Nelli Kobzon - biography, personal life, photo, news, wife Joseph Kobzon, age, in youth 2021



To be a popular artist today is a whole profession. Behind the backs of men, women often stand are patiently experiencing years of success and complex periods. Nellie Mikhailovna Kobzon refers to the number of girlfriends of life, which managed to carry the warmth of the family hearth and the thrill feelings for the spouse across decades. The couple lived together for more than 40 years and was considered one of the strongest in secular society.

Childhood and youth

Nelli Mikhailovna, the widow of Joseph Kobzon, was born in the winter of 1950 in Leningrad, in the family of a participant in the Great Patriotic War. By the sign of the zodiac she is Capricorn. Maiden name of the star wife - Drizin. She was given an unusual name, unusual for Soviet times. The girl grew up with the younger brother Gregory.

At the end of the war, Nelly Mikhail Naumovich, Nully, got working as a head in a knit shop. At a three-year-old, the girl moved to a large three-bedroom apartment with his family. The joy of a benevolent existence was short-lived - the Father was arrested three years later on the "case of Cechovikov". Property confiscated.

Financial adversity, with whom the family faced after the loss of the breadwinner, helped solve the library of rare books collected by the Father. In difficult moments, the mother of Nelly Polina Moiseevna, who survived the blockade, soldwarding expensive editions and received money for food for children. This helped into painful times.

The daughter grew a pretty girl and when it came to go to school, showed wonders of attractiveness. She always looked neatly and had the surrounding adults and peers towards him. However, in the program "The Fate of Man" Nelli Mikhailovna talked about an unpleasant moment when the teacher in the class asked those whose parents were sitting in prison. The teacher publicly called the little drizzin and 2 more children with children of the "enemies of the people."

Having received the certificate of maturity, the girl entered the collapse of the catering. The choice was obvious: in those days, the profession of the cook gave the opportunity to feed the family. A carefully thought out plan could provide Nelly a prosperous life and a chance to help his relatives.

Student time was marked by the first love. But the novel did not take place, and Nelly's dreams were collapsed. The history of love did not allow the mother to come true, who did not approve the choice of Nelly. Since childhood, the parents are accustomed to obey, young Drizin went on the mother and left the beloved. She preferred to remain humble, so I did not bother against the family.


The specialty of the chef did not fall to taste with a young beauty, and Nelli decided to change the sphere of interest. By 24 years she chose a different direction of activity. The future artist's wife has been trained in the All-Union Master of Pop Art. Her paths became a conversational genre.

By coincidence, Nelli did not try in professions who chose in his youth. Marriage with Joseph Kobzon made reconsider priorities. The wife of Marta Russian Estrada decided to help her husband in creative activity and was near during the years when the singer began to be implemented in business and politics.

In 2015, Nellie Mikhailovna received the title of Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation. Until recent days of life, her husband took an active part in his pop and political activities.

Personal life

Two bright personalities, Nelli and Joseph met in the capital. In 1971, the girl visited Moscow, having arrived at the family friend. The husband of a friend of her mother worked in Moskoncert Encourancy and driven acquaintance with artists. Once Nelli was invited to visit, together with his family, which she stopped bothering.

So it began its first acquaintance with Muscovites. Among the guests the event was Joseph Kobzon. A well-coordinated middle-height girl (170 cm) turned the attention of the singer. The young beauty struck the artist, and his charm did not allow to resist Nelly Mikhailovna. The difference between the age of future spouses was 13 years. But it was not an obstacle for them. Later it turned out that the meeting was not accidental. A pair of purposely collided with each other.

Nelli was not in a hurry to marry, because it was not from those women who plan to change several husbands. Thoughts about the wedding at first were pragmatic. The future wife of Kobson understood that the feelings were not so strong. Love for her husband she knew her time later. First, newlyweds lived together with the relatives of Joseph Davydovich. Nellie moved to the house where the mother of Kobzon and his sister lived.

Women adopted a young beauty from Leningrad. They made friends and found a real relational. The mother of the singer also attracted the nationality of the Chief of Son. In an interview with the Ukrainian newspaper Boulevard Gordon, Joseph Davydovich told:

"Nelya my mom immediately liked. First, because it is not an artist, but secondly, because the Jewish. Mom believed that Armenian should marry Armenian, Russian in Russian, Jew on a Jewik ... ".

Previous Artist's companions - Veronica Kruglov and Lyudmila Gurchenko - did not comply with these requirements.

After the honeymoon in the Baltic States, Nelli and Joseph returned to Moscow, and the spouse became his costume in Moskoncet. At that time, a young family had no own housing. Kobsons had to live in the mother-in-law, then in the ward of the city hospital. Visiting the program "Alone with all", the artist told that his familiar professor was given to the young, allegedly for a survey.

Andrew's firstborn appeared in 1973, in 1975, Natalia's daughter was born. Nelli Mikhailovna left the costume screen and, using the presence of the necessary education, performed the spouse leading at concerts, but more often he took the role of a caring wife and mother, on whose shoulders the whole house holds. She gave the family a warm hearth and a comfort, from which well-being and strong relationships depended. Children presented Kobson 2 grandchildren and 5 granddaughters.

The case when the relationship of a strong pair was barely reached the divorce, occurred in 1980. The reason for the breakdown was the resentment of the spouse that Kobzon did not want to go with her and children at the Olympics. Suspicions in the treasures of the singer have accumulated. Chet came up six months due to artist's disease.

According to Joseph Kobson, despite the presence of the two preceding meeting with Nelly Mikhailovna marriage, he saw a companion of his life in it. The chief of the singer devoted himself to her husband and supported his undertaking, position and interests. This story is akin to what is described in love novels.

Spouse kneeling and amazing. In an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda, Oksana Pushkin told the story of how Nelli Mikhailovna secretly from Kobzon agreed with Moskoncert to go along with him to foreign tour.

In the biography of Nelly Kobzon, marriage with the famous artist became the main event. During their livelihood in star circles, it did not even have any questions about the infidelity and the possible treasures of her husband. Nelli Mikhailovna always watched his appearance and looked fresh and young. Articles in the press and interview confirm that the personal life of Nelly Kobzon was evolved as it is impossible.

Each appearance of Nelli Mihailovna in public has caused a discussion. Journalists commented on her appearance without makeup, comparing with appearance in youth, publishing photos of a star wife in a bathing suit. Discussed, in what fur coat the wife of Joseph Kobzon was published. The widow was recognized to journalists:

"I lived with Joseph, like Christ for the sinus."

Joseph Davydovich since 2005 fought with a oncological disease. The deterioration of the health status of the singer in the summer of 2018 made the spouse and his fans forced to worry. At the end of July of this year, the artist fell into intensive care and was connected to the device for auxiliary ventilation of the lungs.

August 30, Joseph Kobzon died. Farewell ceremony with artist and funeral took place on September 2, 2018. Joseph Davydovich bequeathed him in the Vostrivsky cemetery next to his mother.

Having come across the death of her husband, the widow continued to appear in society. In 2019, she was seen on the TV Center channel in the transfer "Wife. Love story".

Soon Larisa Verbickskaya shared on social networks a snapshot, on which the TV presenter posed with Nelly Kobzon. Network users criticized the appearance of the widow of the Matra. According to commentators, due to unsuccessful plastle, Nelly Mikhailovna became similar to the main character of the Pyratino fairy tale.

Evil languages ​​accused Nelly Kobzon in the desire to find a new wealthy spouse. There were rumors about the hobby of the singer Stas Mikhailov, a long-standing fan of which she is.

Nelli Kobzon is now

Now Nelly Mikhailovna does not lead personal pages on the Internet. In "Instagram" there is its fan profile, where the old photos appear mostly. Among them are pictures of happy couple.

Despite the fact that in the summer, the celebrity with Coronavirus, in 2020 the widow of the singer continued to appear in secular events, gave an interview with Tatiana Ustinova in the program "My hero". In September, at the opening of the exhibition "Theater Cabinet. The sculpture of Ar Deco from the collection of Joseph and Nelly Kobzon. " In November, attended a concert on the assignment of the Palace of Culture "Zenkovsky" named after Joseph Kobzon.

At the same time, the Nadezhda Babkin in his profile in "Instagram" laid out the post, where he announced a visit to the Museum of Sergei Yesenin in the company of the widow of Kobzon and actor Sergey Nikonenko.

On December 13, Nellie Mikhailovna turned 70 years old, in honor of the birthday girl, the release of the transfer of the "Fate of Man" was released. Star friends and leading Boris Korchevnikov congratulated a woman with an anniversary.

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