Victoria Talyshinskaya - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



Victoria Talyshinskaya - glamorous, sophisticated half of the Pop Duet "Nepara", without a small 17-year-old, who jerked the audience with the songs on eternal topics. At an early age, the soloist realized that her vocation was a scene. Now in the biography of Vika, a new page from which the fans are waiting for a lot and she herself.

Childhood and youth

Victoria was born on April 8, 1977 (Zodiac sign - Aries) in Moscow. The ancestors from Father Valery Belsky, director of the real estate agency, - Prince Gedimine, one of the founders of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and Princess Smolensk Olga. Mother Larisa Belskaya - housewife. Artist by nationality is Russian, although EE is the first place of work forces individual fans to doubt this.

In 6 years, parents under pressure from a reputable grandmother gave a child to a ballet studio. In families with a rich labor story, it is customary to develop children in the creative direction, so no one listened to Vicky.

The unlucky ballet, the wayward girl failed the exams in the choreographic school, and perhaps, at that moment the parent divorce affected. Classic dances gave way to modern: Belsky took the Grenada vocal-dance ensemble, where she first began to sing, go abroad. There she was noticed by the editors of the "Morning Star" transfer.

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In the competition, Victoria did not won, but he received a prime of spectator sympathy. The head of the TV project Yuri Nikolaev, having met the girl after the final on the street, noticed that in view of the existing prospects, it is worth working with a voice further. So a 15-year-old future soloist of the popular group began to combine study in English special school with classes in the music studio at the Gnesin School.

At the graduation exam, Belska attracted the attention of the director of the Jewish State Theater "Lechim", who searched for an actress on the role in the play "Wandering Stars". Victoria was perfect in the image.

That's just a part of the troupe considered a girl with an upset - they were envied by the fact that the gross, shy teenager was called Russian Audrey Hepburn, or the fact that Vika played several major roles at once.

Talyshinsky herself said that "Lechim" helped to liberate, realize the appeal. In the youth, thinning singer (height 175 cm) was complexed, and only Mom believed that a beautiful swan would grow out of the ugly duckling.

Personal life

In the theater, young Victoria was surrounded by adult men, but the head did not spin from this from this. What are the novels there, when there was enough time only for studies and performances. However, the businessman Eldar Talyshinsky achieved the favor of the girl.

Lovers spent a lot of time together, not paying attention to the peres, associated with a big difference between the age - Eldar for 20 years older than Victoria. In 2004, the pair registered a marriage that quickly fell apart because of the change of her husband. The surname and composition "Development" remained for the memory of the artist, which Talyshinsky wrote with Alexander Shaw.

As for the relationship of Vika with Alexander, both initially denied the presence of those. Hooting demanded a producer. Artists confirmed suspicion of the public in the fact that they are associated not only music, in 2013, when this stage of personal life remains behind.

The second spouse of the artist was the banker Stanislav Chepurov. The man began to care for Victoria after the "Nepar" concert in Rostov. In 2009, Victoria and Stanislav officially became her husband and his wife.

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And after a couple of years, the scandal flared. Former banker turned out to be drawn into some fraud. To pay off with creditors, a man secretly sold her car and disappeared abroad. The actress itself declared that all these rumors spread the enemies of the spouse.

In 2012, Talyshinskaya and Chepurov divorced, retaining friendship. Stanislav lives in Israel, married, raising daughter. Vika is familiar with his family. They also rumored that the businessman at first helped not only "Nepara", but also the singer Max.

At the end of 2014, in the photo from secular events, the fans saw the new Uhager Victoria - the artist and restorer of the Tretyakov Gallery of Ivan Salakhov, the son of Vice President of the Russian Academy of Arts. A year later, the couple played a wedding. Spouses studied in the same school, but only after a month later, the relatives of the souls saw each other.

In the seventh month of pregnancy, the singer starred in the clip and only over eighth stopped working - he understood that if she had left on decret before, the musicians of the band would sit without concerts and money.

During this time, he took off the apartment on the American coast, paid for the clinic, and then attended when childbirth. The daughter of Varbara was born in Miami in October 2016, and in December, Victoria returned to the scene.

The girl was named after Mother Ivan, grandmother and granddaughters coincide birthdays. The mother-in-law, the former ballerina, helped the revealed daughter-in-law of the daughter-in-law - shared a professional diet.

The Talyshinsky menu included rice and buckwheat without oil and salt, green vegetables, chicken broth. No flour and sweet. In this mode, you need to hold out a week and then to arrange a break for three days. In addition, she was engaged with the former soloist of the Bolshoi Theater, went to the gym and for cosmetic procedures.

The filled figure in a swimsuit Victoria boasted in "Instagram". Actually, the rude response of subscribers to excessive completeness at one time and forced the artist to limit the page content. The pictures are not advertised by the details of family life, and the face of Varvara Mom showed when the girl was 3 years old.

Favorite celebrity recreation center - sea, sunny countries like Dominican Republic or South Islands. Even in America, Vika moved to the first months of the life of the daughter in the warmth climate, and not in the crude and diverse Moscow.

With the help of the Father in 2009, Talyshinskaya acquired an apartment on the Komsomolsky Prospect of the capital. Housing design is a fruit fantasy fruit. The house stores a collection of vintage dolls brought by a grandmother from foreign trips.

In 2017, the singer, the launched urbanist, moved to the Moscow region with his family, into a three-storey mansion on Nicolina Mountain. Victoria's neighbor was Vera Glagolev.

Interior design was engaged in Ivan, so in a house, aged in a classic colonial style, a lot of antique furniture. The walls are decorated with paintings, including portraits of the hostess, made by the beetroot Tair Salahov.

However, the yellow press claims that the spouse of Talyshinsky is by no means the son of the famous native Baku and not the descendant of Prince Bagration. A man allegedly was called by Ivan Leonidovich Monastic and coming from the family of a former director of Mkhat, convicted of trying to organize the murder. None of the surroundings of the actress gives comments about this.


In 1995, without interrupting work in the theater, Victoria entered Gitis to the pop department. After completing the educational institution in the biography of the girl intervened by a happy case. The singer with her husband was invited to a restaurant on the birthday of a common acquaintance. There at this time Alexander Shaw was performed.

Friends brought the girl on the stage, and Talyshinskaya performed a few songs a duet with a new acquaintance. A few days after the first meeting, Alexander suggested Victoria to work together. Talyshinskaya immediately agreed. So the Nepara group was born.

In 2002, the first official concert of the duet took place. But tremendous success came to young people after the release of the clip on the song "Another reason." Over the next 10 years, the couple with an unusual name rounded several times with touring the whole country, won prestigious musical awards and released several full albums.

In 2012, an unexpected news excited the fans of the group - a duet collapsed. The main reason was called the desire of soloists to try their own strength in solo work, but the journalists claimed that Victoria and Alexander were simply tired of each other. A year later, the duet reunited, but the last success of the artists could not return anymore.

The next break in the activity was associated with a pleasant event - Talyshinskaya went to the decret. Upon returning the singer, another album "Become an ocean" was recorded. The new concert program "Another Life" included recognizable hits about love, relationships, quarrels and reconciliation.

Victoria Talyshinskaya now

The name of the last single "Nepar" was part of the name of the new Victoria team. The singer, together with the arranger and composer, Vladimir Kurto created the 2 Ocean group. The fact that cooperation with Alexander Shaw has ceased, it became known in the fall of 2019. The gap, according to rumors, occurred due to the change of auxiliary composition, whose level did not arrange the artist.

Musicians this time failed to maintain friendships. Parting was accompanied by mutual accusations. The soloist allowed himself to insult his Vika, said that the former partner secretly intended to redeem the repertoire of the "Nepara" from the producer, deleted joint photos from social networks.

Talyshinsky replied that he was not interested in the "old", because it works in another style and moves only forward. In addition, there is someone to write new compositions: the works of Kurto performs a good half of the Russian pop. And the claims of the show for the authorship of the songs of the former duet are not substantiated: they were created in collaboration with other poets and composers whose names forget dishonoraly.

The first performance of the 2 Ocean group was held in October of the same year at the Festival in Tushino. There is no stage experience in Vladimir, but the Victoria difficulties do not confuse. The team removes clips, got a site and a channel on YouTube. In May 2020, tours in Central Russia were planned.


  • 2003 - "Other Family"
  • 2006 - "All first"
  • 2009 - "doomed / engaged"
  • 2009 - "Communication"
  • 2010 - "Love, Kotrya"
  • 2011 - "In the clouds"

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