Ul-Einar Bjorndalen: biography, photos, news, personal life, biathlon 2021



Ul-Einar Bjorndalen - Biathlonist from Norway, the most titled Olympian in the history of winter games. In the assets of the athlete - 13 Olympic medals, including eight gold; 20 gold medals of the World Cup and 6 victories in the World Cup Biathlon. Norwegian biathlete - the absolute record holder of the world by victory in personal races. On the account of Ule-Einar 95 first places. In team disciplines, the figure is also a record - 36 gold medals. Bjorndalen continues to improve the skill and defeat, breaking the stereotype of an aged athlete.

Uh Einar was born on January 27, 1974 in the Norwegian Drammen. The boy brought up in a large family, in which two more sons and two daughters have grown up. Father of the family in youth himself was fond of sports, but was forced to master another profession because of the birth of children. Bjorndane-senior founded a farm.

Biathlonist Ule-Einar Bjorndalen

It would be strange if the child born in Norway did not master the skis. But the village filed great hopes, so parents gave the boy to a ski sports school. In addition, the poor was fond of football, handball, cycling and athletics.

And the biathlon of the young man took up following the example of the older brother Dag. Uh Bjorndalen then it was 12 years old, and he came with good training - there were already several victories in ski competitions behind the beginner biathleteist. In a new sport of the sports boy attracted the need to switch from dynamic on a measured ski walk. According to the athlete, it is not given to everyone.

At the first stage of the sports biography shot Ule-Einar Bjorndalen not aptive - I had to work with a psychologist and live in 10 workouts per week.


As a professional biathlete, Uh, debuted at 18th - it was a serious adult competition. By that time, the growth of the biathlete was 179 cm, and the weight did not exceed 65 kg. In 1994, two years after the start, the athlete has already performed at the Olympic Games in Lillehammer. The meaningful results of Ule-Einar did not show - he lacked experience.

Ule-Einar Bjorndalen

The next four years, Ule Einar Bjorndalen trained with doubled power. During this time, the athlete's indicators at the World Cup stages began to improve: in the season 94/95, Ule-Einar became twice with a bronze medalist on the sprint distance, and in the relay took 1 place. A year later, the biathlete won the first places in the individual race and relay and a number of silver and bronze awards. According to the results of 1997, in the overall competition, the athlete became the second, and the cherished first place at the World Cup went in 1998. After that, annually at the World Cups for 11 years, the athlete was in the three winners of the championship.

Such preparation affected the results of the biathlete at the Olympic Games.

Uy Einar Bjorndalen on Salt Lake City

As a result, the Olympics-98, which took place in Nagano, the Norwegian brought two medals - gold and silver. An even greater triumph was waiting for a biathlete in the following Olympics. In Salt Lake City, the Norwegian skier won four victories and became an absolute champion. In the same 2002, Bjorndalen won a few more serious competitions.

Since 2009, the seasons were not so brilliant for Ule Einar, the athlete even thought about the end of the sports career. But the results at the Olympics were excellent, the age skier did not at all inferior to young competitors by the number of awards. In 2014, Ul-Einar Bjorndalen and Daria Domrachev were named the best participants in the Olympiad. After the closure of the Olympic Games in Sochi Norwegez received a place in the IOC. At the same time, Bjorndalen decided to stay in biathlon.

UI Einar Bjorndalen on OI in Sochi

Norwegians are deservedly called the king of Biathlon, although this title is given by Bjorndalen with titanic efforts. The athlete monitors how this sport is developing, observes the tactics of the speeches of young athletes, adopting positive experience.

Personal life

The most titled biathlete of the world willingly speak with journalists about sports, but restrained in comments relating to personal life. Bjorndalen does not hide that such questions are unpleasant.

Uhh Einar lived six years with biathlete from Italy Natalie Santer. The young in 1998 met, liked each other, met infrequently - did not allow a dense sport schedule of both. I got married and Natalie in 2006, and in 2012 they broke up. Children in this marriage did not appear.

Daria Domrachev and Ule-Einar Bjorndalen

The reasons for divorce biathlonists did not comment, but the press flashed the information that the divorce with Natalie took place due to the hobbies of Ule-Einar by the Belarusian biathlete Darya Domracheva. The athlete traditionally did not comment on information in the newspapers, but from 2010 after the Olympiad in Vancouver athletes often saw together.

Ule Einar Bjorndalen with his wife and daughter

In July 2016, Uh Bjorndalen told on a personal page in "Instagram" about the wedding with Darya Domracheva. In October 2016, the spouse gave birth to a daughter. Soon on an athlete account, a snapshot with his wife and a pram appeared.

Ule Einar Bjorndalen now

In 2017, after the scandal associated with positive tests for dope from Russian athletes, Ule-Einar spoke in defense of Russians. The Norwegian champion emphasized that the practice of WADA on the coercion of national anti-doping agencies to recognize the existence of state-owned support for the use of doping athletes makes any athlete vulnerable and does not guarantee that the doping sample of each of the participants in the Olympiad will not appear scratches. "

At the end of the year, the coaching staff of the Norwegian team approved the list of biathletes who were among the athletes of the national team to participate at the World Cup stages held in Germany. In the male part of the team, in addition to Ule-Einar Bjorndalen, Lars Helge Birkelia entered, Veta Shostad Christiansen, Earland Orsreng Bjountegard, Johannes Bee, Taria Be, Henrick Labelund and Emil Hegle Svendsen. Based on the results obtained during the passage of the tracks in Oberhof and Rupleolding, the national team will be formed to participate in the Olympic Games in Pytenchhan.

Biathlonist Ule-Einar Bjorndalen

Ul-Einar Bjorndalen did not fulfill the requirements established for future representatives of the Norwegian team on the OI. In the first sprint, the biathlonist came 52nd, in the race the persecution finished the 36th. Thanks to the victory in the relay race at stage in Hochfilzen, which took place at the end of 2017, the athlete rating in the overall event reached only the 40th place, which is not enough to participate in the Olympiad. The necessary conditions have already fulfilled two team members - Champions of Tarja Be and Johannes Be.

The biathlete hoped to catch up and get into Phenchhan. However, young athletes turned out to be more efficient, as a result, Uh, for the first time in many years, Norwegian Olympic national team was not displayed. He came to Pytenchhan as a consultant and coach of the national team of Belarus, rejoicing every victory of the wards.

Uhh and Daria in Pchenchkhan

In April 2018, the legendary athlete Ule-Einar Bjorndalen announced the completion of the career. According to the Norwegian, he could still "run", but the doctors advised to tie with a sport because of the problems with the heart.


  • 1998 - Golden and Silver Medals at the Olympic Games in Nagano
  • 2002 - Four Gold Medals in Olympic Games in Salt Lake City
  • 2006 - Two Silver and Bronze Medals at the Olympic Games in Turin
  • 2010 - Golden and Silver Medals at the Olympic Games in Vancouver
  • 2014 - Two Gold Medals at the Olympic Games in Sochi

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