IKo Juvais - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



The novice actor, Cascaderal and the leader of the tricks IKO JUBIN is already called "next Jackie Chan." Such a vain comparison is easily explained.

IKo Juvais and Jackie Chan

Like a famous actor from China, Iko showed a little-known martial art that has already won the love of many inhabitants of the planet. Despite the popularity that has appeared, Juvais does not feel like a star. In "Instagram" the actor signed under one of the photo that the most important thing for him is family.

Childhood and youth

Jueques Korni (real name of the actor) was born in the Indonesian city of Jakarta on February 12, 1983. The child from the young age was tied to the family. In 10 years IO went to the school of martial arts, the main direction of which is the style of Phenchk-Silat. The educational institution founded the grandfather of the boy, and the first teacher of Juvais became his native uncle.

Actor Iko Juvais

Later in the biography of the teenager entered European football. Iko got carried away by a new sport for themselves and even was adopted in the professional team of the category "B" to the midfielder's position. But the football club went bankrupt, so Jupace again focused his forces on the eastern martial arts.

Complete self-dedication and permanent control of relatives over the work of IFO brought the result. In 2003, the young man enters the prize three at the Fuchec-Silat competition in Jakarta, and after 2 years he receives the title of Champion Indonesia. In parallel with the study of the techniques of Indonesian martial arts, Juvais worked as a courier in a famous telephone company.


The acting career began to ICO in 2007. Low Indonesian (ICO growth - 1.65 m) was invited to a small role in a documentary, the director of whom Gareth Evans spoke. Men quickly found a common language, and while the shooting process lasted, the idea for a full-fledged film was ripe on the director's head, the main role in which a talented athlete would be assigned to a talented athlete.

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After 2 years, Evans returned to Indonesia and brought a ready script. IKo Juvais until the last moment did not believe that he would be filmed in the cinema. In an interview, the actor said that I realized what was happening only at the first shooting day. As a result, the "Merantau" fighter was released on the screens.

The joint work was so inspired by the director that in 2011 Evans released a new fighter with IKo Juquos in the lead role. Combat scenes in the "Reid" The actors put on their own. The first experience of the producer of battles had the consequences - IO was injured knee and even felt a shot on himself. Fortunately, cold weapons were not sharpened. The film received the award "Spectator Sympathy" at the Film Festival in Toronto.

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Not less successfully earned "Raid 2", to the shooting of which a friendly tandem Evans-Juvais began in 2014. Despite positive feedback, Kinokartina failed at the box office. At the same time, the audience noted the scale of work done. IO himself claimed that the hard time in the work on the militant was a duplicate, where the main character jumps out of one machine to another. The shooting of the film was held without doubles, and all the tricks athlete performed himself.

In 2015, the actor was departed from the usual image and agreed to a small role in the legendary Saga "Star Wars". In the film "Episode VII: Awakening of Power", a young man reincarnated in Lieutenant once Qin-fi - a member of the gang of smugglers, with whom Khan Solo had stretched relationships.

In 2016, despite the failure at Raida 2, the shooting "Raid: a bullet in the head" began. With previous parts of the militant, the film is associated only by the title. Picture directed by Kimo Stamball and Timo Tijanuto. The main role in the action again went to IKO Uvais. This time the actor played a cold-blooded killer, intending to take revenge on his offenders, who considered the family.

2017 brought ICO the first advertising contract - Juvais became the face of Shampoo "Head & Shoulders". After the premiere of the video with an actor demonstrating hair products, the sale of shampoo in Indonesia increased markedly.

Personal life

On June 25, 2012, the wedding of IOC and the singer Paula Allodhi Ithem, more famous under the pseudonym Audi. The girl, like the actor himself, by the nationality of Indonesian, professing Islam. Before the marriage, young people consisted in relations only 3 months.

Io Juvais and his wife Paula with children

So hasty marriage became a reason for the poverty. Journalists were confident that the young wife of the actor was pregnant. But the rumors did not find confirmation. No less refirmed caused the beginning of a passionate novel. Before you marry Audi, a young man was going to take a shoe under the crown of actress Jane Shalimar. But a random meeting with Paula has changed the plans IO.

The tea will grow up the daughter who parents called atrey. The girl was born in 2014.

IKO Üweys now

In June 2018, the actor became a father for the second time. Audi gave birth to her husband the second daughter whose name spouses were not disclosed yet.

IKO Üweys in 2018

In August 2018, the premiere of the film "22 Mile" will take place. The fighter will tell about the secret detachment, whose new task will deliver a witness who knows where hazardous substances in the United States are hooked. Iko got the role of a Nier police officer from Indonesia, accidentally found out where terrorists keep explosive materials.

It was he who must be saved by the protagonist, whom Mark Walberg played. According to producers, if the film rental will show a good result, the action movie will turn into a trilogy.

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Another premiere of 2018 will become a movie threat "Triple threat." Juvais will reincarnate in a street fighter who will be entrusted with the protection of the daughter of the billionaire. Cyllers will chase the girl, who are not accustomed to retreat. Together with IO to deal with criminals in the filmus will be actor Tony Ja.

Fruitful for Juvais will be 2019. At the stage of post-production, there are 2 films at once, in the creation of which IO was directly involved: "Night goes for us" and "Stuber". Details about the upcoming premiere films have not yet been disclosed.

Tony Ja and Io Juvais

In the second half of 2018, the actor will start working on the series "Wu killer." IO will reincarnate in the last representative of the criminal clan, which is obliged to stop the war between killers. In addition to the main role in the series, Juvais will perform the stage of combat scenes and a producer of a multi-sieu film.


  • 2009 - "Merantau"
  • 2011 - "Reid"
  • 2013 - "Master Thai Ji"
  • 2014 - "Raid 2"
  • 2015 - "Star Wars: Awakening of Power"
  • 2016 - "Raid: bullet in the head"
  • 2017 - Skyline 2
  • 2018 - "Triple Stick"
  • 2018 - "22 miles"

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