Valentina Leontiev - biography, photo, personal life, cause of death



Of all the achievements and awards, Valentina Leontiev, the title of "Aunt Valya" was the main thing - so they treated a woman millions of young television frames of the country of the Councils. In children's programs who led Valentina Mikhailovna, several generations of Soviet citizens grew up. The kids wrote a tete of the letter of the letter and asked not to go on vacation that she did. In the future, adults were joining the army of small fans and adults - the spectators with a breather watched the program "From the heart", rejoiced and cried with her heroes.

Childhood and youth

The real name and surname of the TV host Alevtina Tryson. The girl was born in the family of indigenous Petersburgers. Parents had the same profession - served as accountants: the Father, the Swede for Nationality, worked as the chief of the Oktyabrskaya Railway, and the mother led the financial affairs of the hospital. A marital coverage divided a 20-year-old difference in age.

Valentina Leontiev

Alevtina and sister Lyudmila were very tied to dad. Therefore, even coming out married, they did not change the surname. The father playfully played the violin, often arranged at home funny musical holidays and masquerades. Then the love of girls to acting skills and theater was born. Valya since childhood went to theatrical circle, organized during the Tyuze.

The future TV presenter was almost 18 years old when the country was collapsed on the country. During the blockade, the whole family remained in Leningrad, Valya entered the ranks of the sanitary squad, helped to survive dying and wounded.

Valentina Leontiev in youth

The girl suffered the first terrible loss - the blockade claimed the life of his beloved father. A little later, together with the mother and sister managed to evacuate.

In 1944 he entered the metropolitan chemical and technological institute, but never started studying. Worked in a clinic, thinking about to associate life with art. As a result, he entered and graduated from the opera-dramatic studio at Mkat.


The new actress fell into Tambov, where in the local theater played two years. And in 1954, the biography of the young woman lit a television. Valentina withstood a hard competition for the position of Assistant Director. Soon she was already knew in every corner of the Soviet Union as a charming speaker of central television.

Valentina Leontiev in the Blue Spark program

Without valentines, Mikhailovna did not accountess such vivid programs as the "blue light", in a duet with Igor Kirillov led the program "From the theater's lodge", her voice was heard from the festive broadcasts. But in the late 60s she left the country with her diplomat. However, in America, where the spouse was sent for a long time. Two years later, returned to his homeland, where a new one, an even more ambitious round of his career began.

Valentina Mikhailovna turned into aunt's aunt - the favorite of Soviet children. The woman was the leading popular TV shows "skillful hands", "alarm clock", "visiting a fairy tale" and, of course, "good night, kids." Young spectators bought out Leontyev letters. In envelopes, a short one was usually "TV. TEK VALE, "but the messages were necessarily reached the addressee.

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The kids wrote about how they passed their day, painted colorful drawings, asked to betray fillets, stepashka and pigs. Television animals were also headed by "Tiligrams", which Aunt Valya certainly "passed" personally in hand.

To the question of journalists about how to explain the universal childish love, Valentina Leontiev admitted: Sometimes he herself began to believe that funny animals are quite alive. She even came up with every doll. Until the end of life, she trembled to sent letters that were carefully kept in numerous boxes. From time to time Valentina Mikhailovna re-read the correspondence.

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Leontyev can be seen in some filmmakers, where it flashes in televisions as a speaker. And the woman presented the mother's mother's voice in the first cartoon about Carlsone (1968).

In the summer of 1972, the transfer "from the whole of the heart" was released on the broadcast, which is incredible popularity. The program has become the peak of creativity Valentina Leonteva, the woman dedicated to her 15 years of life. "From the heart of the" artistic journalism "in the genre, the documentary performances, whose heroes became people with unique, sophisticated fate.

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Valentina Mikhailovna had miners and work factories, rural workers and veterans of war, teachers and doctors. The plot was built around the motive of separation: heroes were lost many years ago, and on the air, finally met.

For work in this program TV presenter received the USSR State Prize. In the film awards, Leonteva found a place for another unusual rank - she is the only woman speaker who has become a folk artist of the USSR.

Valentina Leontiev

This title divided with Igor Kirillov. The next reward was found by Valentina Mikhailovna only in 2000: Teffi was awarded in the nomination "For a personal contribution to the development of domestic television."

In the late 80s, Leontyev advised television speakers, and in the years of restructuring faced a lack of work. I made an attempt to resume the transfer "from the whole soul", however, the efforts were in vain. But the woman was the welcome guest of celebrity programs. In 1993, Valentina Mikhailovna told about the creative path and personal life of Valentina Mikhailovna.

Personal life

The TV host in the interview noted:

"Unfortunately, in my life a fairy tale was not so much. Such happy moments were associated only with TV viewers. "

Valentina Leontiev visited twice married. For the first time I went to the registry office when I served in the Tambov theater. The chosen was the chief of Radio Yuri Rishar, who later and transported his wife to the capital.

Valentina Leontiev with son Dmitry

The pair shared her two years, and then the family broke up. The husband wanted to see in the wife of the hostess at home, but Valentina Mikhailovna worked without days off, explaining:

"And how could I otherwise? We, speakers, was little. "

The second spouse, a diplomat Yuri Vinogradov, was an employee of the diplomatic mission of the Soviet Union in America. The love story began at the Moscow restaurant, where the couple met. In this marriage, the son of Dmitry was born.

Valentina Leontiev and her husband Dmitry Vinogradov

In the late 1960s, the family went to New York. This move was the reason for the appearance of newspaper gossip that allegedly Leontyev is the CIA agent. Returning from America, Valentine again went to work, although the material situation allowed the life of a housewife. But the woman could not refuse his beloved television. As a result, the spouse left, finding another woman.

Monument Valentina Leontoyeva

All the life of Valentina Mikhailovna smoked, and smoked a lot - the pair of Malboro packs per day. However, her voice remained the same, ringing and young. And another television speaker perfectly drove the car, even independently went driving to the south.

The tragedy of the recent years of life is called the fact that the favorite of Soviet children did not indulge in the attention of the gown son Dmitry Vinogradov. The man who became an artist allegedly beat Mother, was not allowed to get into the world, and then made the accommodation in the center of the capital, and settled it into the village under Ulyanovsky. The press noted that the heir does not communicate with her mother, did not notice at her funeral.

On August 1, 2018, Dmitry Vinogradov came on the air of the program of Dmitry Borisov "Let them talk" to tell the details of the relationship with the star mother. The man explained that in the Ulyanovsk village, Novoselki Valentina Mikhailovna was after the hospital. For three years to death, the woman broke the neck of the hip, was treated in Kremlin. Then, the proper care promised the TV presenter's sister, living in this village. With the mother, the son really saw rarely because of a stretched relationship with relatives.


At the Sunset of Life Valentina Leontiev almost lost sight, the TV could not watch even glasses, tried to read with a magnifying glass. Television legend died at the end of May 2007. The cause of death, according to some media, has become complications after pneumonia.

Valentina Leonteva's grave

The funeral was modestly, without an excitement. Former administrator Leonteva Andrei Dellekov and two of her students came to say goodbye to the speaker from Moscow. At the request of Valentina, Mikhailovna did not carry the body to Moscow, the grave is located on the village cemetery of the village of Novoselki.


  • "Blue light"
  • "From the lodge theater"
  • "Good night, children"
  • "Alarm"
  • "Visiting a fairy tale"
  • "Skillful hands"
  • "Heartily"
  • "Telescope"

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