Louise Hay - biography, photo, personal life, books, cause of death



The writer and public figure Louise Hay has passed through many difficulties in life. But she overcame itself and taught other methods of healing. Thanks to the biography and books, Louise millions of readers understood how to embody the desire for life.

Childhood and youth

Louise Hayy was born in Los Angeles on October 8, 1926 in a poor family. Mom girls worked as a laundry. Native Father she never knew, and stepped off dustlessly drank. Parents have paid little attention to the eldest daughter: she was badly fed, dressed in pickups, not to mention care and warmth.

Writer Louise Haye

The childhood of the future writer was unstable and poor. She held early years among rats and garbage, in creepy slums, was an unloved baby in the family. Stephip was constantly beaten by Padderitsa and her mother, who became pregnant with his sister Louise in a state of severe depression, when the girl was 5 years old.

Poverty surrounding Hay, is not the most terrible memory. Due to the lifestyle of parents, Louise people often surrounded people who are not familiar with the rules of morality. Therefore, at the age of 5 years, the girl first underwent sexual violence from the neighbor-tramp. Louise adult adult admitted that it clearly remembers the moment of inspection from the doctor. The tramp was sentenced to 15 years in prison, but the girl was always said that she was to blame. Therefore, for many years he spent in fear that, coming out of prison, the criminal will revenge her.

Louise Hay in youth

The feeling of self-esteem due to orphanage gradually became less and less. The case that occurred with Louise at the school event in grade 4, as it should not be better reflected by her psychological state at that time. On the occasion of the party, parents of other children bought a few cakes - a non-disabilities for her family.

Up to this point, Louise never tried her delicacy. Began to cut cakes, there were so many that some children received 2 and even 3 pieces. When, finally, the turn of the girl, which was the last, the cake was left. Not a single piece.

Louise Hay in youth

As the writer analyzed later, this her own beliefs in insignificance put it at the end of the queue. At this way, the girls had to fight for more than one year.

In adolescence, Louise consumed psychoactive substances. Upon reaching 15 years, Hay left the house and went to Chicago. There she is easily and on their own will entered accidental ties. This led to early motherhood - the girl gave birth at the age of 16. But Mother Louise was not long, after birth, the child was adopted.

Personal life

The mandated life roads led Hay to New York. The girl earned a living by working as a housekeeper, a waitress and saleswoman. Later, Louise came to the model structure, where influential gentlemen began to pay attention to it. One day in the personal life of the young girl there were changes - she came across the Million of Andrew Hay, for which in the future married. A couple traveled a lot around the world. Husband and wife even visited the receptions of the kings, once dinner in the White House.

Louise Haye

Louise became a popular mannequin, she had a wonderful spouse, but the girl's consciousness did not leave the thought of moral unrealizations. It lasted until the moment he did not start a spiritual search.

After 14 years of marriage, the husband told Louise about the intention to marry another, there were no children from the pair. The woman was in the depressed state for a long time, but the days went, life was going on. One day, Louise even visited the fortune tune, which predicted that a minor event would turn her life. Gradually, the woman came to himself and understood that everything changes for the better.


Accidentally Hay hit the meeting of the participants of the Church of Religious Science. Despite the incomprehensible terms and notation, the girl listened carefully to the lecture. Louise became interested, began to go to meetings and take lessons. The fashion world gradually defeats, concern about the waist and eyebrows, also moved to the background.

Writer Louise Haye

So a woman who did not even graduate from high school, became a hard student. Louise read all the benefits concerning metaphysics, which only fell on her arm. The church became the second home for a woman, she felt significant changes in consciousness.

At the end of 3 years, Louise's studies have passed the exam and began to advise people who need help. It was the first little victory on which Hay did not stop. The woman entered the college, publishing pastors, and was engaged there around the clock. The rules were equally strict for all students - not to drink alcohol, do not smoke and learn at the weekend. The woman reached the end and graduated from an educational institution.

Books Louise Haye

After Louise began to actively play meetings, continued to advise people. The first book of the woman was the work entitled "Heal their body". Louise read lectures and traveled, her popularity was constantly growing.

However, the trouble again broke the trouble - she had cancer. The woman did not agree to the surgery and began to fight a mistrey of independently. Hay read everything about non-traditional treatments, worked on himself, adhered to diet and communicated with a psychologist. After 6 months, doctors came to the conclusion that cancer disappeared. After the disease, a small brochure "How to heal my body" was released, where the writer describes in detail the fight against the ailment.

In the future, the attending physician Heay told the newspaper that Louise was not sick with cancer, and the disease was "suggestion." But what exactly had the author of the article - self-sustaining or suggestion to someone, remained a mystery.

Hey returned to Los Angeles, where no one knew, besides the mother and sisters, who lived on the outskirts. When meeting new people, a woman gave her brochure, which in the future entered the book called "You can heal our lives." In it, Louise tells that beliefs about themselves often become the cause of emotional problems, and with the help of special methods, you can change your life for the better. The book came to the NYT list of the most sold works of the United States in 1984, remaining at the first line for 13 weeks.

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We gradually began to appear new patients, requests for speeches fell. For two years, a woman finally acquired housing in such a pace. Once, Louise called the sister with a message about Mother's disease. The parent needed care after 2 months in the hospital, so the writer took her to himself. Relations with sister and mom managed to establish.

In 1985, Louise began working with 6 men with a diagnosis of AIDS, after 3 years the group rose to 850 people. The writer began the movement of love and support long before the moment when people began to wear red ribbons as a symbol of AIDS. Hay wrote a book about this disease, calling her "creating a positive approach."

In the book "Heal itself" considered psychosomatics of diseases, positive thinking for every day, affirmations about the health and the topic of love for themselves.

Writer Louise Haye

After Louise headed his own publishing company Hay House. What began in the form of a "non-commercial" enterprise in the living room turned into a prosperous corporation, publishing millions of benefits.

In 2004, the work "You can heal our lives" again became the leader of sales due to the appearance of Louise Hay on the TV program of Opro Winfrey and Phil Donahu. A year later, the broadcasting radio "Haye House Radio", created by the writer and business partners. In the winter of 2014, a personal exhibition of painting and graphics "Art Louise Hay" in California opened.


Louise Hay, until recent days, adhered to a healthy lifestyle, promoted positive thinking for AIDS patients, helped get rid of panic attacks and lectured for women who were subjected to beatings.

Louise Hay in the last years of life

Death overtook the writer in a dream at the age of 90, in the morning of August 30, 2017. Living about the history of Louise Hay, a documentary filmed.


Responsibility for our actions lies only on ourselves. Therefore, they need to be taken as themselves. Refusing to their actions, we refuse ourselves and your body - from here there is a lot of diseases. Our thoughts affect our future. This is wrong, the evil, criticism, the feeling of guilt - the emotions that destroy physical and mental health. We need here and now. We only get what we ourselves.


  • "Heal their lives."
  • "The path to a healthy life."
  • "Heal yourself"
  • "Heal your body."
  • "Power inside us"
  • "Healing forces inside us"
  • "Healthy Spirit is a healthy body"
  • "Women's power"
  • "Heart thoughts"
  • "The secret of success: how to achieve financial well-being"
  • "With new happiness"
  • "Big book of wealth and happiness"
  • "Give your destiny"

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