Excl Rose - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs 2021



The soloist of legendary rock bands Guns N 'Roses and AC / DC, the greatest vocalist Excl Rose, famous for explosive trimming on stage, in ordinary life is a shy man. Its biography is rich in both bright and sad events.

Childhood and youth

William Bruce Bailey Jr. was born on February 6, 1962 in the city of Lafayette (USA). The elder child was brought up in a disadvantaged family. Parents divorced when the boy was still quite small.

Excl Rose as a child

Later, Mom re-married, stepfather treated the sister of Bruce Amy and Brother Stewart. But he had a future musician, and the boy had tolerated to beat. It greatly influenced his character: Bruce grew up a closed child.

Since 5 years old, a boy with a brother and sister performed in the church choir during the service, using the name of The Bailey Trio. Being in adolescence, the young man became interested in rock music, finding similarity with hard childhood. The passion was invented, and soon William realized that she sings well. He did a lot of music to go ahead and develop. Later, a teenager with friends shaped a group in high school.

Exce Rose in youth

A young man learned to the age of adulthood that a man who raised him is not a biological father. Therefore, Bailey changed the surname of the hated stepfather on Rose - the surname of the native father. As for the name, his teenager took from the group he listened earlier - Excel.

With the law, the singer always had a difficult relationship. William was arrested more than 20 times, which as a result led to a solution to change life. With the hope of becoming a soloist of the rock band already under the name Excl Rose, the young man left his hometown and went to Los Angeles to conquer the world of music.


Rose has a unique voice, and it is not surprising at all why he heads the list of owners of the widest vocal range. Excel takes almost 6 octave - from the highest notes to very low. For comparison, the baritone of the soloist is lower than at Barry White, but higher than Tina Turner and Beyonce.

Excl Rose in the group Guns N 'roses

After moving Rose joined the RapidFire group, but it broke up. Soon he formed his team with a friend of childhood Izzi Strödlin called Hollywood Rose. In early 1984, the Group recorded 5 songs released later in 2004.

In March next year, Eksl Rose and his former colleague in the Tracy Ganz group founded the Guns N 'Roses team by connecting the Hollywood Rose and L.A. Guns. After several changes, the composition of the group was finally formed: the soloist became exle, the guitarist - a slash, a rhythm guitarist - an izhi stredlin, a bassist - Duff McCagan, and the drummer is Stephen Adler.

The team paid attention to several major recording labels, but in March 1986, the group members signed an agreement with Geffen Records. And in July next year, the Guns N 'Roses team released the Debut Album "Appetite for Destruction".

Despite the good reviews of critics, the album experienced a slow commercial start: about 500 thousand copies sold in the first year. But since the tour in support of the album continued, he rose twice to the first position in the US Charter.

Excl Rose on stage

The path to glory for Exce was hard, because, despite confidence in talent and vocal power, he was not confident. During the periods of performances in little-known Rose groups, it coped with you, but when the popularity of the group Guns N 'Roses increased, he felt on stage uncomfortable.

There were several cases when Excel broke the concerts, running out of the building, unable to cope with him. As a result, the solution of the possible incidents was locking the doors during the concert.

Kurt Cobain, the Soloist of the Nirvana group, often spoken up to the staff of Exce. But Rose did not develop conflict and dreamed of spending a joint tour with Nirvana. After receiving the decisive failure, Excel no longer chose words regarding Cobein and his wife. The confrontation of the leaders continued until the death of Kurt in 1994.

With the growing popularity of the band Rose became closed. Disagreements between the participants led to the temporary decay of the group in 1994. At this time, Exle did not give an interview. After 7 years, Guns N 'Roses came to the scene in the new composition and from that time regularly protrude.

Personal life

Exce met Erin Everly, a daughter of a popular musician, in early 1986 at the New York Club. In the summer, young people began to meet, and a little later, the girl moved to Los Angeles to live with her beloved. Erin worked as a model in order to be able to pay housing. No one thought that the relationship of the couple would be long, as they often fought, with shouts and beating dishes. Usually such episodes have ended with the call to the police.

Heavy relations lasted 4 years and were reflected in almost all songs of a soloist of that period. According to Erin, one early April morning, Eksl appeared before her door and stated that he had a gun in the car, and if the girl would not marry him, he would shoot himself. The next day a celebration took place, the wedding celebrated 27 days.

Exle Rose and his ex-wife Erin Everly

In September, the girl learned that she was pregnant, but for 3 months she had a miscarriage. When Rose found out about it, he went to the house where her husband and wife were planning to go with the child, and his difference was almost completely. The amount of damage was hundreds of thousands. The next day, Erin came and defeated what survived. A month later, in November 1990, after the next scandal, the girl left Rose forever.

According to Rose, Erin was the only one who he experienced sincere feelings. Further details of the musician's personal life are reliably unknown, but rumors are rumored that they still support contact with Everly.

Exce Rose and Stephanie Seymour

Next year, the group took the actress for filming 3 clips. Invited the top model of Stephanie Seymour, in a few instances of the captive heart of Excel. After the first day of filming, Rose called the girl, and soon they were seen embracing in the first rows of fashionable shows.

The soloist was in a serious moral state, because after 3 weeks after the announcement of the engagement in February 1993, young people were difficult to break up. Excele suspected the girl in treason, expressed her reproaches, so in March Seymour escaped from the house. After 9 months, she gave birth to a son with newspaper magnate Peter Brandt, and in 1995 a couple played a wedding.

Exce Rose and Jennifer Driver

The following Rose relations were not so long. In 1993, he met a Jennifer model driver with clipping group. Young people began to meet, but next year for unknown reasons the couple broke up.

Rose has never had smooth and relaxing relationships with women, so far he has no children. A man met even with his assistant Elizabeth, who has 3 children. Journalists repeatedly wrote about the personal life of Excel, speaking of relations with Lana Del Rey, Sasha Volkova and many other girls.

Excl Rose before and after plastic nose (2015 and 2018)

As for the health of the musician, he was diagnosed with "bipolar disorder", but exle doubts the presence of illness. According to experts, the diagnosis is confirmed by the behavior. In adolescence, Excel was not yet arrested for threats with physical violence, and in adulthood he had conflicts with colleagues in the group. But, according to the soloist, he is simply emotional and easy to upset.

Nevertheless, Rose listened to the recommendations of the doctor and participated in anger management program that included a course of treatment with Lithium.

After 50 years, Exl Rose made plastic on the face, changing the shape of the nose and chin.

Excl Rose now

Rose continues the musical career, now it is the official participant and the frontman of 2 grand rock bands - AC / DC and GUNS N 'Roses. Perhaps it is he who will become a vocalist of the new AC / DC album, which is planned to be released in 2018.

Rose has a verified account in the Twitter social network, where Rocker regularly publishes photos and video events from life. Also, extel snapshots often appear on the official page of the Guns N 'Roses group in the instagram social network.

The Guns N'ROSes group performed in Moscow on July 13, 2018 in the original composition. To organize a meeting with fans during the World Cup 2018, the Group participants specifically changed the tour. By the beginning of July, the team spent 125 concerts. And this is not a final, because 157 performances on 6 continents are planned. The tour began on April 1, 2016 and will end on November 29, 2018 at the main stadium of Johannesburg.

Excl Rose in 2018

The first concert after the reunion passed in the club "Troubadur" in Western Hollywood, almost became the last. Slash, Duff and Eksl did not perform together 23 years, the excitement resulted in the lining. At the end of Rose, confused in cables, fell from the scene and broke his leg. But this did not prevent a soloist to continue the tour: Dave Grozh lent an exla to the throne.

The growth of soloist is 175 cm, and the weight is about 80 kg. The body of the musician is painted tattoo. One of them, the Red-Black Heart, Rose adjusted by adding wings to the drawing - a symbol of freedom and aspiration.


  • 1987 - "Appetite for Destruction"
  • 1988 - "G N 'R Lies"
  • 1991 - "USE Your Illusion I"
  • 1991 - "USE YOUR Illusion II"
  • 1993 - "The Spaghetti Incident?"
  • 2008 - "Chinese Democracy"

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