Blue beard - character biography, value, quotes, character


Character History

Character of the French folk fairy tale. A rich aristocrat with a blue beard that kills his own wives.

History of creation

Charles Persian poet can not be called the author of the fairy tale about the blue beard in the full sense of the word. Perpo did not come up with, and recorded and literaryly processed the already existed story about the husband. Then in 1697 published this text in the collection of "Tales of Mother Goose".

Charles Perret

Probably, the memory of a man who lived in France in the XV century, Barone and Marshal of Gille de Ra, was transformed into the image of a blue beard. This man was accused of ritual killings of several dozen or even hundreds of children who allegedly accomplished to call demons, as well as in the murder of six wives.

In fact, Baron had only one wife, the charges were falsified. Nevertheless, the living in the people after the death of Baron went the bike that the devil painted the beard to the blue color in punishment for evils. Archaeologists, carefully researched by Baron's Castle, already in our time, no traces of mass burial of wives were found there.

Heinrich VIII.

The less common version binds the image of blue beard with another legendary personality - the king of the Konomor Cursed, which in the VI century alleged Rules Brittany. This king had a curious wife and castle with a secret room where the bodies of the three previous spouse were stored. A certain spirit informs the new chief of the king that the three former spouses of the Cormor were killed by pregnant. New wife, premensenev, trying to escape, but her husband overtakes and beheads a woman.

Some contribution to the formation of an image of the hero, and the really existed king of England Henry VIII, who executed two wives, accusing those in state treason. Every time, not postponing things in a long box, the king married again. Illustrators and directors, creating a visual image of blue beard, often rely on the appearance of Heinrich, fixed in art.


Blue beard wants to take one of the daughters of the noble lady in his wife and gives the mother to choosing - some of the daughters give. The girls themselves are frightened and do not want to marry a blue beard. The hero goes bad glory. Firstly, scares the color of the beard, and secondly, the hero was already married seven times, and no one knows that it became with his spouses. The youngest daughter ladies nevertheless decides to marry him.

Blue Beard

In the castle of her husband, a young wife gets a bundle of keys from all rooms. Among the key from some Kamork, where it is impossible to look. The blue beard itself leaves for affairs, and the spouse stays at home. Curiosity leads a woman in this secret camork, where the heroine finds the blood puddle and the seven dead bodies - the missing wives of blue beard. Previous spouses probably also broke the husband's ban, for which they were killed.

The hero returns home and learns that his wife broke out. The blue beard wants to kill the naughty, but on time the brothers saved the brothers, and the criminal biography of the villain on this ends.

Blue beard with spouse

In the UK, a different version of this plot is distributed. There the hero marries a random beauty, which the villains abduct and makes his wife against the will. In the castle, the villain set many servants, but those bribed. The unwitting wife of blue beard can be combined only with one shepherd. In key moments, the plot is repeated. Women together reveal a terrible room and find there seven-hung on the hooks of the dead bodies and one unoccupied hook, which is waiting for a queue. To save the wife of a blue beard, a shepherd sends a bird with a message towards the heroine brothers.

While the fact of disobedience, the blue beard attempts sharpening a knife to slaughter his wife, are the brothers of women, kill the blue beard and take home sister and savior-shepherd. In the finals of good shepherd gets the castle of blue beard and the youngest of the brothers who marries her.

Blue beard with a knife

"Blue beard" is considered a fairy tale for school-age children. In modern language, the expression "Blue beard" is used to compare some person with a fabulous villain, more often in a joking context.


In 2015, the horror film "Brief Peak" directed by Guillermo del Toro came out. The scenario of this film is built along the plot of the fairy tale about the blue beard. The charming aristocrat, which actor Tom Hiddleston plays, marries the rich heirs, whom no one is missing if something suddenly occurs. The hero needs money, and sister helps him with his wife, which the actress Jessica Chestyne plays. Behind the pair already has several corpses, and everything is not enough money ...

Tom Hiddleston in the film

In the fourth episode of the first season of the American fantasy series "Grimm", another interpretation of this plot is given. Heroes are investigating a strange chain of deaths and the loss of women.

In 1972, a joint film of Italy, Germany and France "Blue Beard" came out. Here, the plot of the French fairy tale unfolds in the situation of a certain state, similar to the Austria of the Third Reich. The main character - Baron, a former pilot, decorated with scars participant in the First World War and a secular heart. The hero is constantly looking for a new wife. The next spouse dies on the hunt, and the Baron marries again on the dancer from variety. A fun spouse in the Baron Castle is waiting for the Mummy of the late Mother, the complete absence of a marital life and a secret room with a freezer, where the bodies of the seven of the previous elects are preserved.

In 1979, the twenty-minute Soviet cartoon "Very blue beard" came out. Here the plot is served unexpectedly: women personally bring the blue beard to such a state that the hero is developing with them. One Wife of Blue Beard is obsessed with fashion, endlessly disguised and trying to fit everything in her husband's house, including it, under the requirements of fashion. Another tormented hero with diet and harsh health control. And the third hero cares with a lover ... Actor Mikhail Boyarsky is voiced in this cartoon.

Frame from cartoon

The plot about the blue beard is penetrated into comics and computer games. The American publishing house "Vertigo" in 2002 began to release the comic "Fables". The main characters of this comic book are the characters of the folklore and folk fairy tales, which will be the case of the chance in New York and are forced to survive among people. Blue beard is one of these heroes. In 2013, a video game was published in the genre of a non-naurry detective "Wolf among us" ("The Wolf Among US"), created by the reasons of this comic. Blue beard and here one of the main characters.


"A long time ago one person lived. He was very rich: he had wonderful houses, many servants, gold and silverware, gilded carriage and magnificent horses. But, unfortunately, the beard of this man was blue. "" Neighbor and girlfriends were admired by the treasures of blue beard without silent and envied his young wife. But her treasures were not at all occupied. She was tormented by curiosity: she wanted to unlock a little room at the end of the corridor. "

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