Tatyana Bruhunova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Wife Evgenia Petrosyan 2021



Personal assistant of humorist Evgenia Petrosyan Tatiana Bruukhunov from his youth dreamed of working with celebrities. Being a high school student, the girl led the amateur site of the idol - singer Abraham Russo, after school entered Mguyk, and then became the administrator of the Site Elena Stepanenko.

In 2018, the unborn glory hit the Bruukhunov itself - a native Tula was in the center of the scandal associated with the collapse of the author's marriage of the "Curve of the Mirror". The first message about Brukhunova and Petrosyan's novel appeared in February, and in August some media wrote that Assistant Evgenia Vaganovich is waiting for a child. Neither the artist nor his assistant suggestion of the press commented. Only in December, on the eve of the new year 2019, Tatyana for the first time told about relationships with the Master of the pop.

Childhood and youth

Tatiana, Russian by nationality, was born in Tula in 1989. About her early biography knows not so much. The girl grew in full family, was the only child. Tanya studied well, and on behavior always received five. As the teachers and classmates Brukhunova remembered in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda, at the disco and party Tanya did not go, preferring entertainment reading book or help parents in the house.

In high school, she fell in love with creativity then stacked the popularity of the pop singer Abraham Russo. Having entered the club of his fans, together with other fans created and began to lead an amateur site dedicated to the idol.

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Higher education received in the Russian capital, where he moved after graduation. Bruukhunova entered the specialty "Management" of the State University of Culture and Arts.

By the end of the university, the tulchka was passionate about the humorous scene of Russia, made photo reports from concerts, laying out them on the fan resources. Among the fans, she attended creative meetings with artists. Due to this, she managed to climb the first step of the career staircase in this area: Tanya received the position of administrator of the site Elena Stepanenko.

Personal life

Of the close relatives, Tatiana remained only mom, father and grandmother died. Mom continues to live in Tula. A woman works in the regional cardiocenter, accounting for an accountant.

Bruukhunova leads "instagram", where it is divided into new pictures with subscribers.

The sensational divorce of Helena Stepanenko with Evgeny Petrosyan after 33 years of living together did not become a surprise for familiar families. Many people knew that her husband and wife live more than 15 years apart from each other. Since the actors of the scandal do not comment on the choice of time to terminate the Union, the press put forward two versions of what could provoke the official divorce.

According to the first, Yevgeny Petrosyan acquired and designed two apartments on the assistant. The publication Super.ru writes about this, indicating that the total size of the living space is 300 square meters. M. Allegedly nothing to do in his claim, Elena Stepanenko asked to divide "two objects of real estate acquired at third parties."

According to the materials of the Kiev edition, the "Business Capital", we are talking about a five-room apartment in a residential complex "Garden Quarters". The microdistrict, where luxury accommodation is located, is located at a distance of 3 km from the Kremlin. Another apartment, as Life.ru writes, consists of three rooms and is located in the house on Forest Street.

Blider Elena Miro suggested that the property was the goal of a new helper of the humorist. Odnoklassniki Brukhunova in one voice reject charges, stating that Tatiana was always honest and distant from the girl's korear. According to the second version, a non-standard pair with a solid difference aged still united love.

Tatyana Bruhunova and Elena Stepanenko

Only at the end of December 2018, Tatiana first commented on the situation. Bruukhunov confirmed relations with Petrosyan on the broadcast of "exclusive", which came with a ring on a nameless finger. At the same time, the girl noted that the novel began in 2013, but she did not "lean the humorist from the family, since the spouses have not lived at that time for many years together. Fans first skeptically reacted to Nova Petrosyan, but, apparently, a couple bind a harmonious relationship.

According to unofficial information, a humorist married his beloved in early 2019. The couple refused to openly confirm the fact of the wedding. In March 2020, Evgeny Vaganovich and Tatiana went on holiday in Dubai. The media appeared in the media that the couple rides a private medical center, where a young wife is going to give birth to a son.

Journalists suggested that the couple resorted to the help of a surrogate mother. But Bruukhunov rumored rumors about the replenishment, saying that over the past years of relationships with Petrosyan, the birth of children with Petrosyan was attributed to the birth of children that the family had to become a large one. Comment the situation in more detail the couple refused.

And in September of the same year, the birth information was confirmed: Evgeny Vaganovich published a photo with his son on his hands:

"But he is - Wagan Evgenievich Petrosyan!" He signed a snapshot.


For some time, Tatyana managed the official website of Evgeny Petrosyan. With the artist Tulchka met through his personal assistant Irina. Since 2013, according to Starhit edition, accompanied humorist on some trips and on tour.

Petrosyan's colleague Mikhail Vashukov, who repeatedly speaking in the "Curve of the Mirror", responded to Tatiana as a professional specialist, noting her literacy, energy and business qualities.

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"He watches all the work of Evgeny Vaganovich. She is well done in this sense, "said the artist Site" Day.ru ".

According to Colleagues, Petrosyan, Bruukhunova gained experience at the former director of the artist. When the mentor died in 2016, Tatyana took his place. On her shoulders there is an organization of interaction with concert sites during the tour, providing information about the work, creativity and life of the artist to journalists, preparation of business meetings and meetings with fans.

Tatyana Bruukhunova now

In April 2019, Tatiana took part in the shooting of the program "Fashion sentence", performing the role of "Star Defender". It was an unexpected step, since Bruukhunov usually leads a closed lifestyle and does not interview.

Also in 2019, the release of the program "Let them say", dedicated to the estimated secret wedding of Petrosyan and Bruchunova. The couple itself did not appear on the shooting, and Evgeny Vaganovich negatively spoke out about the attempts of journalists to find out more, stating that they would defend their right to the inviolability of personal life.

Now Tatyana and Evgeny Vaganovich are trying once again not to get into the world together. Only once they were seen together at the premiere of the play "Sailor Silence" in the theater named after Oleg Tabakov. Bruhunova admits that he receives a lot of negative comments in social networks, so it tries not to advertise its relationship.

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