Virginia Wolfe - biography, photo, personal life, books, cause of death



Back in the 60s of the last century, Vulf explained to the works of Virginia to Virginia, who is this woman. Specified that she was a daughter of famous criticism and the wife of the English writer, a journalist. Only later recognized talent and a huge contribution to the literature. Wolfe - feminist, one of the foundation of the "female prose", whose novels and stories conquer an unusual form and literary game.

Childhood and youth

Virginia was born in the London family of aristocrats. Father Leslie Stephen was a famous literary criticism, and Mom Julia Dakurty worked as a simulator, known as Philanthrop. Behind the shoulders of the parents were already one marriage, both widowed. Leslie brought up daughter, and Julia three children. Heirs all growing together in a new family.

Virginia Wolfe with Mother Julia

Virginia is a common daughter Stephen and Dakort, she had two one-year brothers and an older sister. The head of the family, by virtue of his profession, was friends with representatives of literary circles, writers, philosophers, poets often stayed in the house.

For example, Henry James and George Henry Lewis looked at the light. Such a close acquaintance affected the raising of heirs. In addition, there was a huge library in free access. The future writer knew English well, studied Greek tutorials.

Virginia Wolfe and her brother Adrian in childhood

However, the aristocratic well-being was nothing more than a beautiful wrapper. According to biographers, Little Virginia, together with the sister, was subjected to sexual harassment from the older brothers from the previous marriage of the mother. Fear of physical love lived with a woman all his life.

When the girl was 13 years old, Mount had happened in the family - Mom died. The event turned out to be a blow, Virginia survived the nervous breakdown. In the near future I was waiting for a whole vintage tragedy: Favorite Brother Toby and older sister died from Tifi, and then the head of the family.

Virginia Wolfe and her sister Vanessa

The relationship with the Father was very influenced by the inner world of Virginia. After the death of Spouse, Leslie gradually turned into a despot, making the existence of a homemade unbearable flour. When he died, relatives sighed hardly, but Virginia fell into depression and even found himself in a psychiatric hospital.

She never gained freedom from her father: constantly conducted internal dialogues with him, accused of certain actions, found justification. Already at the sunset of life wrote in the diary:

"As a child, I condemn him, like a 58-year-old woman - I understand, that is, I want to say - I treat him. Perhaps both glances are correct? "

With the principles of feminism, the writer met as early as his youth when he studied at the King College courses. Here the fate has brought with women who possessed reformists at that time with views - Clara Pater, Lilian Feitfull, Georgina Warr.

Virginia Wolfe and her father Leslie

And a little later, after the death of his father, her own home turned into a circle of intellectuals. Together with the sister of Vanessa Bell and Brother Adrian sold the parent mansion, buying housing in the bohemian area of ​​Bloomsbury. Here, young artists and writers began to gather, society received fame as a "Bloomsbury Circle".


The creative biography of the writer began in 1905. Debuted as the author of reviews on literary works of contemporaries and articles in the journal "Times". The first novel saw the light in 1915 - the book "By the sea away" was published. Ten years later, one of the most significant works of Virginia Wolfe Mrs. Dallowway, who tells about one day of the secular lady. In the center of the plot - the story of love, for which neither the world or war is not important.

Virginia Wolfe in youth

Rethink the relationship in your own family. A woman took in the novel "On the Mayak" (1927). The book appeared the characters of her father and mother. Wolfe not only splashed anger about the tyranny of the head of the family. Here I raised the issues of inequality in the education of boys and girls. The fact is that Virginia did not give rest to the decision of the parents to teach sons in the University of Cambridge, while the daughters were content with the services of invited teachers and short-term courses in college.

Intolerance to the patriarchal estate was also reflected in the later essay "its own room" and "Three Guinea", which included in the Golden Heritage of Feminist Critics. Guilty of wars and in the fact that men grow cruel and merciless, Wolfe saw the patriarchal of society.

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Another important literary work is recognized as a satirical novel "Orlando", for which part of the motives, the writer borrowed from the biography of Vita Sauquil-West's girlfriend. The plot is stretched for 350 years, starting in the era of Elizabeth I and ending at the time of enlightenment. The young man named Orlando has time to fall in love, be disappointed in feelings, turn into a woman and even become a mother. The work that differs in a brilliant literary game was conceived as an explanation of love for Vita.

By the beginning of the 30s, the British appeals to the genre of the experimental novel. From under her feather, "waves", consisting of nine small plays. She writes the stories - "Jeweler and Duchess", "House with ghosts" and others. The use of metaphors, clear statements - not the only one, for which readers immediately fall in love with the work of the writer. The woman removes the event to the background, heading the mental state of the characters. This allows you to immerse yourself in the thought of heroes, understand their attitude to what is happening.

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Virginia led diary records. After her death, the husband edited a notebook, leaving very few episodes belonging to creativity. Nevertheless, in the work, along with the descriptions of events and people, there was a reason for the arguments about their stories, novels and articles. The light saw four volumes of the book "Writer Diary".

All works of women came out in the publishing house "Hogarth Press", which she and her husband opened in 1917. The works and other authors were printed here, which Virginia was typing independently and edited.

Personal life

In 1912, the girl married a member of the Bloomsbury Mug, the writer and the journalist Leonard Wolf, with whom he lived until the end of days. Family life at first turned out to be difficult - Virginia could not overcome the fear of sexual proximity. As a result, the spouse has come, the pair united Platonic love.

Virginia Wolfe and her husband Leonard

Leonard treated his wife, supported everything. Marriage turned into an intellectual union based on mutual respect. Wolfe created ideal conditions so that Virginia could write with comfort.

Virginia Wolfe and Vita Sauquil-West

Nevertheless, in the personal life of the writer there was a place to the inquisitive feelings that researchers belong to the most interesting facts of biography. When Virginia was 40 years old, the aristocrat of Vita Skvil-West fell in love with her. Relationships launched five years. The spouse did not objected to this love relationship, especially the novel went only to benefit - in the years of meetings with Twisted Virginia, wrote their best works.


Wolfe suffered a mental illness, often hit the clinic for treatment. Over the years, the disease has progressed, forced the pen for a while. Wait for the situation that began the Second World War. The writer was afraid that the fascists get to England, because then the Jewish Musha would wait for a terrible fate. The woman agreed with Leonardo: in the case of German occupation both will endorse the life of suicide.

Monument to Virginia Wolfe

1941 Virginia met in a terrible state. He did not subscribe to headaches, the voice in the head became clearer, the woman was annoyed about and without, and the doctors were bred by their hands. According to modern psychiatrists and doctors, Wolfe suffered by manico-depressive psychosis. Another cause of the disease is called brain tumor.

In the spring of Virginia wrote a farewell letter, where she asked for forgiveness and explained that she was no longer able to torment himself and his. On March 28, 1941, the writer was drowned in the Oyuz River.


  • 1915 - "By sea away"
  • 1919 - "Day and night"
  • 1925 - Mrs. Dalloweway
  • 1927 - "On the Lighthouse"
  • 1928 - "Orlando"
  • 1931 - "Waves"
  • 1933 - "Flash"
  • 1937 - "Years"
  • 1941 - "Between Acts"


"Every woman has if she is going to write, there must be money and their own room." "The most amazing with love (and it was love, because right?) - Perfect indifference to others." "Life has nothing to do with the fact that Sit on a chair and think. To think and live - two polar opposite classes. "" Nothing poisonously poisoned happiness, so does not result in rage, as the consciousness that the other does not put something in penny for you. "" And what is there, upstairs? It must have the feeling that all the steps are already behind. "

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