Olga Shukshina - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Olga, the youngest daughter of the stars of the Soviet cinema Vasily Shukshina and Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina, the years does not appear in public. Such a gate is not a desire to stand out, but a personal position. She rose with the feeling that the family was an unloved child. Path and sister Maria Shukshina diverged. But no matter what happens in life, the former actress perceives it as God's fishing that helps, saves and teaches.

Childhood and youth

Biography of Olga Shukshina began in July 1968. Father in a joke called Olya-la girl, and in one letter, which he read, already becoming an adult, wrote:

"Need an equilibrium of forces. Mom plus mana equals Olya plus dad. "

The youngest daughter really took more from Vasily Makarovich, and outwardly, and, as herself admits, by nature. Shukshin's children first starred in the cinema, not yet realizing, in which action are involved. In the lyrical comedy "Stoves-shop" they appeared together with famous parents, George Barkov and Vsevolod Sanaev.

It is logical that at the end of the school, Olga entered Gitis, from where he was translated from VGIK in 2 years. When I started writing myself, went to the literary institute. Some sources say that the university she did not graduate, others - that she defended his thesis on the work of Vasily Shukshin, that without a diploma of higher education is impossible.

By inheritance, Olga got an impressive amount of money, and she went to America. But the overseas life did not ask, and the girl returned home.


Olga roles are actually a bit. In 1974, she played in the film Sergey Nikonenko "Birds over the city", after another 15 years - in the drama Gleb Panfilova "Mother". Following in 1990, the adaption of the story of Fedor Dostoevsky "Eternal Husband", where Shukshin appears in the episode. In this project, the mother of the young actress Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshin and Sister Maria are involved. In the psychological drama "Tired" Olga starred at the company Leonid Gromova and Vitaly Babenko.

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After that, in the cinematic career of Shukshina, a great break occurred. She returned to the screens only in 2009 in the film "Believe!", Shot down the stories of Vasily Shukshin. Olga's public profession chose the ministry under the monastery, pedagogical activities, the organization of social projects and the study of the father's heritage.

"I moved away from the acting. What is offered by Kinoryanka is not mine. Only after herself was shot in several films, I understood why in the ancient actors were buried behind cemetery walls. This lesson destroys the soul. "

Personal life

Olga not once tried to arrange a personal life. In Vgik, she met Civil husband Abubakir Kabulov, Afghan by nationality, but baptized in Orthodoxy. A son was born, who was given a name in honor of his grandfather's grandfather. Grandfather in the father's line - People's Artist of the USSR Yuldash Agzamov. True, patronymic of Vasily - Nikolaevich. According to Olga, the documents issued EE Mom and recorded the child to his own discretion, since the parents marriage did not register.

In search of our own place in the life of Shukshina went to St. Petersburg, from there in Sergiev-Posad. Vasily studied at the monastery, Olga taught literature. Later, when the scandal was happening about the apartment left after the death of Vasily Makarovich, a woman fell ill. On the advice of acquaintances turned to a doctor whom Oleg called. This official Union has existed for 3 months. Olga admitted that she did not forget Kabulov, and not adapted to a calm, measured life.

Olga Shukshina

In 2013, she returned to worldly life. Actually, after that, the apartment question got up, which led to a quarrel with his family. Vasily wanted to become a director and for the period of receiving exams in Vgik settled in the apartment of her grandmother, whose share belonged to Shukshina. Olga as co-owner unpleasantly surprised that the eldest daughter Mary Anna lived there. Relatives did not find a common language, and the young man put out the door.

Both sides of the conflict later went for a long time for all sorts of television shows, explaining their positions. Olga did not forgive the mother of this treatment with his native grandson. The former actress was called the first who "destroyed the idyllic picture, which pretended after the death of Vasily Shukshin around his heirs." Apartment, by the way, Anna sold. Lydia Nikolaevna appealed to the court, which was not on her side.

Olga Shukshina (Frame from the show "Let's get married")

Schukshina's niece founded the Spring Foundation, which was engaged in the popularization of the work of her grandfather. Olga suspected that the Institution of Anna is used for personal purposes. In 2019, the director of the Foundation Nikolai Kuznetsov filed a lawsuit on the protection of honor and dignity and payment of compensation, then an audio recording appeared on the network, on which Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshin speaks about deception from a certain name. Kuznetsov decided that it was about him, and "draining" made Olga, and appealed to the court. The latter did not find evidence of causing the plaintiff of moral and moral suffering.

Unbelievable accounts in Twitter, Instagram and VKontakte are named after Olga Shukshina. There are private photos, links to those interested in its publications, comments from the events taking place in the family and who have become a general treasure.

In 2014, Shukshina became the heroine show "Let's get married", but not to get married, but just to meet. With two candidates in the groom she is rewritten to this day.

Olga Shukshina now

Charter from family conflict, Olga left Russia. Now she lives in the town on the shores of the Red Sea, where, on his own admission, feels comfortable and calm.

Shukshina commits a house in the Moscow region and removes one-bedroom apartment in Egypt. For the life of the former actress earns business - she opened second-hand, besides, as the heir of the famous writer receives the author's deductions. Vasin Father also helps. At the guy, by the way, four pylish sisters and brother. From time to time Olga visits Russia.

Olga Shukshina in 2019

In one of these visits, the woman was angry with Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina's husband, the founder of the group "on" Bari Alibasov. The union of a native person with producer she did not like it. Shukshina suffered Barimovich Barimovich just because he reconciled her with her mother. Now she sees Corious in him: Alibasi as if claiming the creative heritage of Vasily Makarovich, therefore he married and had already offered to buy copyright.

Sergey Zhorin, lawyer Stars Stars, argues that he does not claim anything. But the daughter of the actress allegedly has already begun to share the inheritance with a living mother. Olga, from his words, promises to stop silent the name of the musician in the press, provided that Bari divorces.


  • 1972 - "Stoves-shop"
  • 1974 - "Birds over the city"
  • 1989 - "Mother"
  • 1990 - "Eternal husband"
  • 1991 - "Tired"
  • 2009 - "I believe!"

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