Group "Spleen" - Photo, History of creation, Composition, News, Songs 2021



"As a mole, I made from Splin, sprinkle me with naphthalene ..."- It is this line of the famous poet of the Silver Age of Sasha Black has become a key to the idea of ​​the name of the Splin group. The texts of her songs penetrate into the heart, and a virtuoso playing musical instruments creates a special atmosphere. From the first album, the team fell in love with thousands of fans.

The history of creation and composition

The prototype of the "Spleen" team is considered to be the Student Group "Mitra". In 1986, in the Leningrad Institute of Aviation Instrument Making Bas Guitarist Alexander Morozov and in the future, the soloist and the permanent leader Alexander Vasilyev created a musical duet. Inspired by the amateurness of the institute rock band, adolescents were united to create their own team.

Alexander Vasiliev always always for art - music and poetry. Born in Leningrad, where he spent most of the ornament. Although some time with the family (mother and father) lived in Freetown, the capital of Sierra Leone, and in Lithuania.

The first musical works of Vasilyev and Morozov created at home with a recorder "record" and microphone. Later, the duet of Mitra diluted Oleg Kuvaev, who after a while created a popular animated series "Masyan", and Alexander, the future wife of Alexander Vasilyeva.

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The group tried to become part of the Leningrad Rock Club. However, according to the results of listening to Anatoly Gunitsky (the founder of the group "Aquarium") "Mithra" was not able to enter the ranks of the Soviet social and concert organization.

In 1988, Vasilyeva called for urgent military service. There were the first texts of songs, which in a few years entered the debut album "Spleen" group "Dusty".

After the army, Alexander worked at the St. Petersburg Academic Comedy Theater, engaged in the scene. At the same time (1992), Vasilyev became a student of the theater institute, he studied at the department of the economy. Worked the guard and went on a change to the confectionery factory.

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From 1993 to 1994, Vasilyev with Alexander Morozov worked at the Buff Theater. During this period, it happens to familiarize with Nikolai Rostov (keyboard player) and the recording of the album "Dusty Friend" continues. On May 27, 1994, the team celebrated the end of the work on the debut disk. Musicians consider this day the beginning of the existence of the Splin group. Later, Nikolai Lysov and Stas Berezovsky entered.

As a name was used by the English word Spleen, which the musicians recorded with a spelling error as splean. The same trick was previously used by the participants of the group "Beatles", which were replaced by Beat on Beeetles. The word "Spleen" also used Alexander Pushkin in the meaning of "Handra". In fact, it is translated as "spleen", but in everyday speech, it has acquired a different meaning - the state of unfortunate longing.


The circulation of the debut album "Dusty Friend" of the group "Splin" amounted to about 10 thousand copies. All audio cassettes were bought in St. Petersburg. The compositions of the "victim of the melting ice" and "fairy tale" fell into the radio esters of St. Petersburg stations.

The first concert of the Splin group took place in 1994 at the "ambush" rock club, and a year later the initial version of the second album "Weapon Collector" was published, which in 1996 was rewritten on the CD and radically differed from the demonstration.

At the same time, Alexander Vasiliev came to Moscow to visit "Ostankino" with the clip "Be my shadow", which appeared in the ether of the ORT television channel. With the release of this video fans, the group has become much larger.

The presentation of the album "Lantern under the eye" in 1997 gathered a full lounge of fans (in the DC named Lensovet). The popularity of "Splin" gained momentum, the group often performed with concerts, attended rock festivals, songs sounded on the radio. In the first compositions, the musicians still used various references to the work of their colleagues. So, the song "Chastushki" appeared after listening to Vasilyev's track "Chizh & Co" group "I want tea."

In 1997, Spleen concluded a contract with producer Alexander Ponomarev. After a year, together with the Label "ORT Records", the Group released the fourth collection of "Pomegranate Album". In 1998, the series of the team replenished Yinik Nikolenko and Sergey Plotnaya (drummer). At this time, the discography of the group is replenished with such hits as "exit no" and "orbit without sugar."

The work of Alexander Vasilyeva was not limited to the framework of one genre. In 1999, the Album "Altavista" was released with compositions in the style of indie rock. Interestingly, the author created new tracks with the calculation that they will not fall into the rotation of radio stations and television, but the song "Pil-Kuril" still sounded on the air. In 2000, another collection appeared, consisting of already popular songs and two new - "something else" and "you will dream."

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After a year, the Splin group released the sixth album "25 frame". In its composition, 14 tracks, including "My Heart", one of the most popular songs in 2001. On the hits "Line Life" and "We stay to winter" are released clips. At the same time, the tour "Splin" and "Bi-2" called FELLINI took place. Concerts passed in more than 20 Russian cities, as well as abroad.

In the period from 2002 to 2003, Vasilyev and the participants of the "Splin" record a concert collection "Acoustics", and later - the seventh album "New People". "Handball" became a popular hit and entered its staff. In the sound of the song, the record of the laughter of the Fleotist of the group Yana Nicolenko was used. During work on Track, the musician chance chance. These sounds were then cut and placed all over the composition.

The decade of the group was noted by the output of the solo collection of permanent leader Alexander Vasilyeva, where he collected the hits of the period 1998 and 2003.

In 2004, a single "Romance" appeared, and later the eighth album "Reversive Chronicle of Events". He became the last with the participation of Sergey's drummer. Instead, the Group's composition replenishes Alexey Meshcheryakov.

With the updated composition "Spleen" is preparing to release the ninth album and at the same time toured in North America. At one of the festivals of the FUZZ Prize in 2005, Stas Berezovsky refused to speak. On the stage with "Splin", an ex-participant of the Edipov Complex group Vladimir Kolyada and the musician of Innocent Agafonov appeared. Such a change in the situation rooted the interest of fans, rumors appeared about the imminent decay of the group.

However, in addition to the reports on the official website that Berezovsky, Jan Nicolenko and Vladimir Kolyada leave the team, the information did not appear. "Spleen" still gave concerts, went on tour. In 2006, Alexander Vasilyev wrote music to the poem of Vladimir Mayakovsky "Lelichka", the song "Lighthouse" appeared. In 2007, the ranks of the team replenished the bass guitarist Dmitry Kunin.

The ninth album appeared in 2007 and received the name "split personality". Two and a half years after the collection of the collection, Alexander Vasiliev worked on texts and music. The group toured in Russia and the CIS countries. As a result, the song of the album "signal from space" became created during this period.

The themed compilation included the musical compositions "Splin" together with the Great String Quartet, a children's choir (the song "Down head"), percussionist Kirill Ipatov.

In 2012, the disk "Employment" was released, and the single "Samurai Daughter" came out before that, which became one of the hits of the Splin Group. The song is dedicated to the Japanese girl Sasaki Sadako, who found the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and survived during the explosion.

After 2 years, Alexander Vasilyev announced the release of the album "Resonance", which consisted of two parts. Conquered the "key to ciffer" fans was in the work of the Splin group since 2014 and presented in 2016. It included such compositions as the "temple", "pyramids", "us, wise men". Tracks written after the "key to the cipher" until 2018, entered the album "Counter-Strip."

On the air "Our Radio", the musician said that the team members work on a concert track list, which included compositions from the "counter-strip", as well as the "Eternal" hits "Splin".

With the new program, the group was met at the Rock Festival "invasion", which took place in August 2018, after which the musicians went to the touring tour in support of the album.

"Spleen" now

Now the group "Spleen" does not slow down turnover, but continues to produce current tracks that are popular with her fans. In December 2019, the release of the mini-album "Thai" took place. This musicians reported fans from page in "Instagram". Here are published photos and video performances of the creative team.

The Splin Group in connection with the announcement of a large-scale share in self-insulation due to the distribution of coronavirus in 2020 moved April concerts, which were to take place in Cyprus and in Israel, for autumn. Also on the Yutiub-channel of the creative team there was a recording of a new song "Pass this Harry Potter, if suddenly meet it."

In early April 2020, the Group's musicians held an online concert in the live Multimedia OKKO service. Speech was presented in the format of the apartment. The famous hits and new musical compositions sounded. During the concert, the listeners had the opportunity to communicate with the participants of the "Splin" through the OKKO group in Vkontakte.


  • 1994 - "Dusty Friend"
  • 1996 - "Weapon Collector"
  • 1997 - "Lantern under the eye"
  • 1998 - "Pomegranate album"
  • 1999 - "Altavistist"
  • 2001 - "25th Frame"
  • 2003 - "New people"
  • 2004 - "Reversing Chronicle of Events"
  • 2009 - "Signal from space"
  • 2012 - "Illusion"
  • 2016 - "The key to the cipher"
  • 2018 - "Counter Straight"
  • 2019 - "Thai"


  • 1994 - "I was told the word"
  • 1995 - "Be my shadow"
  • 1997 - "Orbits without sugar"
  • 1998 - no exit
  • 2000 - "Stay Winter"
  • 2001 - "My Heart"
  • 2003 - "Romance"
  • 2006 - "Say"
  • 2013 - "Samurai Daughter"
  • 2017 - "Anxiety"
  • 2018 - "Bulgakovsky march"

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