materials. Despite the fact that Louis with one of the sisters worked in a factory from early morning until late evening, the father of the family Lyumiere threatened bankruptcy. With the help of Auguste, who returned from military service, managed to establish production and in 1884 to hire a dozen workers. In 1892, his father went to a well-deserved rest, and the entire plant was at the disposal of the Lumiere brothers.


In 1892, Louis and Auguste Lumira took up the development of the apparatus, which could recreate moving pictures. They patented several important processes, including film perforation used for transportation and maintaining the film, although initially this process was implemented by the French inventor Emil Reino. In the same year, a device was appeared, patented called "Cinématographe Léon Bouly". The idea of ​​creating a "cinema" belongs to Leon Buli.

Lumiere Brothers Cinema

Improve the Buli's apparatus prevented the lack of funds, so the right to the device inventor sold Lumiere brothers. They patented their own version in 1895. The first film was removed and presented in the same year.

The debut private show took place in 1895, March 22. In the "Society for the Development of the National Industry" in the city of Paris, 200 people gathered at the event. The main topic of a large conference was a color photo, but the viewers' attention was riveted to the moving black and white image.

The famous documentary silent movie "Exit workers from the factory" entered the story as the first film shown by the audience on the big screen. The debut took place on March 22, 1895 during the conference in honor of the development of photographic industry in France.

By the way, it was the "exit of workers from the factory" it was the honor of opening the first paid film team, which was held in Paris on December 28, 1895 at the famous Kapuchin Boulevard in the basement "Grand Cafe". A small roller does not have an intricate plot: on frames, workers emerging from the building are depicted. The subsequent works of the Lumière brothers were small scenes from real life.

The film "Voltzhing" tells about a riding lesson for a young cavalryist who is trying to climb on a horse.

The most famous picture of Louis and Auguste lumes is considered "the arrival of the train at La Cute station." Despite the simple plot, the film is extremely popular. This is due to the history of the audience's reaction during the session. In one video for the first time, a common, medium and large plans with a fixed chamber appeared.

Impressive screen sizes and moving "in the hall" The train frightened the session visitors. The painting "Arrival of the train to La Cute station" is one of the first produced. Native and familiar lumen brothers participated in the filming. The film was shown in 1896.

The production was used in 1895 in a silent picture of the "Puffal Polyvaler". According to the idea of ​​watering plants, the gardener does not notice the boy-hooligan, which stepped on the hose. Water stopped acting, and the gardener looks at the hose tip. The boy removes his leg with him, and water with pressure beats the gardener in the face. Angry, he rushes behind running hooligan.

The role in the film chose the gardener Francois Claire, who worked in the estate of lumen, and the son of one of the servants. The boy was called Benoa Duval. The plot of the film was the basis for several more works. For example, a lot later, the plan of "polished irrigation" was used in a fragment of the "man from the Kapuchin Boulevard".

The seventh film on a paid movie in the Grand Café became a dumb short-drawing "Breakfast of Baby" with the participation of Augustea, his spouses and daughters. In the frame of the couple feeds the baby from a spoon. This film appeared in 1895. Lumiera's daughter appeared in the picture "Faving Red Fish".

The length of the film of each short film was about 17 meters, and the display time was limited to 50 seconds: it is so much that any of the first films continues.

The legendary invention, Lumiere brothers in 1896 demonstrated in London, New York, Bombay. In 1898, Louis Lumiere continued to engage in improving and studying film equipment. Continued experiences in the field of photos and cinema in color.

Auguste lumiere

In 1903, Louis Lyomiem was patented by authrom - a way with which color snapshots receive. In honor of Louis Lyumira in 1914, an asteroid was named. In honor of the inventor, there is a premium for the best documentary.

In addition to the invention of the "cinema" itself, it is believed that the brothers own the idea of ​​regular films. The filmography of the filmography of the cinema includes about fifty short work of completely different topics. In the process of filming, new techniques and methods appeared. During sessions, music (saxophone or piano) has always sounded in the hall.

Louis lumiere

It is known that Louis and Auguste Lumiera and could not think about what scales would take their "cinema". They believed that it was a cheerful attraction with which you can make a profit.

In 1919, Louis Lyumiere became a member of the French Academy of Sciences. For all the time in working with cinema brothers left about 1800 works.

Personal life

The name of the wife of Auguste Lyumber - Margaret Wincler. Officially marriage was registered in 1893. Two children were born in marriage: daughter Andre and the son of Henri.

Monument to the brothers Lumiere in Yekaterinburg

The girl went in history forever, as it appeared in the frames of the first films. In 1914, she died of influenza. Henry before the beginning of World War II continued the case of the Lumiere brothers. Louis was married to the sister of the wife of Auguste, Rose.

Death of the lumiere brothers

In 1948, June 6, Louis Lumiere died, on April 10, 1954 - Auguste. Lyon is family burial on New Guillaty Cemetery.

The death of the legendary French inventors is often not written in detail in sources. After the death, the Lumiere brothers left a huge heritage.

Lumiere brothers grave

In 1960, a star at the "Alley of Glory" Hollywood appeared in honor of the inventors. In addition, monuments are established in Lyon and La Sichote, as well as in Yekaterinburg.

For a long time, "Bank of France" produced banknotes with the image of the Lumiere brothers, however, in 1995, due to the loud historical scandal, the 17 millionth edition was destroyed, and production was suspended. This is due to the sudden details on the cooperation of the "fathers" of cinema with the collaborationist regime of Vichy during World War II.


  • 1895 - "Puffed Puffer"
  • 1895 - "Workshop in La Cute"
  • 1895 - "Exit workers from the factory"
  • 1895 - "Breakfast Baby"
  • 1895 - "Catching goldfish"
  • 1895 - "Blacksmiths"
  • 1895 - "Sea Bath"
  • 1895 - "Train arrival at La Cute station"
  • 1896 - "Snowball game"

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