Tamara Degtyarev - biography, photo, personal life, news, filmography



Tamara Degtyareva remembered the public according to Agata Savelyeva in the TV series "Eternal Calls". A popular teleproject storytelling about the life of families who managed to stand in three wars and build a "bright future".

Childhood and youth

Tamara Degtyarev was born on May 29, 1944 in the Moscow region. Young years of Degtyareva came to the harsh post-war time, when the country was rejected again and the resources were sent to the restoration of the lost in bloody battles. Since childhood, the girl dreams about the career of the artist and dreamed of filming the cinema.

Tamara Degtyarev in youth

Tamara made every effort to ensure that the dream becomes reality. To receive the profession, it was chosen by the VTU. M. S. Shchepkin. Institutional disciplines were given a student easily, and she studied with pleasure. Together with Diploma Tatiana received an invitation to the Moscow Tyuz.

After 5 years, the artist moved to work in the theater "Contemporary", which became her second home. Youth actresses took place in concerns about work and profession. She participated in a variety of productions and paid little attention to personal life. The girls's thoughts were connected exclusively with rehearsals and performances. It seemed that the family would still have time.

Films and performances

Tamara Degtyareva devotedly served "contemporary". The first roles in the theater were the characters of the classic works of "three sisters", "demons", "Stars in the morning sky" and others. She managed diverse heroines. Regardless of their image, Degtyarev remained organic. The harmony, which the actress emitted, was celebrated theatrical critics.

Tamara Degtyarev in the theater

In the "contemporary" Tamara Degtyarev worked all his life. The actress participated in performances on the works of modern playwrights and classics: Nikolai Kolyadov, Leonid Andreeva, Mikhail Kononov, Bernard Shaw, Anton Chekhov.

Degtyareva filmography is not a few. It was more in demand among stage director. Among the well-known works of the artist TV suspense "Wall" on the play of Alexander Galina and "Warning to Small Ships" on the work of Tennessee Williams. It is noteworthy that Tamara Degtyareva performed in the first project as an artist and director's assistant. She worked as an assistant and in the "contemporary", demonstrating a rare foundation for actors and subtle knowledge of theatrical case.

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Degtyareva film took place in 1968. The actress played Galina Makarov in the movie "Meetings at Dawn". Tatyana Degtyareva remembered the audience in the image of Agata from the major teleproject "Eternal Calls". The series narrated the inhabitants of the small village of Mikhailovka.

Its production lasted 10 years, and the popularity of telenovella was not inferior to Brazilian melodrama. The heroine of Tamara Degtyareva appeared in the 6th and died in 17 series of ribbons. For outstanding acting work in 1979, the actress received the USSR State Prize. In 1985, Tamara Degtyareva received the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR, and in 2005 - People's Artist.

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The interest of the directories to the Degtyarevoy diet, and it was less and less appeared on the TV screens at the end of the broadcast of the "Eternal Call". The artist was infrequently invited to the main roles, and later called only on episodes. She starred in the film "Crew", "Echelon" and "Cherry Garden".

Degtyarev focused on working in the theater and new productions. In 2012, at the state of health, the artist had to leave the stage, but by 2014 she found the Force to continue professional activities.

Tamara Degtyarev in the play "Women's Time"

Egor Peregudov put the play "Time of Women" in the "contemporary" with the calculation of the actress. Tamara Degtyareva was assigned the role of Eudokia, the main character of the work of Elena Chizhova. Due to illness, the artist missed the premiere of the performance and several months of his "run-in". Returning to the theater, she began to work, but already in a wheelchair. In parallel, the actress taught in VGIK.

Personal life

Tamara Degtyareva elected a public profession and was always open to communicating with journalists and fans. But the actress did not advertise his personal life. Her photos almost did not appear in the media. Rare snapshots captured Degtyarev next to her ex-husband Yuri Pogrebnichko. Young people were familiar with the time of study at the Institute. They quickly got married, but were unhappy in marriage.

Tamara Degtyarev and Yuri Pogrebnichko

The children in the family did not appear, and the Union quickly collapsed. Later, in an interview with Degtyarev, he told about what the decision believes is the only true, since confident in the egoism of the spouse. She rarely commented on family life and tried not to speak out about the former husband.

The biography of Tamara Degtyareva is filled with love for craft and creativity. She did not feel lonely, although in the adulthood, the support and support would not prevent. A great test for the actress was the disease transferred in 2012. The course of treatment was long. NEUCH suggested the need to combat infection. Recovery required time. Doctors amputated to the leg to save the health of Tamara Degtyareva. Survive actress helped the love of work and viewers.

Tamara Degtyarev in a wheelchair

The operation and completing the treatment, it returned to the scene and began work. The actress was chained to a wheelchair. In order for the public to see the favorite performer, the director resorted to the tricks, thinking over the miceanssen and nuances of the arrangement of decorations and characters on the scene. Loss of legs turned out to be a strong physical and mental injury. But Degtyarev was one of those who never complain. She loved life and rejoiced every opportunity to her.

Degtyareva easily went on contact with the audience and the media, participated in television transmissions. The artist took part in the show "Tonight", dedicated to the "Eternal Call" project, and together with the colleagues recalled working moments from the shooting of the series.


Tamara Degtyareva died on August 9, 2018. She gave 50 years to "contemporary", serving the theater faith and truth. The cause of the death of the actress was the stop of the heart.

Tamara Degtyarev in recent years

In recent years, Degtyareva's health has deteriorated. She suffered from diabetes, and doctors diagnosed the disease of the vessels. Farewell to the actress and funeral together with relatives organized the theater "Contemporary".

Now movies and TV links with the participation of Tamara Degtyareva are in open access on the Internet.


  • 1971 - "His island"
  • 1971 - "Nürkin Life"
  • 1973 - "I am looking for a person"
  • 1973 - "To the whole voice"
  • 1974 - "Dombe and Son"
  • 1976 - "Eternally Live"
  • 1978 - "Serafim Island"
  • 1979 - "Baggy Bank"
  • 1980 - "Light in the window"
  • 1981 - "Uncleshkin Son"
  • 1986 - "Chameleon Game"
  • 1988 - "Echelon"
  • 1992 - "Cherry Garden"
  • 2008 - "Cool Route"

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