Thomas Hardy - biography, photo, personal life, books, death



Thomas Hardy - playwright and novelist, author of poems and stories, who worked on the extension of the Victorian era. The writer made a bias towards the social novel, permeated with pessimism, the heroes of his works are unable to resist the life circumstances, public buildings and blows of fate.

Childhood and youth

Thomas Hardy was born in June 1840 in Dorset county. The ancestors of the writer - nobles, but impoverish so much that his father and grandfather had to work with simple stone chambers. The family in which two boys grew up and two girls lived in the village of Upper Bokhampton, and the entire population was fifty inhabitants.

Portrait of Thomas Hardy

Mother was engaged in raising children. Being a small woman, she did not want the heirs to keep a pitiful existence, and understood that it should be started with good education. Thomas went to church-parish school and, moreover, he read a lot at the insistence. Parents prepared her son to dedication to the spiritual San, but it turned out that the Hardy's soul preaching does not lie.

Thomas Hardy

At the age of 16, Thomas became interested in architecture, and the boy was allowed to practice the enterprise in Dorchester, which restored the old buildings. At the same time, Hardy studied painting, Greek and Latin. Having traveled to London, the future writer graduated from the Royal College and settled to work at Arthur Blomfield, President Architectural Association School of Architecture. The company of the Son of the Bishop, which was Sir Blomfield, specialized in the restoration of churches and other religious structures.


Returning to Dorchester by an independent architect, Hardy planned to do a restoration, but at the same time began to make the first steps in the literature. The first novel Thomas "Pozhnyak and Lady" never reached the descendants - the author destroyed the manuscript after he received a publisher refusal. In order not to be disappointed in the assessment of the talent in the future, the writer published anonymously the following work - "Desperate funds".

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In 1872, the publisher "Brothers Tinsley" saw the light "under the green tree", which opened a whole cycle called "Nomans of Characters and Environment". The name of the writer was first indicated only 4 years later on the cover of the publication published in America.

The novel is the livelihood of musicians of the church chorus of the village of Mellstock, the prototype of which was served by the church orchestra Stinford, founded by Sant Hardy. Therefore, the Thomas pages outlined childhood memories, descriptions of real places. In 2005, Nicolas Lafland, who shot the popular series "Pure English murder", moved the action of the novel to teleexer.

Tomas Hardy Tree

The facts of their own biography of Hardy used and when writing a novel "Blue Eyes" - the circumstances of the first meeting with the girlfriend, the problems caused by the different social status of a man and a woman. The main heroine of Elfried was written off from the beloved Writer Emma.

The novel "away from the distraught crowd" brought the author financial independence and popularity. Thomas finally donkey in Dorchester, built a house and was able to do an exceptional wristness. The product has also been repeatedly shielding. In a melodrame about the love triangle at different times, Jonathan Furt, the younger brother Colin Förta, and Linda Basket, Michael Shin and Cary Malligan, Terens Stamp and Julie Christie.

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The story "Hands of Eitelbertes" revolves around representatives of the highest light, but critics recommended Tomas to grow by the breeding of sheep that the writer to some extent and makes it - leaves to the countryside close to Sterminister-Newton, where the novel "Return to Motherland" writes. Hardy made a sound task in the minds of readers, told about a married woman running out of the house with her lover.

The thought of red thread passes through the story that the one who is trying to fight the inevitability of fate will make himself a grave. The subsequent "senior pipe shelf", "two on the tower" and "indifferent" are also devoted to life in the English outback.

Books Thomas Hardy

In the novel "Mayor of Kestbridge", Hardy spoke about the fate of a homeless bareman, who thanks to his abilities becomes the mayor of the city, but cannot be held at the top of the social pyramid - the events from the past change his own life, and the lives of surrounding people. In 2003, the British director David Tucker filmed a film with the same name with the participation of Juliet Obelli, Polly Walker and James Pürfoy.

Perhaps the most famous writing of Thomas Hardy is considered "Tess from the family d'Erberville." The novel shocked the famous Victorian public, he did not miss the censorship, mercilessly branded critics, driving the writer in the despondency and creative crisis.

Roman Thomas Hardy "Tess from the family d'Erberville"

The narration of a girl who sacrifice himself for the sake of family, permeated with symbolism and the idea that high-alignment does not make a person happy. Based on the work, not one series and a full-fledged feature film. The main roles in them were performed by Jamma Arthon, Madhuri Dixit, Nastasya Kinski.

The novel "Jud is imperceptible" - the last in a number of works written in this genre. Thomas, already withstanding the waves of condemnation and criticism, this time suffered unprecedented defeat. Bishop Wakefield arranged an indicative burning of the copy of the book, as if signaling a few remaining fans, how dangerous and unwhantom is such a heresy.

Flaxation of the book of Thomas Hardy "Tess from the family d'Erberville"

From that moment on, Hardy switched attention to poetic forms, which always took first place. Researchers of the Creativity of the English writer counted over 1000 poems and the novel, united in the scattered collections.

In 1898, the "Wessec poems" came out, the author included work written in times when Thomas fascinated the novelism. In this, as in the seven other collections, Hardy wrote on neutral topics - he applied to his wife, described the beauty of rustic life and household situations.

Portrait of Thomas Hardy

At the beginning of the 20th century, Thomas Hardy appealed to the epic genre, following the statement of history of Napoleon's wars Bonaparte in verses. The play, called "Dinasta", was published in three parts. In 1923, the "famous tragedy of Queen Cornwell" was published, which was based on Celtic legends about the King Arthur and Round Table Knights.

Despite the censorship, condemnation of society, the writer was heard in literary circles by an authoritative person. Hardy became an honorary member of the oldest British Magdalen College School and Queen's College, received a doctor of literature of Cambridge and Oxford Universities. In 1912, Thomas was awarded the Gold Medal of the Royal Literary Society.

Personal life

The first wife of Thomas Hardy in 1874 was Emma Lavinia Gifford. The girl accounted for a sidier to the priest, whose church writer was going to restore. Its cum in the 1912th became the main leitmotif of the lyric cycle of Hardy "Poems 1912-1913".

The poem "Thought about Treifen at the news of her death" is devoted to the cousin on the maternal line. It was assumed that Thomas started a novel with Miss Sparks and a couple even secretly been engaged.

Thomas Hardy and his wife

For the second time, Hardy married an old age on Emily Florence Dagdale. The writer met her in 1905, Emily then taught in a women's school. Two years after the death of Emma, ​​Thomas made a proposal, and Dagdale, not frightened by a 40-year-old difference, took it. As biographers noted, all their life a children's writer, and Emily released the book of the stories, remained in the shadow of Gifford - with a living wife, the writer addressed the deceased poems.

Neither in the first nor in the second marriage at Thomas had no children.


At the end of 1927, Thomas became pleulit and died in January 1928 in the estate Max Gate. The funeral was January 16 in Westminster Abbey. Interesting fact: Hardy's body is buried in the southern part of the temple, and the heart is in Stylford, in the grave of his first wife.

Tomas Hardy's grave

A year after the death of her husband, Florence published the book "Early Life of Thomas Hardy, 1841-1891", in which his diaries, letters and memoirs were collected.

Shortly before the death of Thomas Hardy was nominated for the Nobel Prize in literature and awarded the Order of Merit.


  • "Under the green tree"
  • "Blue eyes"
  • "Divided from the distraught crowd"
  • "Indifferent"
  • "In the edge of the forests"
  • "Tess from the family d'Erberville"
  • "Jude imperceptible"
  • "The famous queen of Cornwell's tragedy"


"Strong attachment narrows the range of interests, and although love enriches a person with experiences, it limits his field of view." ("Away from the distraught crowd") "People praise either condemn each other, having fun or write, watching other people's weaknesses and vices, and everyone in their own way goes to their paths leading to death." "If Galiley said that the earth It turns out, verses, then the Inquisition would leave him alone. "" There is something worse blindness - this is the ability to see what is really not. "" Fear - Mother Prudence. "

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