Juggernaut - biography, name, image and character, weapons


Character History

Negative character of the fictional Comic Universe "Marvel". Initially, an ordinary person, then - the avatar of the Ruby Sittooth. The owner of incredible physical and magical forces, superzlode-destroyer.

History of creation

Jaggernaut first appears in the 12th room of the "X-MEN" comic in July 1965. The character is invented by the former president of the Marvel Comics Publishing House with the artist and the artist and the writer Jack Kirby.

Artist Jack Kirby

The name of the hero - Jaggernaut - goes from Sanskrit and goes back to the name of the Indian Deity of Jagannath. The meaning of this name is in translation - "Vladyka of the Universe." And in modern English the word "juggernaut" is used to describe the manifestation of blind inexperienced power. So they say about someone who goes to slip, irrepressible, not paying attention to the obstacles. In the ancient Germann and Valvesannowan societies, a similar phenomenon was described by the word "berserk", as well as the warrior himself, which led himself to this condition and dedicated to God to Odin.

Comics "Marvel"

Real name of Juggernaut - Kane Marco. Initially, the character was an ordinary person, but life cost him not the best. Kane lost his mother in early childhood and remained at the care of a cruel father, who caused the boy physical and psychological suffering.


The father of the boy, Dr. Marco, was an atomic researcher and worked with Brian Xavier. When Xavier died, a man married Sharon, his widow. Dr. Marco lived with the former Mrs. Xavier in a mansion, who previously belonged to her husband, where the son of Kane brought. So Kane met Sok Sharon - Charles Xaviere.

The boys grew up in the same house, and later the adult already Kane entered the army and left to serve in Korea. There is a hero and found Ruby Sittoork. A prophecy was attached to the stone, which she said that the one who would touch Rubin would have the divine power of the Sittooth and forever turn into a jaggernuta.

Rubin Sittoika

The hero, which turned into a villain, is sent to search for a charlza's consolidated brother to deal with that. However, the people of the ECA will win Jaggernaut together with joint efforts. Mutants are knocked down from the head of the character's helmet, after which Charles Xavier cuts out the jaggernaut.

Later, Jaggernaut grabbed the wizard Dr. Strendge. He saved mutants Phoenix and Cyclopa, when Jaggernaut attacked them. Ultimately, Jaggernaut concluded in a separate dimension called a nightmare.

Xu People

Jaggernaut has supernatural forces and abilities. The hero is peculiar to an incredible physical force for humans, resistance in battle, endurance and a huge speed of movement - almost 1000 km / h. Juggernaut is rapidly regenerating and therefore almost invulnerable and immortal, any damage to it is delayed in a couple of minutes. Juggernaut's body is able to recover literally from one tiny block of flesh.

The character has magical abilities, can produce rays and fire from the hands, create power fields that cannot be poured. It has an unlimited feeder of kinetic energy for an inequate movement. The shield of invulnerability around the character is able to reflect the objects that were launched into the jaggernaut.

Jaggernaut in comic books

Jaggernaut is almost as strong as God Tor. The hero is capable of one hand with ease to raise the skyscraper and the shocks of fists to come down the hole to the center of the Earth. In the fight with the torus, the character almost strangled the mighty God.

Juggernaut's weapons and the source of his forces - Ruby Sittooth. Thanks to this artifact, the character is difficult to damage, jaggernaut is not sensitive to fire, extremely low temperatures and electric current. However, the character still may harm mental, magical or physical attacks of sufficient power.

Rubin also allows jaggernut to continue existence in an airless medium, to do without sleep, water and food, not to experience fatigue and continue to function almost infinitely without "feeding", recreation and breaks.

Jaggernaut and Hulk

With all the power, Jaggernaut still has vulnerable places. The main purpose of the character as the avatars Sittora - destruction. If the character ceases to perform this dubious "mission", his divine power falls rapidly. The same will happen if Ruby Sittorate is destroyed or lost - artifact, which gives the jaggernut power.

The character is not endowed with the ability to create a mental barrier and therefore vulnerable to magical attacks and telepathic penetration into their own mind. Superxular physically creatures like a hulk can also cause damage to Jaggernut.


In 2006, the "X-Last Battle People" ribbon was published, where the secondary role of Jaggernaut performed the English actor Vinny Jones. According to the script of mutants, Magneto and Pyro decide to go to the war on people and take to recruit supporters to the team. Dzhaggernaut, whom Magneto exempts during transportation in the prison truck is published.

Winnie Jones in the image of Juggernaut

The medicine against mutation was invented, and people use it in the war, shooting ampoules in mutants. Develop a medicine was able to thanks to the boy whose body has the ability to block mutating cells. Magneto wants to destroy this boy and rashes Jaggernaut on him. However, Kitty Pride Character wins Jaggernaut to cunning.

Actor Winnie Jones appeared once a superhero project in 2015. It was the series "Arrow", where Jones played the role of Danny Brikuell on the nickname "Brick" - a criminal boss, a gang leader, a terrorizing city.

Jaggernaut in cartoon

Jaggernaut appears in several superhero cartoons. In the Cartoon TV series "People of X", which went out in the 90s of the twentieth century, the role of Juggernaut is voiced by actor Rick Bennet. In 2009, the cartoon series "Wolverine and the people of X" came out, where the character voices Fred Tataskior. Juggernaut appears in the 14 episode of the first season of the cartoon series "Perfect Spiderman", where the character is voiced by Kevin Michael Richardson.

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