Vladislav Krapivin - Photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, books



Soviet and Russian writer, author of about 250 stories, leads, novels for children and young people Vladislav Kapivin - paradox of modern children's literature: known to millions of readers, but practically not investigated critics and literary critics.

Childhood and youth

October 14, 1938 in Tyumen in the family of Peter Fedorovich and Olga Petrovna Krapivina, the third child was born - Vladislav. Parents - educational teachers, Father was also an Orthodox priest in Kirov. But, escaping from repression, Peter Fedorovich had to leave San and transport the family to Tyumen. Vladislav did not know about this episode for many years.

Back in childhood, Vladislav began to compose stories that he gladly told peers, and those with no less pleasure listened.

After school, the young man first planned to enter the pedagogical university, going at the footsteps of the parents, but in the end chose the Faculty of Journalism of the Ural State University named after A. M. Gorky. In the student years, Vladislav Kratyvin participated in the literary circle, collaborated with local media, was fond of the work of Powest.

Personal life

In 1964, Vladislav Krapivin married. With his wife, Irina Vasilyevna Writer raised two sons - Paul and Alexey. Senior Paul presented the parents of two grandchildren - Daria and Peter.

Vladislava Petrovich has many awards, including the Order of the Labor Red Banner, Friendship of Peoples and Honor. It was recognized as an honorary citizen of Yekaterinburg, the Sverdlovsk region, Tyumen. Repeatedly received literary premiums.

Since 2006, the International Children's Literary Prize named after V. P. Krapivina is awarded. Once a year, October 14, the winner is awarded a premium, a diploma and a commemorative medal, the sketch of which was created by Vladislav Krapivin.

In 2007, the writer moved from Yekaterinburg to Tyumen. In the hometown he taught at the university. In 2011, the Museum of Vladislav Karapivina was opened on the basis of the Literary and Local Lore Center Tyumen. In the fall of 2013, the writer and his wife returned to Yekaterinburg, closer to the family of a senior son.


The countdown of the biography of a young writer from the book "ORION", published in Sverdlovsk in 1962 begins. Immediately after her, the collection of stories "Brother, to whom Seven". In 1964, Krapivina accepted the United States Writers of the USSR. Not one generation of children has grown on the books "Boy with a sword", "Shadow Karavella", "Troy from the Karronad Square", "Children of the Blue Flamingo", "Crane and Zipper".

The author himself said that he writes for children not just so, he wanted to extend his own childhood, taken by the war. Romantic young breathe early works of the writer - swords, sails, roads that are visiting the unknown, but beautiful distance. And on these roads, "Krapivinskaya boys" - rebels, romance and dreamers with their own look at the world, courageous defenders who are capable of serious deeds.

And the reader is easy to believe in what is happening on the pages of the book, because the author constantly faces characters with injustice of life. Krapivin to some extent cruel to its own heroes, but honest - in the modern world, the rebels are inconvenient for the town man, and therefore are always under the sight. The main thing that gives the writer heroes, - friendship. Senior teenagers are baking younger, help to grow painlessly. But adults in the world of Krapivina almost no place.

In the 1980s, Vladislav Krapivin left realism and smoothly switched to fantastic worlds. So the cycle of works "in the depths of the Great Crystal" appeared, which includes seven stakeholders. The latter in the cycle was assumed to be the "white ball of the Wilson sailor", but suddenly, according to the author, after another two story wrote.

The author's bibliography is extensive, some stories - about seventy. In 2017, in an interview with the journal "Interlocutor" to the question about the number of written works, the writer replied that they did not consider them by adding:

"All who are tired, can console: about 75 years I decided to stop."

Literary critic Sergei Borisov highlights the main, in his opinion, starting with the "squire of Kasya" and ending with the "fairy tales of Sevchenko." But at the same time, Borisov does not take into account the work of the writer in the 1990s and the 2000s, when "lawns were written, where the birdhouses are dancing", "Butterfly on the rod", etc.

And Vladislav Krapivin wrote poems to which he himself, not believing himself, refers critically: some were written to insert into prosaic works, others - like lyrics.

Krapivina books were printed in Russia, and abroad: in Bulgaria, Japan, USA, France, Germany. Quotes from works have already turned into aphorisms. An interesting fact: the story of Sergey Lukyanenko "Pier of yellow ships", "Knights of forty islands" and "Boy and Darkness" are written, according to the author, under the influence of the Hardheat.

In 1979, a two-seater film "The party, where the wind" was released, in which the eldest son of Krapivina Paul starred. Removed the screening of works "Lullaby for a brother", "Three from the Karronad Square", "Boy with a sword." And the film based on the book "Children of the Blue Flamingo" - "Legend of the island of Dvid" - the writer was not very pleased.

According to Vladimir Berezina journalist, Krapivin, focused on the inner world of the teenager, is unique and important. After all, in the Soviet Union there was literature for children, was for adults, and adolescents as it were. Therefore, the writer's creativity is so many fans. Having matured, they are ready to protect both the beloved author, and the favorite books, protecting the first of all their own childhood.

Pedagogical activity

Vladislav Krapivin, except for writing, a lot of strength gave pedagogy. In 1961, in Sverdlovsk, the writer organized the "Karavella" detachment, which includes children of different ages, but the same aspirations. We studied journalism, sea business and fencing.

Then the children's organizations were not welcomed in the Soviet Union, created not from the knowledge and not on the basis of the school. Against this background, Karavella looked threatened by the system, and therefore they tried to close it several times.

However, this did not happen. "Karavella" raised a lot of creators and scientists. Yes, and many of the heroes of the works of Krapivin appeared only thanks to more than 30 years of work of a writer with adolescents.

In the 1980s, the "teacher's newspaper" came out a cycle of articles of Krapivina, declaring the main idea of ​​the teacher: childhood is as valuable as all other stages of human life. And with children need to be friends, because the cooperation of generations, according to the author, is the basis of the development of both society and every particular person.

In 2016, the asteroid No. 407243 called the name of Krapivina. There is a group in Vkontakte dedicated to the work of Vladislav Karapivina. There are posted both old and fresh photo of a writer.

The director of the Sverdlovsk Regional Library for children and the youth, together with the "Russian Post" launched the campaign "Congratulate Commander" to the 80th anniversary of Vladislav.

In September 2018, a competition of postcards was held, which drew young readers based on the books of the Jubilee. Postcards-winners were delivered to the Writer on his birthday.

In 2018, for the anniversary, Vladislav Kapivin could become an honorary citizen of Sevastopol, but the legislative assembly of the city in July 2018 rejected this idea. The fact is that the Sevastopol Legislative Assembly has a rule to assign a title of an honorary citizen every three years, and in 2016 this title was assigned to Vladimir Putin.


The writer was not September 1, 2020. A year and a half earlier prose was bad, he was hospitalized with suspicion of stroke and coronavirus. The survey made it possible to exclude both of these diagnoses, but showed a serious damage to the lungs due to pneumonia. Unfortunately, Krapivina's diseases could not cope with the German defense body.


"Truth is not a thing. It is not necessary to do anything with it. It must be realized, that's all. "" Two boys will rather agree more than two adult units, because there are no all sorts of dividends and profits in the brains, and something else is human. "" - Only one people will never learn to do so So that when a person flies, mother for him was not afraid ... "" The word is an amazing thing. If you say "failure", the back of the soul is made. And if you say "adventure", then immediately more fun. "" Adventures are solid troubles, just about them for some reason, it is interesting to remember ... "


  • 1964 - "Stars in the rain"
  • 1965 - "Okrug Kashka"
  • 1964-1966 - "The party where the wind"
  • 1966 - "Valkins friends and Sails"
  • 1968-1970 - "Shadow Karavella"
  • 1972-1974 - "Boy with a sword" (trilogy)
  • 1978 - "Lullaby for Brother"
  • 1979 - "Troy with Karronad Square"
  • 1978 - "Musketeer and Fairy"
  • 1981 - "Crane and zipper"
  • 1982-1983 - "Pigeon on the Yellow Polyana" (trilogy)
  • 1985 - "Orange Portrait with Krapinki"
  • 1988-1991 - "In the depths of the Great Crystal" (cycle)
  • 1992 - "Bronze Boy"
  • 1996 - "Babushkin grandson and his brothers"
  • 1997 - "Ringing" Frigate (Roman-Directory)
  • 2000 - "Lawniki, where birdhouses are dancing"
  • 2005 - "Top of chess horses"
  • 2009 - "Butterfly on the rod"

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