Group "Disco Accident" - Composition, Photo, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



"On the tip of attacks" of dance music "zero" there were several pop groups, but the "disco accident" was from those that he entrenched for the next decade. Millennium Country met under the "New Year's", and nine years later on corporate parties drove dances under the "Fashion Dance of Aram-Zam-Zlan". The activity of the group, which began with Duet, Alexei Ryzhov and Nikolai Timofeyev, continues to this day, despite the fact that only Ryzhov remained from the "gold composition" of the team.

The history of creation and composition

It is not known whether Russian dance music would be replenished with hits from the "Disco Crash", whether the founders of the team are more secured. In the late 80s, the restructuring gives the second breath of rock collectives, the songs of "Cinema" and "DDT" are no longer players, but in the clubs and festivals, and students of the Ivanovo Energy Institute Nikolai Timofeev and Alexey Ryzhov is not at all away to go in the footsteps Nautilus or Alice.

Alexey Ryzhov

However, novice musicians familiar to the university KVNU lacking money for tools and equipment, and the creative tandem decides to start a disco. Since 1988, the duet holds parties both within the walls of the Institute and in the Ivanovo Club "Alarm". The history of the acquisition of a group of titles has long become a legend. According to her, at the time of the concert, the wiring was closed, and the light went out. Panic almost began, but Timofeev managed to discharge the furnishings with a joke:

"Calm, everything is fine! After all, we are "Disco" Accident "!"

At the beginning of the nineties, Timofeev and Ryzhov invite to conduct reviews of new songs first to the Ivanovo regional radio Ivanovo, and then to the regional radio station "Europe Plus". DJs conquer the sympathy of the public not only by running the ether, but also to Cavalemi on foreign hits, as well as parody compositions.

Oleg Zhukov

On the radio, artists act as a "Disco Accident". In 1992, Oleg Zhukov joins the duet. Having an acting education, the new member successfully flows into the team.

Alexey Serov.

The fourth "accident" of the "gold composition" team Alexei Serov studied with Timofeev in the same school. He joined the band after the release of the first plate of the disco accident in 1997. In this composition, the team operates for five years.


2002 marked for a tragic event. Zhukov, whose Rechitative became a kind of business card of the hits of "accidents" ("New Year's", "Attraction", " and R.N.R"), dies after a long fight against the oncological disease. After a small break, the artists resume performances already threesome. In an interview, the musicians refute rumors about the casting into the place of the fourth participant, emphasizing that Oleg was another for all three and it is impossible to replace it.

Nikolay Timofeev

Ten years later, a soloist Nikolai Timofeev leaves the "disco-accident". The musician, commenting on the decision, says that he does not see the team of further creative development. In 2012, the artist begins the solo career. Between him and Ryzhov are the courts on the issue of rights to joint creativity. In the end, the court becomes the author of the songs: Timofeev is forbidden to sing on their concerts, written by Ryzhov.


Already three months after the departure of Nikolai Ryzhov, on the recommendation of Raper, Serega takes Anna Khokhlov to the team. A native of Chelyabinsk participated in the third season of the Ukrainian project X-factor, but could not go to the final. But the artist has been fixed in the "Disco Cancer". Ryzhov, Serov, Khokhlov - the composition remains unchanged since 2012.


The start of the collective biography can be considered 1997: the first album "Dance with me" came out on the cassettes. Distributed it through music stores and kiosks Ivanovo and neighboring regions. "Alarms" began to listen to Kostroma, Vladimir, Nizhny Novgorod, Yaroslavl. The conquest of the capital began with cooperation with the Soyuz Studio. Representatives of the recording company include the compositions of the Ivanovo team in their own branded collections.

In 1999, the albums "Song about you and me" and "Marathon" come out, but the real success comes to artists with the fourth record. "Accident against!" Concentrated the dance charge of the group's creativity.

In 2000, discos sound like original compositions, for example, "drink beer!" And remix versions of pop hits: "Attraction" (remix on the song "Beetles" group), "Chao, Bambina!" (remix songs of the Brilliant Group) and others. At the same time acquires popularity and "New Year" - a song released for six months before the release of the fourth album.

With the clip on the song "Investment" begins fruitful cooperation between the team with director Hindrek Maasik. In the future, the Estonian clip will take another 26 video for "accident". And six of them - on songs from the fifth album "Maniacs", which musicians will release a year after the success of the previous record.

In a new release, dance hits with ironic and hooligan texts are combined with lyrical, melancholic compositions with compositions, which "sky" and "Disco SuperStar" are. The latter reminds the dedication of Oleg Zhukov: he dies three months after the release of "maniacs".

The tragic event in the biography of the collective coincides with the triumph, deserved hits from the "maniacs". Since 2002, the group participants repeatedly receive award from "MUZ-TV", "Russian Radio", "Autoradio" and other channels and stations. But the main thing is the MTV Music Europe Awards award - in 2002, the music channel calls the "Avario disco" "the best Russian performer."

In 2003, the "accidents" debut in the frame. In December, the New Year's Music Tape "The Snow Queen" comes in December on the channel "Russia", where artists play a gang of robbers. Speting them song comes out in the sixth album "Four Guys" team, which is published in 2006.

The plate is devoted to Oleg Zhukov. Leading hits "If you want to stay" and "opa!" Collect another crop premiums.

By the beginning of the "tenths", the "accident" is increasingly creating duets. The group cooperates with the "Moral Code", Zhanna Friske, Nastya Zadorozhnaya, Christina Orbakaite and others. In the former role of the Robbers "Emergency" appear in the New Year's project "New Adventures of Alladina" created by order of "Russia-1".

After the care of Timofeyev, the group is in a creative search, the result of which in 2014 becomes the album "Girl behind the wheel". For seven plate composites, clips were removed, including the hits of the "foot-legs" and "K.K.L.A.". In 2017, the Group gives a grand concert in the Izvestia Hall, returning to the repertoire of iconic hits and fulfilling fresh compositions. On YouTube, there was a direct broadcast of the event.

"Disco Accident" now

In 2018, the radio airproof was replenished with the next hit of the group: Musicians, together with Nikolai Baskov, recorded a cover on the retro composition "Duman". The song used the vocal of the original version.

In July 2018, during the World Cup in Russia, the Welcome to Russia song came out. The group continues to tour, speaking not only solo, but also in projects dedicated to the music of the 90s and "zero."


  • 1999 - "Routed"
  • 1999 - "New Year"
  • 2000 - "Pey Beer!"
  • 2000 - "Investigation"
  • 2001 - "You nagged!"
  • 2001 - "At the point of attack"
  • 2001 - "DISCO SuperStar"
  • 2003 - "Sky"
  • 2004 - "Stern rap"
  • 2006 - "Malinka"
  • 2008 - "Fathers"
  • 2009 - "Fashion dance of Aram-Zam-deputy"
  • 2010 - "Summer is always!"
  • 2012 - "Feet-legs"
  • 2014 - "# Like"
  • 2016 - "Bright I"
  • 2018 - "Duman"
  • 2018 - "Welcome to Russia"


  • 1997 - "Dance with me"
  • 1999 - "Song about you and me"
  • 1999 - "Marathon"
  • 2000 - "Accident against!"
  • 2001 - "Maniacs"
  • 2006 - "Four Guys"
  • 2011 - "Nearby Time"
  • 2014 - "Girl driving"

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