Group "Nepara" - photo, history of creation, composition, news, songs, broke



Pop Group "Nepara" - Russian version Al Bano and Romina Power in some way, with the only difference that participants were not married. Passion in a duet, who considered the decoration of the pop, was raging the fact that in Santa Barbara - bright, emotional, with the presence of beaten stories. And everything ended on an optimistic note. Only now the ex-solicist says that relations have always been difficult with a colleague.

The history of creation and composition

In the history of the Group's creation, the main role was played by the case. The soloists of the group Alexander Show and Victoria Talyshinskaya knew each other since 1999. Victoria was an artist of the Jewish Musical Theater "Lechim", and Alexander performed in Germany under a contract with one of the largest Polygram labels. The first acquaintance occurred at the birthday of a friend's her husband, where they entertained the songs present by the duette, which was very liked and the audience, and the artists themselves.

And Vika with Alexander decided to turn the ensemble into professional. They turned for help from the producer of Leonid Agutin, Oleg Negrasova, with whom the fate brought to another celebration - in Lada Dance and who in 2002 revealed the Russian pop scene as the Nepara group. Above the title of the team did not have to think. The musicians constantly argued and even openly conflicted, for which Oleg once noticed that this is not a duet:

"You are generally not a couple of each other."

True, the artists contrasted sharply outwardly: low, chunky, brutal show and Talyshinskaya with model parameters and feline plastic. They themselves called Yin and Yang, emphasizing the absolute incorrect in life principles, habits, tastes. Describing a colleague in a word, Alexander called the singer uncontrollable, and Vika performer is talented.

Alexander recognized that he was very quick-tempered, it was joined, could shout, throw a cell phone. Victoria is more sensitive, but at the same time she is a source of fun and a fideller, which sometimes forced a partner to lose patience and, of course, led to conflicts.

The singer generally believed that the perfect union is when it is not necessary to apologize, find out the relationship. A woman is prescribed to be thin and smart, but it is such a controversial creation, no one knows that she has in her head. But but the soloists coincided in the understanding of creative goals and attitude towards music.

The first part of the group's biography ended in 2012. Over the ten years of the existence of the hits, "Nepar" did not hear the one who is not interested in music at all. The performers have repeatedly occupied leadership positions in all sorts of radio and televisionhop parades, ride with touring Russia and near abroad, visited America, no major concert did without their participation. The group released three full-fledged albums and removed several clips.

The initiator of parting was the show - right at the concert announced that he was sent to solo swimming. According to Talyshinskaya, she did not believe until the latter that the duo will break up, although the relationship between musicians became stretched. Victoria in an interview with the "Interlocutor" admitted that Roman with Alexander had a place, and after the end of the love story about the preservation of friendship, the speech was not going - rather, about the business partnership.

The solo career of each side was not set. Realizing that it is impossible to scatter the experience gained for a third of the conscious life, Alexander took the first step towards reconciliation. Victoria had enough half a second to answer agreement to the offer again sing together.

Fans have not forgotten their favorite artists. Immediately after the reunification of "nepara" went on tour, stretching for three months. According to the stories of the show, visited the unknown depths earlier, for example, we traveled all Sakhalin. And soon pleased with the audience with the new clip "Thousand Dreams".

A new creative stage marked new events in the personal life of soloists. Victoria is happy in the third marriage with the artist restorer of the Tretyakov Gallery Ivan Salahov, raising the daughter of Barbar. Alexander created a union with the lawyer of Natalia and in 2015 he became the father of Taisiya. Musicians are friends with families. As performers noted, the symbol of family happiness was both the song "Cute".


The first studio album of the group called "Another Family", published in 2003, became Platinum. The song "Another reason," as the Shaw told him, he tells him a lot. Each composition performed by a duet is the reflection of what is happening in a person's life, and Alexander had moments that were seriously experienced. Victoria added that a dialogue was needed with the listener, the songs should touch on the living, otherwise it makes no sense in creativity. The girl gave her sympathy of the composition "Look."

Song "Autumn" - Kaver Hita "Sunny" of the group "Boney M". The musicians had almost nothing changed in music, only the sound of violin and pipes added. For the show, at first it became a problem to learn poems to the song "Fun", and while they were recorded in the studio, Alexander, every time he asked for a Vika to remind how the next verse begins.

"Development" is the fruit of the joint work of the artist and businessman Eldar Talyshinsky, shortly before the victorian husband. In the studio version of the flight "Pleight" recorded a multi-chain, and on living concerts, singing with all the band members, even the drummer.

In 2006, the second album "Nepar" was released - "all first." The group did not move away from the previous life of the love, the relationship between men and women, meetings and parting. Alexander found that the first album was still better than the second, perhaps because

"The first brainchild is always more expensive."

The fans heard the already loved hits "Crying and see", "God invented you." In the composition "Seasonal" criticism, no matter how surprisingly, the candidate notes were heard, more characteristic of the genre of the Gaza sector.

The song "The Romano" for the group was written by Alexey RomanoF, a former member of Amega and Vintazh, and Arthur Papazyan. Victoria liked the composition not immediately, it took time to get used to a somewhat different style. The clip in which Talyshinskaya rode a yacht and exchanged languid views with a satellite in a cafe, took off in just an hour.

The director of the video was Vlad Rampulin, the author of the advertising clips of world brands, clips for Velvet, "Degrees", Mumiy Troll. In addition, the producer decided to use footage from the camera set by an unknown face in the dressing room of Victoria and randomly discovered. According to rumors, at the end of the filming, the girl got a designer dress, in which the singer played the main heroine.

In the clip "Plach and see" Victoria and Alexander starred in a spicy scene. As Talyshinskaya recalled, despite the presence of theatrical education, it shredded to the film crew. And the show has pleasant impressions, "got a good acting experience." In the final version of the roller decided to leave only the most innocent scenes, because

"Such laws that in the daytime erotic cannot be shown - the children are watching."

The third plate "Dorested / engaged" nepara recorded two and a half years. The musicians explained that they carefully selected songs for a disc, and from a commercial point of view I was not profitable to hurry - the previous two albums were sold successfully.

Answering a traditional question, what song performers would have been allocated, Victoria called "home", and Alexander - ingenious, according to his assessment, "Miluu", as in no way for three years I was looking for poems for a long-written melody.

Notes for the "director" of the show recorded in the toilet in the plane, and then aparted before the passengers who were waiting for half an hour while the cabin is free.

In 2017, after a break associated with the birth of Victoria, the child, the "nepara" resumed tour. The new tour was called "Another Life". The concert program amounted to in accordance with the wishes of fans.

2018 The group opened an aggregation concert in St. Petersburg, on the stage of the Greater Concert Hall "Oktyabrsky". In February, the musicians presented the single "to become the ocean". The author of the poems to the composition was Ira Euphoria, working with the MBand group, Valery Leontiev and Olga Buzova.

According to the veneers of the time, the "Nepara" have pages in Vkontakte and Twitter. In social networks, Victoria and Alexander introduced fans with events from creative life, with dates and places of upcoming concerts.

Group "Nepara" now

Speech at the "Autoradio" in 2019, perhaps, the last in the life of the team, although on the Comedy Club show a year earlier, Alexander was mentioned that the group no longer exists. The cause of decay was again internal conflicts, and the initiative again belonged to a man.

"The news by the whole team was not very accepted, although the musicians who stayed with me said they would go after me. When the plant stopped growing and began to deteriorate, it must be treated, and when it is not amenable to treatment, it is simply removed and the new one is cleaned. "

It was rumored that just the level of musicians did not suit Talyshinsky, and she began to prepare ways to retreat.

Alexander accused Victoria that she "rides someone else's hump": without saying a word, was going to redeem all songs for 20 million rubles. And this despite the fact that the authorship does not belong to her, "nepara" is his reflection, and Talyshinsky only the decoration, and her voices are no longer. In an interview with MUZ-TV, he hinted that a prosperous life does not motivate the Vica to grow in a professional plan and seek something new.

The show managed to negotiate with the producer: Oleg Nekrasov lost both the brand and a duet repertoire for symbolic 10 thousand rubles. Now the musician is looking for a new partner who does not like the former soloist. In September 2019, his solo album "Stop me" came out.

Victoria responded with a statement, which was not going to offer the specified amount for the "Heap of the Street". In addition, a former soloist, probably forgot that the most popular hits are not written in person personally, but in collaboration with other musicians.

The singer called the removal by Alexander from the blog joint photo of the "offended boy" agency and was glad that now "real men, big and strong, able to defend it, respecting her opinion, professionals and simply decent people."

Talyshinskaya united with the composer Vladimir Kurto in the 2 ocean duet and believes that the new project fully revealed its vocal talent. And if in "Nepara" sounded with a tragedy supervision, then the new group is distinguished by optimism.

The team acquired the official site, Yutiub-Channel, accounts in "Instagram" and in VKontakte. The producer serves Semyon Dyukov (Canada), actor and musician, winner of the "Ovation" and "Chanson Year" awards, who worked with Alexey Gllyzin, Sergey Minaev, Vladimir Presnyakov-Sr..

In May 2020, 2 oceans goes to the first tour. The tour is dedicated to the Victory Day and will be held in Voronezh, Krasnodar, Rostov-on-Don, Crimea, Donetsk and Lugansk.


  • "Another reason"
  • "They are familiar for a long time"
  • "God invented you"
  • "Cry and see"
  • "Run Run"
  • "In the clouds"
  • "Thousand Dreams"
  • "Does not matter"
  • "Favorite people"
  • "Do not Cry"


  • 2003 - "Other Family
  • 2006 - "All first"
  • 2009 - "Digging / Engched"
  • 2011 - "In the clouds"
  • 2013 - "Thousand Dreams"
  • 2014 - "No matter"
  • 2016 - "Do not cry"
  • 2017 - "Halfs"
  • 2018 - "Become an ocean"

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