Sergey Drozdov - biography, photo, personal life, songs, albums, death



Blue bird, bringing good luck, turned out to be favorably to the fate of the vocalist of the ensemble with the same name - Sergey Drozdov. In the biography of the singer there were all-union love and recognition, a faithful spouse, a beautiful daughter, hundreds of concerts and performances around the world.

Childhood and youth

Seryozha Drozdov was born in the Gomel region of Belarus on January 28, 1955. Children's years, the boy spent in the same village Milcely, where he was born. Parents of the future singer belonged to the usual labor skill class. Father worked at the factory, and Mom prepared lunches in the kitchen of kindergarten.

Sergey Drozdov in youth

Little Seryozha, like many of his peers, grew up at the grandmother, who noticed the musical talent of the grandson. A woman instilled a five-year-old baby love for the song. Later, the boy entered the music school, where he learned to play at the balalaica. In the future, the skill of possession of the string tool allowed us to easily master the bass guitar.

In addition to music school, Sergey engaged in dancing and vocals. Over time, the boy begins to participate in talent contests and musical festivals. But with learning not set. Out of school in the music college named after N. F. Sokolovsky, the unlucky student threw his studies after two years.

Sergey Drozdov in youth

The young man did not take the army because of the easy stupidity, from which Sergey Alexandrovich subsequently will be able to get rid of. The singer will receive much later, already being famous for the entire Soviet Union. In 1984, Drozdov graduates from the correspondence department of the Tambov branch of the Moscow State Institute of Culture.


Although Sergey Alexandrovich did not receive musical education, a talented singer and a musician with joy accepted in the ranks of amateurs. The artist worked in VIA "We, you and guitars", "Voice of Polesia", played on dance sites.

Sergey Drozdov and Via

A fateful acquaintance with the founders of the "Blue Bird" ensemble - Mikhail's brothers and Robert Bolotnnye - took place in 1974. Young people were delighted with the unusual vote of Drozdov and invited gifted vocalists to their team.

A year later, the ensemble recorded the song "Maple", thanks to which the fame of Nastigaga Via "Blue Bird", and the voice of Drozdov became the most recognizable in the country. In the same year, the debut plate of the ensemble was released. But the first concert with his own bills took place in Togliatti in 1976. The popularity of the repertoire, the overwhelming majority of which belongs to Peru Drozdov, quickly goes beyond the framework of the Union.

The team tours abroad, acts in places of hostilities, supporting soldiers in Afghanistan, Kandahar, Kabul. Daily musicians play up to six concerts, each of which takes place with full shaggy. The peak of the popularity of the group fell in the middle of the eighties. In 1980, Via was honored to represent a musical and cultural program at the Olympics. However, gradually stunning popularity with no.

In 1991, the team went to tour in the United States, and the musicians were already returned to a completely different country. The audience, dancing under the lyrical-romantic songs of Sergei Drozdov, matured, and fans were not to concerts. Other music has entered the fashion, and the team collapsed.

Since 1991, Sergey Alexandrovich has been engaged in solo career with the support of a friend of Vyacheslav Maja. Unfortunately, in a difficult period of crisis, the nineties did not go to the mountain. And in 1999, Drozdov attempts to revive the team that brought him success.

Since the consent of the brothers, Sergey, Alexandrovich collects "Golden Composition", but soon understands that the former filled rooms are no longer gathering. In 2002, the singer again leaves the team, preferring independent development on the stage. As it turned out, fans who are familiar with the voice of idols and loving his songs associated the repertoire with VIA, and not with Drozdov.

During the peak of the popularity of the group, television has not yet been widely developed, the clips on the pop composition remained a raininess. Therefore, in the face of Drozdov, few people knew.

For better recognition, Sergey Alexandrovich chose the name of the new musical group associated with the same: "Blue Bird Sergey Drozdova." By the way, Alexander Drozdov turned out to be a new vocalist in the former ensemble. Several times the same names performed on the same scene, and Sergey Alexandrovich in a joke called his son's colleague. The press picked up a rumor, but Drozdov was never relatives.

A new team with variable periodicity tours in neighboring countries, gives concerts in Germany and, of course, in Russia. In 2006, the grand presentation of the "Golden Votes" of the "Blue Bird" was held in St. Petersburg. On the stage, Favorite songs were performed by Sergey Drozdov, Svetlana Lazareva and Sergey Levkin.

Until the end of the life, Sergey Alexandrovich did not stop working and gave all his strength and time to work. The musician writes songs for the collective, in the discography of which in 2013, after the death of the head, an album with the speaking name "last" appears.

Personal life

During the Tambov tour of the ensemble, at the beginning of the climb on Olympus of musical glory, Sergey was lucky enough to meet with the future wife of Irina, who remained the only love of the singer's life. At first, young people were rewriting, and then decided to get married.

Sergey Drozdov with wife Irina

The vocalist moved to his wife's homeland in Tambov. For several years, Irina accompanied her husband at concerts, taking care of the comfort, as well as helping during performances. Woman worked as choreographer and light artist. Few later took over the responsibilities of the administrator.

Send from affairs a woman forced the birth of daughter Alena in 1981. But until the last days, the favorite companion of life remained a reliable rear of Drozdov. In 2011, the singer became a grandfather, Alena was born daughter Alice.

Irina and Sergey Drozdovy with daughter Alena

Becoming a family man, a vocalist carried away fishing and collecting guitars. Vyacheslav Malezhik in an interview after the death of a friend recalled that Sergey Alexandrovich faithfully loved the family and did everything in him depends for the well-being and a comfortable existence of loved ones.


Deals Nastig Sergei Alexandrovich rapidly and unexpectedly. According to the memories of loved ones, the musician was distinguished by a healthy and strong spirit. Therefore, at first did not give the values ​​to ailment. Drozdov believed that he picked up the inflammation of the lungs, and did not rush to the doctors, hoping to cope with the disease. The moment was missed, and when the physicians examined the singer, the detected lung cancer switched to the last stage.

Sergey Alexandrovich courageously fought with oncology, according to him, did not experience strong pain. But the voice disappeared. At this time, Drozdov with a double strength and persistence wrote songs, as if trying to grab the last fruitful moments from his life.

Grave Sergey Drozdova

Until recent days, the Contractor kept a positive attitude, told the anecdotes and did not give his hands. From treatment in Germany, Drozdov refused, explaining the decision to the fact that at home the same doctors are exactly the same doctors. All the same Maja told that Sergey was recognized in fatigue due to an unequal anti-illness after the past chemotherapy courses.

November 18, 2012 Sergey Drozdova did not. The funeral of the "Golden Voice" of the "Blue Birds" was held in native Tambov. The grave of the star of Soviet pop is located on the Don Cemetery. And on the facade of the house in which the singer lived, in memory of creativity and talent, installed a memorial plate with the words of hit

"Where Klen is noise, over the river wave ..."


  • 1999 - "It's impossible to live, not loving"
  • 2004 - "We are again 25"
  • 2007 - "I will be with you"
  • 2010 - "Blues of my soul"
  • 2013 - "Last"

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