Mikhail Khachaturian - biography, personal life, photo, cause of death, daughter, criminal case, Khachaturian sisters



In July 2018, news feeds literally blew up a message about the murder of a resident of Moscow Mikhail Khachaturian, and the event from the criminal chronicle would be left unnoticed if there were not a wide resonance due to the circumstances of the case. The man fell from his own daughters in his apartment, in the house in Altufyevsky highway. People began to be interested in not so much by the biography of this person, but what could happen in the family so that the children raise her hand on his native father.


From the biography of Khachaturian, it is known that he comes from Baku, and in the late 80s moved to Moscow. In his youth, Mikhail Sergeevich served in Afghanistan and was contused. Without official work, he purchased 2 apartments on different floors of one house, united them, and also financially helped numerous relatives, friends.

Neighbors considered him a seemingly place of criminal authority and "solvo", homely tyrant and drug dealer. It became known about the latter when investigative bodies began to work. In the car, Mikhail Sergeevich discovered drugs, as well as weapons that he constantly threatened others and photographed with him in his hands on his own birthday. As the nephew of the deceased Arsen later said, it is "not heroin, but incense, which helps with diabetes."

The tenants of the house say that they complained about the inadequate behavior of Khachaturian, he constantly conflicted, one neighbor ran into his leg, but no reaction from the police did not wait.

According to the "Komsomolskaya Pravda", in the State Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow and did not register "any messages and statements about the unlawful acts committed by the specified man."

In addition, the editors has a copy of the response of the police department about the refusal of initiating the case. Mikhail Sergeevich, as the media writes, did not work officially anywhere, but he earned the fact that he introduced each other "the necessary people", and they were in gratitude to "Enana" amounts.

Khachaturian distinguished extraordinary pivot, a lot of photos on which the victim of crime is captured in church closure. Journalists lead the words of some acquaintances telling that Mikhail Sergeevich went to Israel several times a year, invited a priest home for rites, and the housing was forced by icons. But all this did not affect the moral climate, reigning behind the walls of the apartment.

Personal life

Information about the personal life of Mikhail Sergeevich is as contradictory as he is about himself. Wife, Aurelia Dunduck, by nationality, Moldova, Khachaturian has long driven out of the house and forbade at least somehow communicate with daughters. Son Sergey put out the door back in 2013.

According to Dunduk, she wrote a statement to the police on her husband, but after a few days he brought this document home and broke into her eyes. The director of the school, where girls studied, also declared repeated attempts to influence Khachaturian, because of which schoolgirls did not appear in an educational institution.

The mother of his daughter said nothing about the bullying of the Father, and she does not believe that the sisters purposefully went to murder and carefully thought out a crime. Agency ARMENIA SPUTNIK cites the words of their brother that Mikhail Sergeevich is not at all such a monster, "I just tried to raise girls worthy."

According to the stories of the neighbors of the murdered, the relationship between the father and children were peculiar. Khachaturian did not allow girls to learn, beat regularly. Friends who saw bruises, schoolgirls asked for no one to talk about what had happened, explaining what was afraid for their lives.

Average, Angelina, reported on harassment from Khachaturian, and that violence really took place, said Moscow Komsomolets. However, it was worth the chapter of the family to leave the house, as in the apartment immediately gathered young people and dancing were arranged until the morning. The surroundings looked at it condescending: let children relax, and so do not see anything at such a father.

Bruce Khlebnikov, the record holder Book of Records Guinness, who knew the family well, believes that the sisters deliberately brought his father, did not care for him when he fell ill, and at the same time thanks to him lived as representatives of Golden Youth. And the same audio recordings of conversations, where Mikhail Sergeevich shouted and threatened to children, Angelina, Maria and Captain made it specially, then in court to present as evidence.

According to Bruce, no matter what harassment from Khachaturian and speech can not be: "What are women there, when there is no help for a long time. Its this topic has not been interested in him. " And Mikhail Sergeevich woven his wife for filed his daughters.

Part of the neighbors confirmed the words of Bruce, remembering that one day a family in a good mood came "with a bunch of branded clothes" from the store, and Khachaturian rested together. Here are just friends entrance to the house closed.

The mother of Aurelia and Grandma Sisters Larisa Tolik claims that it is not necessary to draw conclusions about the decent existence of Angelina, younger Mary and senior christening on their pages on social networks.

Sisters, just-go, wanted nothing to differ from the peers, because they demonstrated, as they could, the attributes of a free, happy life. Larisa one time lived together with Mikhail Sergeyevich and granddaughters, tried to defend those from parent's wrath, but Khachaturian fought a woman, and then evicted from the apartment.

But Mom Mikhail Sergeyevich visited the house in his absence, he checked what granddaughter did, believed that they behave inappropriately and slightly called his son. Upon his return, Khachaturian arranged a deposit at home, not dealing with who is right who is to blame. So some neighbors openly said that the head of the family signed the sentence itself.


The history of the death of a businessman killed by his own daughters, according to Khlebnikov, shocked everyone who knew this person. The cause of the death of the deceased became multiple bridal wounds in the neck and chest, they counted on his body, according to one data, 36, on other - 45 knife wounds. The eldest of the girls sama called the police. The sisters confessed to everyone, and at the time of the investigation they were placed in custody. They explained their actions by the fact that they could no longer endure the cruelty and bullying of the Father.

The TV channel "360", based on the murder produced by him from the place of the murder, suggested that the death of Khachaturian's death near the elevator, that is, he tried to escape. And then someone from the sisters broke his face with a hammer.

With bank accounts, Mikhail Sergeevich disappeared money - Khachaturian planned to transport children to Israel, in order to save from the temptations of the capital's life, and accumulated a solid amount at housing in another country. Alleged sisters knew about these intentions and did not want to leave, fearing that the father's guard would be even stronger there.

This was told by the "Moscow Komsomolts" an unzate relative of the murdered, who was present at the funeral. Almost immediately there was a version that no one, besides daughters, could not do this, because only they had access to the cards and knew the PIN codes.

Khachaturian's nephew provided a test of sisters' personal correspondence confirming the use of alcohol and narcotic substances, as well as audio recordings of their conversations.

Criminal case

During the investigation, a lot of evidence of the cruel treatment of Khachaturian with family members was collected. He beat his daughters, forensic examination proved torture and sexual violence, which caused grave harm to the health of Angelina, Mary and Christening. Because of the actions of the Father, one of the sisters tried to commit suicide, drinking potent drugs.

The defenders of the accused insisted that it was not a murder, but self-defense. Shortly before the death of Khachaturian, in turn, caused daughters to his room and sprayed pepper gas to them as a punishment. This became another item in the position of protection, especially since the examination showed that at the time of the event, the youngest sisters were insane, and the senior had a post-traumatic stress disorder. According to the results of the forensic examination, Mary voluntarily was treated in a psychoneurological dispensary.

But at the time of strikes, Mikhail Sergeevich slept, so that the investigation retrained the crime, whose constituent entities are Captain, Maria and Angelina Khachaturian, - in a more hard. Article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides such an item as a murder committed by a group of persons. If earlier the sisters threatened the term from 8 to 15 years in prison, then in the latter case, the adults risks spend the rest of life.

In March 2021, according to the lawyer of a lawyer, Alexei Lipzer, the Investigative Committee opened a criminal case against Mikhail Khachaturian posthumously in such articles as "violent actions of a sexual nature", "coherent to the actions of a sexual nature" and "torture".

Mikhail Sergeevich's relatives gave their consent to the initiation of the case to achieve the rehabilitation of the deceased. Defenders of christening, Mary and Angelin expect that this case will allow them to achieve sentencing.

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