Andrey Norkin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Talk Show "Place of Meeting" 2021



Winner of the "Teffi" award, journalist and writer Andrei Norkin known to cooperate with radio stations and television channels. Two stages of work on NTV had the greatest importance for the leader. Not having a profile education, in 1996 he joined the recently educated television company, where she worked for 5 years. After 20 years, the journalist returned to NTV as the lead program "Place of Meeting".

Childhood and youth

Parents of the journalist lived in Moscow. Andrei's son appeared at the pair in 1968, date of birth - July 25th. As a schoolboy, Norkin visited the mugs of amateur time and 5 times during his studies became in various nominations of the laureate at the Moscow level. The graduate attracted acting education, but in the theater university, members of the introductory commission advised the young man to first pass the service in the army.

The 18-year conscript was sent to Kutaisi. In the seaside city there was an artillery part, where he had to pass the service. "That army in which I served - it was the utter mess," said Ninkin later, commenting on the radio "Say Moscow".

He returned from the service he is the rank of sergeant. In his youth, even before the call, managed to work as a mechanic at the factory. This experience and 2 years in Kutaisi changed the idea of ​​life, and Norkin refused the dream to become an actor. The soldier dismissed into the reserve settled on the stadium "Luzhniki". Here he worked from 1989 to 1992.

In the 1990s, when Norkin was 22 years old, he survived the death of Mother: Tatiana Volodina fell under the train. Neither Andrew nor the widowed father did not consider the tragic accident and demanded an investigation, but they were refused. The experienced forced to think about the departure from the country, but Norkin remained and a year later decided to try himself on the radio. Part-time the leading news on the "Maximum" became his debut in journalism.

Personal life

For the first time, the journalist married in 1985, but the personal life of young spouses did not work out. Yulia Norkin's current wife met in the walls of the radio station "Radio-101" in the early 1992th. Journalist for education, she came to get a job. A few months later, Andrei made her an offer, and in the same year the lovers got married.

Later, in an interview with Oksana Pushkin, a couple told that on the eve of Yulia's dating with Andrei, her mother was in Jerusalem with a creative business trip, where he asked the Wall of happiness for her daughter. All wishes of a woman came true.

Andrei adopted 6-year-old Alexander - the Son of Julia from the first marriage, and in 1994 the pair had a daughter. The girl was named Alexander. In 2002, the spouses adopted a 7-year-old boy named Artem. Later from the custody bodies, the family learned that the parents of the latter refused and from his brother Alexey, after which she took it to himself and him. According to Norkin, the brothers never hidden the fact of adoption.

Andrei and Julia were ready to adopt the third brother of their adoptive children, who even invented the name of Arseniy. And this is despite the fact that the boy was born with deep Down Syndrome. But the child also diagnosed heart disease and kidney problems. At that moment, the family experienced serious financial difficulties, so Norkin decided not to take the baby.

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The family lives in the capital in a two-story house, for which a man pays a long-term mortgage. Together with them there are eight dogs and seven cats. In an interview, the journalist admitted that the abundance of pets was his fault, because once he stated the children that if they would bring an animal home, it would be impossible to throw it into the street. Sons and daughter took advantage of this.

Father Journalist Vladimir Norkin left to live in Israel. Once he passed there a treatment and remained satisfied with the country. Nevertheless, it was not possible to change the place of residence immediately: she went abroad after he was 70 years old.

Andrei and Julia's spouses have developed a strong family and creative tandem. They supported each other in any situation. Norkin admits that it was his wife who pushed him into writing both books.

By the sign of the Zodiac TV presenter - lion. From February 2018, Twitter is also registered with "Instagram", which presents a lot of his family and working photos.

In 2019, a man survived hypertensive crisis against the background of diabetes mellitus. The attack happened in Norkin during the broadcast of the "Meeting Place" program. He completed the release of his colleague Alexander Gurnov, and in subsequent programs of the TV presenter replaced Ivan Trushkin. After the hospital health of the journalist came to normal, and he began to work again.

In early June 2020, Andrei Norkin reported on his page in "Instagram" about the tragedy: His wife Yulia Norkin died. The journalist and mother of four children was 52 years old. Recently, the woman was worried about her son's study, as well as close to the heart adopted a situation associated with a coronavirus infection pandemic. The reason for her death was a heart attack. The critical state developed lightningry, Julia died suddenly. The TV host itself was at this time at work.

The funeral, which was led by the eldest son of Pair Alexander, was held at the Novodorenensky cemetery in Pushkino near Moscow. The farewell ceremony was attended by TV presenter Yevgeny Popov, Journalist Ernest Matskhekius, the general director of the radio station "says Moscow" Vladimir Mamontov and others.

In the same year, a joyful event occurred: the granddaughter was born in Norkin.


The first stage of the professional biography of Andrei Norkina was cooperation with radio stations. In 1992, he quit from the stadium and settled on the Radio-101, where including the Directorate of Information Programs. Having gained experience as a lead, in 28 years came to NTV. The newcomer was entrusted at first the morning, and then daylight issues, as well as the transmission of the hero of the day.

As TV presenter Norkin collaborated with NTV until 2001. In parallel, he decided to get a higher education, enrolling at the correspondence department of Jourfak MSU. Later, Andrei scored his studies due to employment at work and the need to take care of the family in which two children rose by that time.

The reasons for leaving the opposition channel and the rupture of relations with most representatives of liberal circles journalist described in his second book "from NTV to NTV. Secret sense of television. My information war. " To the question of colleagues from the Express Newspaper on why Norkin abandoned liberal ideas, the presenter replied:

"I worked hard and tightly with people who are carriers of these ideas ... Once I realized that the guys use us and just cheating."

In 2002, a man left the NTV in the newly created by Alexey, the echo TV ". It produced content, but did not have a license of a broadcaster. But it became a step of career growth for Norkin - he was entrusted by the post of chief editor. Also until 2007, he led the metropolitan representative office of the RTVI International Company Vladimir Gusinsky, broadcasting in Russian, with the main office located abroad. This enterprise informally was the successor of NTV.

At one time, Mikhail Osokin, Yevgeny Kiselev, Viktor Shenderovich and others were switched from Norkin. During this period, the company becomes a laureate of TEFI 2006. The premium is awarded for the management of the program "Now in Russia".

Finally, disappearing with the opposition, in 2008 Andrei comes to the fifth canal. The new position makes it necessary to remember the hobby of youth: Norkina is appointed by the artistic director of the Morning program on the fifth, where it is in part-time responsibility for maintaining.

After two years of creative work, he passes only to keeping, freeing the time to cooperate with the radio station "Kommersant FM".

Since 2011, it works only on the radio. In 2013, for 4 months, cooperation is interrupted due to the Norkin project on public television of Russia, but in summer a man returns to the publishing house "Kommersant". Also conducts programs at the stations "Echo Moscow" and "says Moscow".

From 2014 to 2016, the journalist appeals to television again. Helps to make the releases of the "Replica" program, which "Russia-24" broadcasts, and returns to NTV air. His projects "Anatomy of the Day" and "List of Ninkina" are published.

The famous Mediakritic Irina Petrovskaya notes that Andrei is not caught falsifying facts. Also the lead is criticized for the purposeful selection of only those heroes of the program that can confirm its point of view.

For example, the release of the television viewers remained the release of the TV show Norkin, where he did not give to say and the words of Ksenia Sobchak. The presenter did not hide what it makes it for the fact that in his time they "stuck" on the "Rain".

In 2015, he briefly collaborates with the Tsargrad TV television company, focused on Orthodox theme, and from 2016 finally returned to NTV. The main project becomes a talk show "Place of Meeting". For discussion, the topics that are able to cause an acute discussion are elected.

However, the Norkin himself becomes the victim of passionate disputes, for which the confrontation with opponents is often wrapped with sweatshirts.

So, in February 2018, when the release dedicated to Donbass was in the live broadcast, the presenter tried to strike the Ukrainian blogger Dmitry Suvorov. He wanted to make fun of the opponent telling about the victims of the war in the Donbas. Other shooting participants entered the fight. Subsequently, the TV channel apologized to Suvorov.

Until April 2018, Andrei led the "meeting place" with Olga White, but then the host took up his own project - the program "Reaction" overlooking the same channel.

In addition to working on TV, Norkin is broadcast on Radio Komsomolskaya Pravda. His partner for the transfer of "120 minutes" at this station was the spouse of Julia Norkin. In 2018, the program was renamed and began to be called "simple words." Valery Fadeev, Evgeny Primakov, Oksana Pushkin and others became guests of the Norkin Studio.

In the summer of 2018, the scandal was broken, associated with the performances of Danille transverse. Norkina outraged that he was constantly joking on religion. Seeing the possible violation of the law on the protection of the feelings of believers, he wrote a statement in the RF IC. On it began checking.

Andrei Norkin now

Now the main income of Norkin brings his journalistic activity. But since 2018, Andrei Vladimirovich speaks with the literary and humorous program "Another format" on the courts of the country.

At the concerts of the TV presenter, the works of Gregory Gorin, Alexander Ivanov, Arkady Buyov, Daniel Harms, Fazil Iskander, Arkady Hight. Norkin reads its own compositions, as well as well-known fans of Ninkina anecdot.


  • 1992-1994 - "Radio-101"
  • 1996-2001 - "Today"
  • 2008-2010 - "Morning on the Fifth"
  • 2010-2013 - "Kommersant FM"
  • 2010-2011 - "Real World"
  • 2010-2011 - "Dear Mom and Dad"
  • 2013 - "Rights? Yes!"
  • 2014-2016 - "Replica"
  • 2014-2015 - "Anatomy of the Day"
  • 2014-2015 - "List of Norkin"
  • 2016 - N. BP. - "Meeting point"
  • 2017-2018 - "120 minutes"

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