Chris Wood - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



The name of Chris Wood on a rumor in all fans and especially the fans of youth American TV shows. Its popularity began after the appearance on the screen in the image of the charming Adam Water in the TV project "Carrie Diaries" (2013), and truly star glory hit 2014, when Chris Wood starred in the sixth season of the sensational series "Vampire Diaries".

Childhood and youth

Christopher Charles Wood was born on April 14, 1988. The childhood of the boy passed in the city of Dublin (Ohio). Family Wood moved from St. Louis, Mom worked as a financier, father - in the banking sector. Chris and his sister were often provided to themselves. However, they did not have to miss: the boy composed the simple plays, which then put at home with his sister and friends.

Actor Chris Wood

While Chris has not yet definitively decided on his own burden to the musical theater, he dreamed of becoming a surgeon. From seven years - it was at this age that for the first time he played in the formulation of the Children's Theater - Chris participated in many musicals and performances, performed the main roles.

Of course, the question "Where to go to learn?" The young man was tormented long. In 2010, he graduated from University of Elon (North Carolina), having received a bachelor's degree in fine arts. Here, at the University, in 2008, the actor finds the first award - the prize in the nomination "Star Role" in the production of "Siini Todd, a demon-hairdresser with Fleet Street."


However, Chris also tied his creative life with the theater, but from the movies. This type of art also attracted him from childhood. At 11, receiving the camera as a gift, the boy began writing scenarios and shoot short films. With one of them, Wood even participated in the local film festival, deserving the jury's flight assessment: "Very good".

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Since 2012, Wood begins to work on television. His first projects where he played small roles, became "girls" (2012) and "especially grave crimes" (2012).

2013 You can safely be called a turning point in the creative biography of Wood: the television series "Karry Diaries" brings him fame, and the young textual actor is invited to the chit draft of all the times and peoples "Vampire Diaries".

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Chris Wood appears in the sixth part of the project, playing another villain from Clan Parkers - Kaya.

In 2015, Wood falls in the top ten telectors according to the magazine "Variety". Justifying such a high rating, the actor soon flashed in another major television project "Superherl", playing Prince Daksam - Mont-Ela, the beloved of the main character.

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New projects of American television channels bring wood new roles. So, in 2016, the actor finally receives one of the leading roles - Officer Jake Rally in the series "Isolation" ("Quarantine") on the CW channel.

Personal life

For the personal life of the idol fictions, they are especially intended. Fortunately, "Instagram" an actor, where he actively lays out all the photofacts of his saturated life, allows you to do this without any problems.

Chris Wood and Nina Dobrev

The first girl who broke the heart to this high blue-eyed chatene (the growth of the actor - 185 cm, the weight is 79 kg), became the actress Nina Dobrev, with which the actor met on the set of "Vampire Diaries". Their relationship became known in 2015, when the paparazzi was climbing a couple in love with a kiss, and the whole world was then sheltered a provocative photo.

Wood's heart was free at that time, but Nina recently broke up with a colleague on "Diaries ..." by Jen Somerhalder, so many began to regard new Roman actress as a way to lose the nose to the former. Whether it was true, it is unknown for certain, but the fact that the novel "ordered to live long," it became known very soon: Nina was fond of the new boyfriend.

Chris Wood and Hannah Lawrence

And Chris, it seems, begins to build a personal life on the principle of "new project - new love". At the next shooting area (the series "Isolation"), he meets the actress of the British-Australian origin of Khanny Lawrence. Together, Hannah was already marked with the filming in the series "Spartak. Revenge". The relationship of the couple lasted about two years, but in 2017 the actors unexpectedly broke up.

Chris Wood and Melissa Benoyst

Alone, the actor stayed long. In the same year, it becomes aware of his novel with Melissa Benoist - the leading role in the series "Supergel". The actors fulfilled their relationships with the dream of the project fans: two superheroes love each other on the screen and found in life. They only stay to rejoice that the shooting of the series "Superherl" still continues, and the relationship of idols and now full of tenderness and romance, which confirms everything in the same "instagram".

Chris Wood today

Today, in the filmography of the actor more than 10 works. Now, in his opinion, it's time to do what he warms the soul from the very childhood, namely the creation of his film projects.

Chris Wood in 2018

In 2018, he graduated from the director's work on the short film "The Stew", the script for which he also wrote himself. And since persistence is one of the main features of the Wood, it is not for nothing that he is Aries on the sign of the zodiac, that is, all chances in the future hear about the success of Wood-Director.

Interesting Facts

  • After the death of the father from the unspecified mental illness, Chris Wood became the ambassador of the Mental Hygiene of America. And in 2017 he began a non-profit IDONTMIND campaign informing about mental health aimed at reducing stigmatization of people with mental diseases.
Chris Wood and his dog drift
  • Wood's sister also went on the creative way, works as instructor dance.
  • Chris Wood has a favorite dog - the drift of the Weimaran breed.
  • The actor is interested in baseball and often visits baseball matches.


  • 2012 - "Girls"
  • 2012 - "Especially grave crimes"
  • 2013 - "Browsers"
  • 2013 - "Especially grave crimes"
  • 2013 - "Karry Diaries"
  • 2014 - "Vampire Diaries"
  • 2016 - "Pif-Paf Comedy"
  • 2016 - "Supergel"
  • 2016 - "Isolation"
  • 2017 - Flash

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