Martin Kirkorov - biography, photo, news, instagram 2021



Son of the Russian singer, actor and producer Philip Kirkorov. Born from the surrogate mother in the United States. Now lives in the country house of his father near Moscow.

Martin Kirkorov with father and sister Alla-Victoria

Martin has an older sister Alla-Victoria, a godmother is looking for both children - a good friend of Philip Kirkorov, the business lady Natalia Efremova.

Childhood and family

Martin Kirkorov was born on June 29, 2012 in the United States. The boy was born with a surrogate mother. On the birth of Martina fans Philip Kirkorov learned during a concert in Sofia, Bulgaria.

Philip Kirkorov with newborn martin

Martin has an older sister Alla Victoria, which was born seven months earlier in Miami also from a surrogate mother. Alla Victoria received a three-story villa as a gift from the father in Miami, where he held the first weeks of his life under reliable security. In winter, the baby was transported to the suburbs in the country house, and the spring was baptized. The godfather of the girl was the TV presenter Andrei Malakhov, and the godmother - the businesswoman Natalia Efremova, who later baptized and Martin.

Natalia Efremova is a long-time familiar Philip Kirkorov. The artist often visited the fashion brand store, which Natalia kept in the center of Moscow. Over time, the acquaintance turned into a strong friendship,

Martin Kirkorov and Alla Victoria live in a country house near Moscow

The upbringing of children is also engaged in Aunt Kirkorov from the Father, Marie, Opera Singer. From the aunt Martin and his sister took over the love of classical music.

In honor of the 5th anniversary of his son, Philip Kirkorov arranged a grand party in the country complex Soho Country Club. Many famous persons, Colleagues Philip Kirkorov, who grabbed children with them, celebrate the birthday of Martin. Among the guests were the singer Ani Lorak, the actress Ekaterina Volkova and his wife and her daughter, TV presenter Yana Rudkovskaya with her son and many others. Children entertained animators, and Martin blinked five candles on a huge colorful cake.

On the 5th anniversary of Martin Kirkorov, stars with children arrived

Alla Victoria loves to be in the center of attention, being photographed and from an early age easily fit into secular life. But Martin is shy and does not like high attention to his person from journalists and the public. The boy is still more interested in toy cars than a secular part. Nevertheless, Kirkorov junior is sociable, it is well converged with children and is friends with the daughter of Christina Orbakaite and with siblings Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkina, Harry Galkin and his sister Liza.

The appearance in the life of Philip Kirkorov children opened the singer new horizons. After the birth of the son, Philip has opened his own agency for organizing children's holidays, which called Phill Party. Designers of this agency are decorated with the holidays of Kirkorov himself and prepare events for artist children.

Philip Kirkorov and Ricky Martin

Around Martin Kirkorov, despite the young age of the boy, a lot of rumors are spinning. It is said that Kirkorov-younger received his name in honor of the famous singer Ricky Martin in honor of the famous singer, but Philip refutes these rumors and argues that Martin's name just like him, and any coincidences are random.

Journalists also noticed the similarity between Martin Kirkorov and the son of pop singer Anastasia Stotskoy. Rumors raised immediately that Anastasia gave birth to a son from Kirkorov. The similarities between the boys confirm even their parents, but there is no related relationship between them.

Martin Kirkorov and the Son Anastasia Stotskoy hard to distinguish

In 2015, on the NTV television channel, a country house of Kirkorov, including personal rooms and the overall gaming of his children, was shown in the framework of the transfer "We speak and show". Journalists learned that Martin and his sister lead a life, ordinary for children of their age - attend developing classes and mugs, go to the sports section and dancing.

Martin Kirkorov first appeared on stage at the age of four and executed Break-Dance. Philip Kirkorov confessed this, his own debut took place at the same age.

Martin Kirkorov Now

Martin has an "instagram" -Acunt, where you can learn about what is happening in the boy's life. Judging by the photographs, the summer of 2018 Martin holds on the sea along with friends.

Martin Kirkorov celebrated the 6th birthday in Tel Aviv

The boy noted his sixth birthday in Tel Aviv (Israel) in the circle of friends of the Father, his own little buddies and loved ones. Kirkorov himself gave a concert in Tel Aviv, at which once again congratulated her son before the full hall, inviting him together with her sister on stage. Martin received a lot of gifts, and the festive cake was decorated with dinosaur figures.

Martin and Alla Victoria Kirkorov participated in a fashion show

And in the spring of 2018, Martin and his sister took part in the show showing the Galina Yudashkina. Little models demonstrated a new collection of children's clothing. In addition to Martin and Alla Victoria, other "star" children participated in the show - the daughter of Alla Pugacheva Lisa and the daughter of the press secretary of the president Nadya Peskov.

Martin Kirkorov in winter 2018

In winter, 2018, Kirkorov's children spent in Miami, where they rested in the company of Christina orbakayt family. Martin has visited Flamingo and Oceanarium Park.

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