Theon G Grage - Character Biography, Appearance, Actor, Quotes


Character History

One of the bright characters of the book "The Song of Ice and Flame" is considered to be the theon of Greyjoy. George Martin - the author of the popular story about the Battle for the Iron throne - invented a rather heavy and terrible biography for the hero.

History of creation

As a possible prototype of the theon is called George Platagenet, known to the betrayal of Richard of the Third. The Duke of Clarence (another title of men) switched to the side of Lancaster, but later he jumped into loyalty to Yorks. After the next conspiracy of the plantagenet, the unpleasant death in the barrel with wine was overtook.

Possible prototype of theone - George Platagenets

In addition to remotely similar fate, the hero of Sagi Martin resembles a historical personality. The theon Griad is presented in the novel by the spirits of dark-haired young men with beautiful features of the face.

In the adaptation of the drama, the role of a traitor went to Alfra Alfa Allen. The artist admitted that he did not consider his own character bad:

"I would say he is just a man. He, like all of us, makes mistakes, and this is quite normal quality for all people. Yes, his mistakes can be fatal, may have devastating consequences, but it does not prevent him from acting from the best motives. "

However, the television image of the theon from the "Game of Thrones" turned out from the creators of the series much frankly than the book option. If the readers only built theories about what happened to the hero on time of psychologically heavy moments, then the multi-sieuled film showed all the lowestness without embellishment.

"Game of Thrones"

The theon Greyja grew up in the territory of the Iron Islands - the region located in the distance from the center of seven kingdoms. The boy was born in the family of Bayilon Greyjoy and Alannis Harlow. When the child was tenth, the father of Theon headed the uprising against Robert Barateon. For such disobedience, NED Stark destroyed most of the man's army and captured the son of Beilon.

Theon Griad.

So the boy came to raising in the seven starks. The young man spent 9 years in Winterfelle. During this time, the theon closely made friends with a robust stark. But even a friendly relationship with the son of the Lord of the North did not make a family member from a young man. Theon since childhood felt a stranger.

In addition to his own worldview, the thoughts of unnecessary confirmed the attitude of the families of storks. Most of the descendants of Nead treated the young grazing with disdain. To hide pain and loneliness, the theon demonstrated the surreitious superiority surrounding, but attempts to look weighty only proved the unnecessaryness and suffering of the young man.

Theon G Grage and Robb Stark

When Robb Stark proclaimed himself as King of the North, Theon offered a friend's help in organizing a fleet to attack the royal harbor. For the sake of winning a friend, a grace went to the Iron Islands to ask the native Father ships for Stark.

But at home, the young man was waiting for a cold reception, Beonon has long ceased to consider the theon by his own offshore, putting all the hopes for the Yar - the sister of the hero. To show your own attitude to the son, the eldest grace gives most of the fleet to the girl, giving way to the theone of a couple of ships.

Yara Grajoy

A similar disdinction hurts a young man. Theon understands that he again remained without a family: the relatives do not accept it, and the stars did not make the young one part of their lives. Wanting to prove to my own real life, the theon goes to betrayal.

G Grage attacks the possessions of starks and captures Winterfelle. But, despite hidden offenses, the young man cannot harm and ricon. The young man allows younger stars to escape, and instead of siblings, the King of the king kills the orphan brothers.

Theon G Grage in captivity

Winterfell under control does not work. From the fortress of the theon, Ramsey Snow - Bastard Lord Bolton. Having lost the conquered territories, G Grage misses from under control and own people. Warriors are easily betrayed the leader, passing a stunned theon to the sudden Ramsey.

In captivity of Bolton, a young man will know hellish flour. In addition to physical violence, Ramsi applies to his own prisoner and psychological pressure. The last mockery, which was able to withstand the consciousness of the theon, became castration. Ramsi Snow personally cut off the captive male dignity, accompanying the process with cynical jokes.

Ramsi Bolton

From that moment on, the theon Griad ceased to exist. Not to withstand the torment, the identity of the young student of starks disappeared. A helpless slavery servant appeared to change the proud resident of the Iron Islands.

The owner is unquestioned unquestionlessly and performs terrible Ramsi orders. Even the news of the death of Robb Stark did not arouse in the young man any emotions. Although the hero has fallen a good chance to get rid of the tormentor, the smelter did not kill Ramsey, even squeezing a dangerous razor in his hand.

Sansa Stark

Return to the Life Theon helped Sansa Stark. Having arrived in Winterfelle, the girl is forced to marry Ramsi to save their own position. Skyushka, seeing a person familiar with childhood, panic. The young man does not want Santa to recognize in a bright slave of an old friend. Both heroes consider themselves prisoners and are trying to find a way out of the situation.

Having learned that the younger starks are alive, Sansa persuades the theon on the escape. Nead's daughter offers a broken hero to go to John Snow, but Grazey is sure - Bastard Stark considers a man to be a traitor and forgive for misconduct. Leaving a girl with faithful people, a broken grace is decided on returning home. Alas, Yara is not glad to brother. At one time, the girl tried to free the theone, but the young man under the influence of Ramsey did not leave the Castle of Bolton.

Theon G Grage on the ship

However, the sister is ready to forgive the apostate if he supports her throne attracted. Together with Yarly, the theon goes on the ship to DeEneris to conclude mutually beneficial cooperation. But on the opposite way of the last grazhev attack. I have not yet restored to the end, the theon cowardly runs away from the vessel, throwing the sister in the hands of Tirana-Uncle.

Interesting Facts

  • Fans of the series are confident that despite the ambiguity of the character, Theon Griad - Azor Ahai (the legendary hero, who will save the state from white walkers).
  • In George Martin's books, the theon helps to escape from Ramsi Bolton not Sanas Stark, but a girl named Janei bullets. However, Ramsey himself is confident that Jane's name is Aria Stark.
  • Fate reduces the hero with ambiguous women. The balee of the theon alternately become a prostitute, the daughter of the captain and other girls of the lower estates.


"I will die, abandoned by everyone. So one thing remains to live. "" What is the sense to conquer the kingdom yourself if you can't hold it? On force and fear will not last for a long time. "Only the fool lays out itself - after all, in the world, there are plenty of people who are ready to do it for him." "One thing is to go bother to the shoulder to shoulder with friends, and completely different - to die one, despised by everyone "

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