Oksana Rocky - biography, photo, personal life, news, instagram 2021



Oksana Ryasha - the participant of the popular TV show "Dom-2", which knows exactly: his love needs not only to find, but also to keep it. Unfortunately, while the girl failed to build family happiness, but a bright beauty does not lose hope to meet a man's dreams on the set of reality show.

Childhood and youth

The future star of the screen was born on February 16, 1989 in the city of Luga (in the Leningrad region). Oksana was an exemplary student, and graduating from school, entered the Leningrad Forestry Academy. Having received a diploma, the girl worked for some time in the construction sector.

Oksana Rasky in 2018

From the adolescence, Oksana Ryasakov considered the ideal of his own father, trying on every potential beloved the noble image of the dad. However, young people often did not reach so high standards, and Oksana decided on a bold step: the girl sent an application for participation in Casting for the country's chief reality show.

"House 2"

Oxana Oksana's arrival on the project coincided with the birthday of the show: on this day (May 11, 2012) "Domu-2" was 8 years old. In addition, the girl became a thousandrd participant in the sensational teleproject. As soon as the perimeter (so participants and viewers call the territory of "Houses 2"), Oksana decided to act.

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And the first young man who feels the choice of emotional beauty, Alexey Krylov became. Okay did not embarrass the difference in age (Alexey older Oksana for 15 years), neither his sympathy for another participant of the show - Catherine Kolisnichenko. The man immediately admitted that he was ready only for friendly relations, but persistent Oksana continued to seek his own. However, a similar appearance, the girl achieved exclusively dislike and even aggression from Krylov.

After several loud scandals, the yard was disappointed in Alexei and suffered attention to Oleg Miami. This young man turned out to be a more suitable candidate for the role of the beloved Oksana Rasha. After some time, young people even settled together in the city apartment to check the strength of the relationship.

Oksana Rocky and Oleg Miami

The strength, as it turned out, was insufficient, and soon the pair broke up. According to Oleg, the novel did not work out due to the explosive in the girl. Oksana again stated that the candidate was not good enough for her.

It did not have a roman and with another participant of the show - Nikolai Dolzhansky. And after some time, fate again gave the girl a chance to build relationships: a young man came to the TV project, who said that he intends to conquer the heart of Oksana. However, Ryasakov considered him unworthy of his attention, and the young man left the project.

Oksana Rocky and Nikolai Dolzhansky

After these unsuccessful attempts to build his happiness, the girl sent energy to find out the relationship with other participants of "House-2". According to his own recognition, Oksana cannot pass by, if someone, in her opinion, is not right.

However, to prove the faithful position of the ripple preferred cry, scandals and threats than the positive opinion of the spectators did not always earn and spoiled relations with many "households", which also ceased to choose expressions, speaking about Oksana.

Oksana Rocky and Gleb Pearls

Then the native brother Ryaska came to the project, Ivan. The young man managed to interfere with the sister, but I could not find a lady of heart Ivan, and after some time went beyond the perimeter. Oksana, meanwhile, switched attention to a new young man: Interest in the wayward beauty showed Gleb Pearchugs. The new boyfriend even called a pickle married, but the girl refused to become his wife Gleb.

After some time, in the winter of 2013, Oksana Rasky announced the departure from the set "House-2". The girl desperate to build relationships on the project and decided to continue attempts to find love in real life.

Personal life

It is known that the project was not very successful to the project, the personal life of Oksana ripples. The girl was already married, but this marriage lasts only two and a half years. The surname of the former husband Oksana - Sinitsky. According to the girl, the first marriage of 19 years was imperfect due to the age of spouses and different characters. True, the details about this page of your biography of Oksana share does not like.

Oksana Rocky and her former husband

Now the rock is confident that with marriage you should not hurry. According to Oksana, you must first find out each other, look at and only then take serious decisions about living together.

After the care of a girl from the project, rumors began to appear about the fact that Oksana was pregnant from a mysterious businessman, later began to happen that the Ryabas had secretly gave birth to a child, but this information, apparently, was only speculation.

Oxana Rye before and after plastic

In addition to the novels of bright beauties (Oksana's height risks - 171 cm, and the weight is 59 kg), the viewers are interested in the appearance of the girl. Oksana does not hide that resorted to surgeons. However, emphasizes that the plastic has expressed only the chest. The rest, according to the approval of the ripple, it is perfect. And the photo of the girl in "Instagram" confirm. In addition, Oksana adheres to a healthy lifestyle, follows food and loves to pamper himself with a massage after another workout.

Oksana Rye now

In 2018, the audience of the project "Dom-2" surprised the news about the return of Oksana Ryaska to the shooting area of ​​the television show. On May 28, the girl reiterated the perimeter's gate to try again to find a dream man.

Nikita Turchin and Oksana Rock

At first Oksana expressed his intention to conquer the heart of Viktor Sharovarov, but soon the young people were crowded, and they were sent to Seychelles to Seychelles, where the "House-2" film crew is also located.

There, the girl switched attention to young psychic Nikita Turchina. Soon Nikita and Oksana even declared themselves a couple, which caused the discontent of the audience: many wrote comments on social networks about too much difference at the age between the rich and Turchin.

Carolina Babenko and Anastasia Balinsky

And now the audience discusses the next scandal with Oksana: in July 2018, the girl waged himself with Carolina Babenko and Anastasia Balinsky. The verbal sweatman moved into a fight. According to media information, the rock even got into the hospital. But for the Balin and Babenko, the history of television love on this episode ended: both girls have already set off home.

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