Stan Lee - biography, photo, personal life, news, "Mavel", comics



Millions of Marvel project lovers know Stan Lee's biography. The heroes created by the heroes of the fantastic universe have survived not one ten years, climbing the peak of demand and experienced years of oblivion. Today, Stan Lee characters are legends, and children and adults are waiting for films with these superheroes with great excitement.

Childhood and youth

Stan Martin Lee was born in 1922 in a Jewish family. Parents Jack and Series immigrated to the United States of America from Romania. Their real name - Lieber. Father found the work of the Cranechik, but due to the occurrence of a complex economic period in the country the possibility of earning, which could be contacted the family, disappeared.

Stan Lie

The lack of a minimum budget forced the libers to change the familiar apartment on the dwelling more. In 1931, Brother was born in the family of Stan, and it became completely difficult with money. Libers moved to a modest one-room apartment in Bronx.

In order to somehow help parents, Stan was taken for any job: he delivered sandwiches, sold a subscription to newspapers, wrote small notes and releases for the tuberculosis center. Uncle Robbie Solomon helped the young man to get on the simplest position in Martin Gudman's publishing house.

Stan Lee in youth

At first, the future screenwriter was engaged in small orders like filling in ink and sharpening pencils. He subtracted articles and spread the dinners to employees of the office. But big ambitions are not afraid of difficulties and adversity. Soon, Career Stan went uphill.


First Comic Stan Lee was published in 1941. So the world found out about Captain America. At the same time, the screenwriter took the pseudonym, which accompanied his subsequent years. He collaborated with the artist Jack Kirby and did not intend to succeed in the Golden Ere Comic.

Captain America - the first character of Stan Lee

A talented young man was too bright personality for Gudman's publishing house, and as his talents revealed, difficulties in relationships with management began to arise. Lee left his first place of work and settled in Taimley Comic.

At 19, the young man became a temporary editor of the publisher. He demonstrated success in the field of creativity and in business, which appreciated the new bosses. Stan made a permanent editor, and soon offered him the position of art director. He never dreamed of such success.

Stan Lee and Steve Ditko

In 1942, Lee joined the American army and was called upon service. He repaired telegraph communications, and then worked in the training division. At leisure, Stan painted caricature images, worked on scripts and methods, invented motivating slogans. According to the documents, he was listed by the playwright.

For three years, the young man has gained experience in the army. Returning to his creative duties in civil life, he was implemented as a screenwriter. Fantasy, horror and satire became their favorite genres of the author. He also preferred Western, adventure and melodramas.

Dr. Strøndj.

At first, Stan's work remained unpleasant. But in 1961, Taimli Comiks renamed Marvel Comix, a new career stage began with the publisher and its screenwriter. Lee was commissioned to come up with a new comic with superhero who have not yet seen the audience. The effect of the imagination is waiting for it. So the comic about the fantastic four appeared.

Lee created characters similar to ordinary people with familiar problems and questions. He bribed the audience. His distinctive feature was the thinking of feelings, speeches and personalities of characters

Stan Lee and Spiderman

Comic was successful and became the first serious result of Lee on a professional field. This glory brought to him the creation of a man-spider. The story of the superhero, who could be anyone conquered a youth audience. Mutating the teenager became their idol. The first appearance of the hero took place in 1963 in the comic "Amazing fantasies". Whether it became a recognizable writer. Then he came up with the people of X, Dr. Strange and Hulk, consolidating his name in history.

In the 80s, Marvel Comix publisher bought an animation studio, the creative director of which was appointed Stan Lee. Comics reincarnated in animated series. Lee launched a multimedia campaign and conquered the Internet with network comics by creating

Then the creation of film projects followed. His career developed so hard that the screenwriter managed to become the president and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Marvel.

Stan Lee and Hulk

From the moment of the starts of the comic books Stan Lee spoke by producer of all TV shows and cinema about the heroes "Marvel" and began to starve in the episodes of films. The screenwriter appears in the film "Guardians of the Galaxy", "Muravy Man", "Iron Man", "Deadpool", "Dr. Strøndzh" and others. Stan appeared on the screen and third-party projects. For example, in the film "Parties from the supermarket".

Having stirred the border of the 90th anniversary, the creator of a spider man and an iron fist continued to appear in Kameo in the films of the film company "Marvel". For example, in 2018, "Black Panther" he played Everett Ross.

Stan Lee in 2018

Li performed episodic roles and did not claim the title of professional actor, but the moments of his appearance in the frame were looking forward to comic fans. Artist's filmography has more than 75 kinocartine. For the first time, the screenwriter was captured in the tape "Court of incredible Hulk", published in 1989.

An interesting fact: Series of the TV project "Theory of the Big Explosion" is devoted to the work of Stan Lee and his Person. The artist appeared in the 16 series of 3 seasons.

Personal card actor Stan Lee informs: its growth was 180 centimeters, and the weight is 79 kilograms.

The official account of Stan Lee in the network "Instagram" has more than five and a half million subscribers. Folloviers and fans note the similarity in the photo of Young Stan Lee with actor Tom Holland, the performer of the role of man-spider.

Young Stan Lee and Tom Holland

Stan Lee actively participated in public events, often gave an interview and became discussed by a person for journalists after the release of each new film "Marvel".

Personal life

Contrary to stereotypes Stan Lee - Odnolyub. In 1947 his wedding was held with Joan Book. Wife was a woman of his life. Their union was very happy. In 1950, the daughter of Selia appeared in the family. In 1953, the son of Yang was born. The boy died three days after childbirth.

Stan and Joan loved New York and only this city were considered for a permanent residence. They often moved to different areas, but in the 80s they purchased a mansion in Western Hollywood and assted there.

In 2017, 93-year-old Joan Li died as a result of a stroke. The couple lived together for almost 70 years.

Stan Lee and his wife Joan

Writer and Producer Stan Lee was a big fan of literature. He since childhood he loved reading books, giving preference to the classic works of authors like Shakespeare, Dickens, Twain and Wells. Among the fiction Lee especially highlights the books of Ellison and King. The age has affected the abilities of a person, and in recent years, the state of health has not yet been revealed.


In 2010, the physical condition of the progenitor of comic books "Marvel" worsened. Doctors worried about his well-being and recommended hospitalization. In 2012, a man installed a pacemaker.

Stan Lee - biography, photo, personal life, news,

November 12, 2018 it became known about the death of Stan Lee. He died aged 95 years. According to the mass media, whether due to older age suffered from health problems in the last year of life, in particular, from pneumonia. He was not in the medical center Sedars-Sinai, where a man delivered ambulance.


  • 1964 - "ominous Sixer" ("Amazing Spiderman. Yearbook")
  • 1965 - "Crazy House in the Buxther Building" ("Fantastic Four Yearbook")
  • 1966 - "Last Chapter" ("Amazing Spiderman")
  • 1966 - "This man, this monster" ("Fanatastic four")
  • 1966 - "Danger and Power" ("Fanatastic Four")
  • 1966 - "Parish of Galactus" ("Fantastic Four")
  • 1967 - "Man-spider no longer" ("Amazing Spiderman")
  • 1968 - "Good, bad and supernatural" ("Silver Surfer")
  • 1988 - "Parabola" ("Silver Surfer")
  • 2009 - "Identity Crisis" ("Amazing Spiderman")

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