Zurab Tsereteli - biography, photo, personal life, news, sculptures 2021



The biography of Zurab Tsereteli is monumental as well as his work. In the list of works of this outstanding artist, hundreds of sculptures, monuments, panels, mosaics, cloths around the world, took place over 40 personal monumental exhibitions. A large list of honored ranks, awards, premiums and other merit of the master. Today Zurab Tsereteli lives in Moscow, heads the Russian Academy of Arts and the Moscow Museum of Contemporary Art, continues to work fruitfully.

Childhood and youth

The most famous monument artist of our time was born on January 4, 1934 in Tbilisi. The formation of young Zuraba on the path of creativity determined the atmosphere, in which the childhood of the boy passed. Parents did not belong to the world of art: Tamara Nijaradze's mother dedicated life to home and children, Konstantin Tsereteli's father worked as a mining engineer, taught in a technical university.

Zurab Tsereteli

But the mother of Mother Georgy Nijaradze was a painter. The existence in his house, the little Zurab not only learned to draw, but also penetrated the aura of conversations about art, because the guests of that time came to visit the uncle. At 8 years, Zurab entered the Tbilisi State Academy of Arts, which he graduated from "perfectly" in 1958.


It seemed that very time dictates the artist in the style of monumental genre. The era of 60s, industrialization, mastering the virgin, the solution of global tasks, mass development and resettlement - all this affected the desire of the Tsereteli to make a novelty in what he does. And the first position is an architect artist - presented such an opportunity.

Among the works performed at this time are the decorations of the resort complexes of Georgia (Gagra, Sukhumi, Borjomi, Pitsunda). Mosaic painting becomes a feature of the master's creativity. Its bright example was the bus stop in Abkhazia, created at the stage of early creativity in the early 60s and representing amazing art objects in the form of fantastic marine inhabitants.

Along with decorative work, Tsereteli participates in exhibitions. The first success brought a picturesque canvas "guarding the world" on the exposition of the same name in Moscow. In 1967, a personal exhibition of the master took place in Tbilisi. Then he was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Georgian SSR.

Monument to St. George Victorious in Tbilisi. The work of Zurab Tsereteli

At the same time, the Tsereteli actively expands the geography of their activities. One of one comes orders for the design of various buildings and structures: a cinema house in Moscow (1967-1968), the Palace of Trade Unions in Tbilisi, the Sea Dno pool in Ulyanovsk (1969), the resort complex in Adler (1973), Hotel " Yalta Intourist "in Crimea (1978) and much more.

In the period of the 70s and 1980s, Master works a lot and works fruitfully. Since 1970, being the main artist of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is engaged in the decoration of the Embassies of the Soviet Union abroad, a lot goes a lot, meets famous foreign artists. Motherland is also a lot of work, especially after the appointment of the Chief Artist of the Olympiad-80 in Moscow. All this brings the Master Honorary Popular Artist of the USSR in the 1980s.

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Work on monumental sculptures The artist began in the late 70s. The sculptural composition "Happiness to children of the whole world" became a bright end of labor. In 1983, in Moscow, a monument "Friendship forever", which marks the 200th anniversary from the date of signing the Georgievsky treatise between Russia and Georgia.

In the same year, in honor of this date in his native Georgia, the artist was built and opened Arch of Friendship - a mosaic panel, which to this day pleases tourists on the cross pass from the Milg-Georgian road.

Monument to Marina Tsvetaeva in Saint-Gilles-Croa de Vi, France. The work of Zurab Tsereteli

A series of sculptures Madre devoted to prominent figures of history and modernity. Among the bright creations of this area: Monument to the poetess Marina Tsvetaeva in Saint-Zhil-Kroi de Vol (France) and Moscow, a monument to Pushkin in Apatity, a monument to John Paul II (France), Georgia Victoronessia in Moscow.

In 2017, an alley of rulers opened in the Russian capital - the Gallery of the Bronze Busts of the work of Zurab Tsereteli, depicting the leaders of the Russian state from the Rüric era to the 1917 revolution.

Monument to Peter the first in Moscow. The work of Zurab Tsereteli

But the monument to Peter first involved the name of the Tsereteli in the scandal. The public of the capital was extremely negatively related to both the sculpture and the idea of ​​her construction, calling the first, as writing the "news", "Radiant City". The king is depicted in full growth standing on the deck of a giant sailboat.

Even the question of the demolition of the monument was rising, but today there were passions, and the monument continues to stand on an artificial island on a Moscow river, remaining one of the most ambitious in the capital (height - 98 m, weight - over 2000 tons).

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Tsereteli is not accustomed to be under the scope of criticism: the work of the master is sometimes accused of giantia and missless, as it was, for example, with the "Adam Apple", located in the art gallery opened by him, or with the "fairy tale tree" in the Moscow Zoo. The author himself refers to this calmly.

"Any criticism is all the same advertising. I like an artist, I know what I'm doing, "said Tsereteli in an interview with the" Interlocutor ".

Personal life

Student in the Tbilisi Academy of Arts, Zurab Tsereteli met the future wife inness Andronikashvili, originating from the princely kind. Spouses lived in marriage more than 45 years. In 1998, after the death of Isaisa Alexandrovna, the artist organized the first personal exhibition in Moscow, named after his wife.

Zurab Tsereteli and his wife Inessa surrounded by a family

Daughter Zurab Konstantinovich and Inessea Alexandrovna, Elena, and her children of Vasily, Victoria and Zurab live in Moscow. Today, in the family of Tsereteli, four of the Lights are already: Alexander, Nikolai, Philipp, Maria-Isabella.


Zuraba Tsereteli life is closely connected with charity. Part of the work was created by the master free of charge as a gift to this or a different city, institution, foundation.

Artist Zurab Tsereteli.

The artist participates in charitable exhibitions and auctions, directing funds from sold works to combat children's diseases.

By the way, in 2007, the Georgian Times edition included Zurab Tsereteli in the top ten of the richest persons of Georgian nationality in the world, denoting the state of the artist at $ 2 billion.

Zurab Tsereteli today

In 2018, Zurabe Konstantinovich turned 84 years old. But the rhythm of creative life does not subside. Master is creating, organizes exhibitions, gives master classes for children, happy to participate in an interview and poses for the photo, but the main thing is full of new ideas and projects. In 2016, a house-museum of Tsereteli opened in the village of Peredelkino near Moscow.

Zurab Tsereteli in 2018

In 2014, the monumental artist became a complete cavalier of the Order "For Merit to Fatherland", having received an award of the IV degree. The main secret of the health and longevity sculptor calls constant work "without any vacation and vacation breaks."


  • 1997 - Monument to Peter First (Moscow, Russia)
  • 1995 - Tears Memorial (New Jersey, USA)
  • 1983 - Monument "Friendship forever" (Moscow, Russia)
  • 1990 - the monument "good wins evil" (New York, USA)
  • 2006 - Monument to St. George Victory (Tbilisi, Georgia)
  • 1995 - Victory Monument on Poklonnaya Mountain (Moscow, Russia)
  • 1995 - Monument "Birth of a new man" (Seville, Spain)
  • 1995 - Monument "Tragedy of Peoples" (Moscow, Russia)
  • 2016 - Monument to Shota Rustaveli (St. Petersburg, Russia)
  • 2013 - Sculpture composition dedicated to women (Moscow, Russia)

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