Igor Nadzhiev - biography, personal life, photos, news, songs, "prayer", nationality, "Facebook", concerts 2021



Igor Nadzhiev is a famous singer of Russian pop, whose star caught fire in the mid-80s. A beautiful sensual voice and dazzling concert programs allowed him to acquire the love of the public. The artist is sometimes called a "superstar despite show business" - it is almost not visible on televisers, but the popularity does not suffer from it.

Childhood and youth

Igor was born in Astrakhan in 1967. By nationality, the singer - half Iranian. Grandfather and grandmother on Father - from Iranian princely families. The grandfather piled the beloved when that was just 14 years old, and brought to Bolshevik Russia. My father Moisumovich married a Russian woman Antonine Nikolaevna.

In an interview, Igor told that they lived very poorly, it was, even on food lacked money. The father was responsible for the supply of auto repair shop, and the mother worked as a bakery on the bakery. The future singer with the diaper "lived" in this factory, the cradle served a wooden box, eliminated by straw.

During the periods of laptop, the parental even caught on homemade pigeons on the roof of the same bakery, so that at least somehow feed the two sons. Support teenager did not diagnose "malnutrition".

It is curious that Little Igor Iranian Grandma decided to baptize. The woman herself, having survived all the lives of life, became Orthodox and, according to the singer, "forever forgot about his noble origin." The baptism of Igor remembers well, the sacrament took place in conditions of complete conspiracy, because in Soviet times, hiking was not encouraged to church.

Music talent The boy borrowed at Mom. At the family gatherings, Antonina Nikolaevna pleased the guests and close to romance - she had an amazing voice in beauty. At 4 years old, a child who does not know how to read or write, determined the music school. Igor himself secretly dreamed of becoming a fireman, like a mother, and then astronaut. Only in the 8th grade was determined. The question of the teacher about the profession proudly stated that it was going to be a pop singer. By that time, the teenager was studied in three schools: medium, artistic and musical at the state conservatory of the native city. The acting talents were enough for school performances and putting in the Palace of Pioneers. At the age of 14, he solrated in the ensemble of a knitwear plant.

After school, the young man was going to enter the theater school, but there it was deployed with the wording "No data for the scene". Dean advised to forget the road to the theater, explaining that there is no voting, no texture, nor appearance. But the stubborn Igor Nadzhiev then realized that the scene was his life. Therefore, in his youth he entered the conductor-choir department of the Astrakhan Muschili.


A music school student instantly became an urban scale star. In 1986, Talented Igor was sent to conquer the country - the young man became a member of the VI All-Russian pop-up song contest "Sochi-86". Astrakhan acquitted the hopes of teachers, bringing a third award. The houses did not stay for a long time, in the early 90s left to live and build a career in the capital.

Creative biography at that time was illuminated by the first hit, which became the visiting card of Nadzhiyev. The young artist performed a song on the words of Sergey Yesenin "Well, kiss!". Glory added the composition of Maxim Dunaevsky and Leonid Derbenev "Our Honor", which came out the soundtrack for the series "Musketeers 20 years later." This stellar composer and the poet artist considers his godfathers in the world of music. With Dunaevsky and Derbenhev, Naziyev worked when creating two more paintings - "White Nights" and "Child to Nov.".

In general, in the filmography of Naddhai, and as a singer, and as an actor - more than a dozen movies. He was trusted with episodic, but bright roles. For example, the viewer Igor was remembered in the image of the Gypsy Baron from the comedy "Smile of Fate."

Igor Nadzhiyev riddled on tour in Russia. Fame gradually went beyond the limits of the Motherland, and in 1999, Naziyev with the project "Moscow-2000" conquered the public of Las Vegas and Atlantic City. The grand show was so liked by Americans that those invited singer to work in America. For half a year he performed within the debut Russian project in Las Vegas Nebulae.

At the home of the artist was benefited. And he returned - to please the new songs and magic voice again. Often, Nazyov replenished the repertoire with compositions that performed in a duet with other famous artists. The Single "Last Love" with Catherine Shavrina turned out to be penetrated. I knew perfectly with the wife of Dunaevsky Olga Shero. With this artist even recorded a general album in America. Melomanians are heard by the compositions "Dead Season", "Angel White", "Heavenly Swing". There are in his discographs and a joint song with Svetlana Russian, which was named "Love one in all right."

The debut album, the artist released in 1994, which was called the "Lost Country". He found a big response from the listeners. Also, the disk "Names for all times", which came out in 2014. The composition "The best woman" was dedicated to his beloved wife Alla. The album "in the Russian heart", presented by two years later, entered the famous song "Prayer".

In the new millennium Naziyov continued to create and give the army of fans of bright emotions. The solo concerts of the artist, as before, collected full halls in every corner of Russia. A man gladly took part in speeches with other stars. Even "lit up" in 2014 at the Spring Chanson show. Creativity brightened with new faces. Igor performed the song "Romance" on the poems of the elder Nikolai Guryanov. Radded fans a lot of clips on new compositions - "In the Russian Heart", "Alien Bride", as well as on the first Yesenian song "Well, kiss!".

Artist has a complete piggy bank of prizes and government honors. In the spring of 2007, Naziov received from the National Committee of Public Awards of the Russian Federation Order of Merit and a great personal contribution to the development of domestic culture and art.

In the fall of 2017, Igor Nadzhiva is hot. The man celebrated the 50th anniversary, in honor of this set a lot of concerts. Including the performance took place in the hall of the Church Cathedrals of the Cathedral of Christ. At his small homeland, the artist honored in his own way: from the hands of the governor of the Astrakhan region Alexander Zhilkina, Igor received the medal of the Order "For merits to the Astrakhan Region".

In 2018, the singer did not slow down turnover. Spring and summer were filled with concerts, and in the late autumn, together with Catherine Chavrin, he performed at the Moskvich KC. The performers pleased the audience the program "Free Will ...".

In the summer of 2020, Igor Nadzhiyev gave a frank interview, during which he told that he left the stage because of Alla Pugacheva. According to him, Priadonna believed that he could prevent Philip Kirkorov's career. Nadzhiev even led to the example of a phrase, which once dropped Alla Borisovna in the dressing room: "On the stage one prince, I said. And there is no other! "

He also said that Primadonna prevented him to sing in 2012 on the day of Russia on Red Square. The TV channel "Russia" arranged an open vote on the Internet, and Naziyev was one of the candidates for the presentation. Igor was in the top three leaders. However, a few days before the results announcement, a round table was urgently convened, which was attended by Alla Pugachev. She said: "Either my" brand "[Kirkorov], or Naziyev. On the same stage they will not stand! " As a result, it was decided to remove Igor from voting.

In December of the same year, Song of Igor Naddzhiyev "Well, kiss!" It was added to the players of European and American radio stations. Western listener was represented in Russian, but called Kiss Me. Since the official release of the composition, 30 years has passed, Igor Naziov himself has not performed it for a long time. The first old hit noticed the 3TFM British radio station on which he sounded on December 1.

Igor Nadzhiev was surprised by the success of a 30-year-old composition. "This is, of course, very pleasant and very honorable. But doubly pleasant and much more important is that the pop artist from Russia, singing initially in Russian, suddenly sounded not on Russian-speaking radio stations! And most importantly - which sounds on the waves of radio fleets in the world, the Great Russian poetry of the genius of the Russian land of Sergey Alexandrovich Yesenin! " - Commented on the artist.

Personal life

For a long time, fans suspected that Igor is unconventional orientation. Rumors appeared due to the fact that the prominent handsome man never went into light with the ladies. But once the speculation about personal life dispelled the visit of the singer to the wedding to Nikita Jigurda, accompanied by a pretty woman. It turned out that this is Alla's wife, which for many years was a concert director of Nadzhiyev. Two children were born in the family: Olga's daughter and Son Igor.

The appearance of the performer is constantly becoming a subject of discussion from fans. Someone even sees the similarity of the artist with Michael Jackson - the same thin nose. However, Igor does not hide that she resorted seven times to help surgeons, his photo to plastics is on the Internet. The fact is that in the school years in the Drake Naziyev damaged the nose, and then an additional contribution was made a football ball, flew in physical education lesson. Igor decided on plastic, even when I lived in Astrakhan, the Moscow doctors worked on a new appearance.

Igor has an account on Yutubeub, in Facebook and Instagram. In social networks, he regularly lays out a photo with his wife and children, as well as video from performances. Also, the Contractor has an official group in VKontakte.

Igor Nadzhiev now

In 2021, the artist, together with the recording label, ACN Music was engaged in preparing a new release. The album includes songs in English, which were recorded by Naziyov in 2000 during participation in the Nebulae show.

Now the musician also gives speeches. On February 24, as part of the concert "Soldiers of Russia", which was held on the stage of the Children's Theater of the Estrada, he performed the song "God, Keep Russia!" The room was delivered together with the theater pupils.


  • 1994 - "Lost Country"
  • 1995 - "Come"
  • 1997 - "Scarlet flower", I part
  • 2000 - Cloon-King, II Part
  • 2004 - "My fate in your hands ..."
  • 2007 - "Names for all times. Igor Nadzhiev "
  • 2010 - "I love you!"
  • 2011 - "Thank you ..."
  • 2012 - "Would only be with me ..."
  • 2014 - "Igor Naziy. 20 years later"
  • 2016 - "In the Russian Heart ..."
  • 2018 - "God, keep Russia!"

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