Alexander Tashaev - biography, personal life, photo, news, football player, "instagram", girl, "transferscript", salary 2021



Alexander Tashaev - Russian football player, midfielder. The strengths are a high-speed player with a shock, skillfully using canopies, strokes and dribbles. Tashaev started as a promising athlete, but eventually began to disappoint fans and mentors.

Childhood and youth

Alexander Tashaev - a native resident of the capital of Russia, was born in June 1994 in the family of the railway worker. Football in Sasha's life appeared not immediately. Father, a former boxer, led the 3-year-old son in the Sport Gymnastics section. And at 9, Alexander received a gift as a gift with the form of Juventus with the name and number Alessandro del Piero. Tashaev moved to the Society of Labor Reserves, from there to the Academy of Lokomotiv Club.

Sports biography developed well until the coaching staff and manual changed. The 15-year-old guy was recognized as unpromising, they said that Alexander could remain, but he would not fall into the team.

Tashaev went to school "Moscow", but also stayed for a long time: in 2010, having lost the sponsors, the club stopped existence. The young footballer was relocated to the local Dynamo. At the Academy, at the same time played as a central defender, but on the left flank Alexander turned out to be more convenient to play - you can maneuver, go to the center. Speaking in Dynamo double, the midfielder changed in places with a partner and moved to the right.

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When I started training with the first team, I noted that I would like to play "not to children's football, but in an adult, with men. Step on the next step. " But Tashaev understood that competition was high. And on the question why not asking for rent in another club, answered that Dynamo is a native home and how best is to solve the coach and leadership.


The main composition of the White-Blue Alexander began to go to the field in 2014 in the matches of the Europa League. In the 2015/2016 season, problems began in Dynamo: at first the club was accused of violating financial fair players, then followed by the outflow of players, the change of the coaching staff, at the end of the team for the first time in history left the RFPL. Tashaev already called the agent to start looking for a new job. Helped the confidence of the head coach of Yuri Kalitvintsev, the footballer believed in his own strength.

When the coach of the Dynamo youth of Dmitry Khokhlov got up at the steering wheel, Alexander's career went uphill. Havbek did not just come out more often on the field, but also began to show the result. In the 27 Games of the Championship of Russia Season 2017/2018, the midfielder scored 7 goals and made the same resulting gear.

Tashaev shared with journalists, which would shine talent in Stanislav Cherchesov if it were not for injury. And so, you see, would have made a company to Roman Zobnin, who Alexander in a friendly name called Zobu. In Dynamo, at that time there was a long bench, and the football player was seriously thinking about renting. However, Cherchesov unequivocally made it clear that Alexander Tashayev needs.

At 23, Havbek received a challenge to the Russian national team to prepare for the World Cup. Alexander and did not count on the hit, since it believed that the Bony Cherchesov had already collected, and the midfielder had never traveled to the fees.

Rumors about the possible attraction of Tashaev went not one month, and the footballer tried not to think about it and not ask the agent to not be upset if everything remains hearing. The news is that the decision was made, the first reported Mom. But Alexander did not fall into the final application.

In the midst of the FIFA 2018 World Championship, there was an invisible news about the transition of Alexander Tashaev to Moscow "Spartak". In May, the head coach of the Red and White Massimo Carrera hinted that he was thinking about acquiring two new players, but the names refused. Against the background of manifested interest from CSKA, Zenit and four unnamed European clubs, the employer proposed a new contract that would allow Tashayev to become the highest paid Dynamo.

However, in the current Agreement, Alexander has stipulated the item on which the team could change, paying "Dynamo" the expressive at € 1.5 million. Sign new agreed if it becomes a salary of € 1 million and the same amount of so-called lifting, and immediately not bonuses.

According to unconfirmed data, such conditions did not like the adviser to Dynamo Society Director, Roman Shirokov. Negotiations went to a dead end, and the football player went in the status of a free player. White-blue filed to Tashaev, motivating the fact that the contract broke the interests of the club owners.

Personal agent Alexander was perplexed, for which Dynamo was calculated, because in the contract all the conditions are clearly spelled out, the team risked nothing to receive anything for the player, and so got a round sum. The court accepted the side of the athlete. However, the proceedings were not over. With a suit of court, the Society "Dynamo", which belongs to the Dynamo-Moscow Football Club JSC.

Meanwhile, the midfielder began training in a new place. Some teammates Tashaev knew before the transfer. A couple of years before Alexander, a similar transition from Dynamo to Spartak was made by Roman Zobnin, with Alexander Selikov and Artem Timofeev Havbek played even in the youth team, and George Jicky met on the sponsorship event.

Tashaev stopped on Red-White, firstly, because I did not want to leave Moscow, and the club turned out to be the most active in the fight for the football player. And secondly, Spartak is a team that in any conditions seeks leadership positions, and here Alexander hoped to bring career to a new level.

The Stan of Dynamo fans was divided into estimates of the transition of Alexander. According to the player, in the "instagram" wrote nasty, but Tashaev treated it with understanding: from the position of the player and from the position of the fan, the situation is seen differently.

But at the new place, the career was not charged. In the fall of 2019, Alexander was sent to Rubin, where the athlete was almost immediately injured and was treated for half a year. After 7 matches, the Kazan Club returned Tashaev to Moscow. Domenico Tedesko was not very happy for the arrival of the ward and sent to play Spartak-2.

Personal life

Alexander's chief fan, besides parents, is his godpa. But about the name of a woman, as well as about other details of personal life, Tashaev does not apply. According to the football player, relatives are registered on many sports Internet resources and carefully follow that they write about Sasha. Reviews, both negative and positive, take to heart.

There is no girls from the midfielder. Tashaev does not want to "communicate with whom it fell, but if he meets his person, it will try to tie a serious relationship." The ideal of companions in the eyes of an athlete is a dim brunette of medium height, decent, beautiful and with a sense of humor.

Alexander from those people who will not try to keep the visibility of friendship, if a close person has deceived at least once. In addition, the chosen one should not be from the community of the hunt of the favorable grooms, the "Boiler of Tusovers", which are many next to public and successful people.

Alexander Tashaev now

In the season 2020/2021, Tashaev performed in FNL for Spartak-2, 15 matches, having completed one head gear. The football player managed to light up in the Europa League at a meeting with Villarreal, he scored a penalty and brought a deal with a draw. But for sports observers and loyal fans, it was already obvious that soon the club would break with the player.

On June 3, 2021, representatives of the press service "Spartak" reported termination of the contract with the midfielder. Alexander came out of the team as a free agent. At the same time, rumors appeared that overseas clubs and a number of participants of the Russian Premier League were interested in the player. At the beginning of the summer, the Transluder Makt portal estimated Tashaev for € 700 thousand

Awards and achievements

  • 2017 - Winner of Russia's championship among the teams of the Football National League

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