Florida Changuuria - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



Fans of the Leningrad Group found out Florida Chancuria in 2016. Sergey Shnurov announced the public that the singer became a new participant of the sensational rock band. From now on, a photo from concerts and shooting clips began to appear in the "Instagram" account.

Childhood and youth

A burning brunette, who has managed to love the fans of "Leningrad", was born on March 30, 1990. She is a native of Bashkortostan. Motherland Girl became a small town Beloretsk. Parents called daughter an unusual name that some seems to be inappropriate Russian realities.

Nevertheless, Florida is not a pseudonym. As well as the sonorous name Chanturia. Mother girls liked this name from the moment of accidental acquaintance with the child of one of the passengers of the cruise liner, on which she sailed. The idea of ​​giveing ​​such a daughter's name is she kept.

According to the memories of the artist, at the 9th age, she lost his father. What happened to the man is unknown, nevertheless the entire burden of responsibility for the upbringing of his daughter lay on her mom's shoulders. Judging by the surname, Papa Florida was by the Georgian nationality (Megral). But the singer itself does not mention his roots.

Florida was fond of creativity from the young age. In parallel with the receipt of school education, the girl was engaged in a music school. After receiving the certificate about the end of educational institutions, she moved to St. Petersburg.

A beginner singer sought to engage in his favorite business - vocals, so she entered the university of culture and arts and became a student of a jazz-pop office. Good luck smiled in a girl soon. Today, beauty shines on stage, collecting thousands of spectators.

Personal life

Florida Chanturia is an active user of social networks. Pretty woman regularly publishes photos with colleagues, snapshots with tour and travel, not depriving fans of the opportunity to admire her figure in a swimsuit. But she prefers his personal life to leave behind the scenes. All that is known to fans - the beauty has no children and it is still not married.

Celebrity often gives interviews, but personal questions also leaves without a specific answer. Although one day the girl was mentioned that "Leningrad" "saved" her from marriage. Changturia met with a young man and seriously thought about legitimizing relationships. But the development of the career put the cross on these relationships.

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Questions about the solo career, the girl is laughing, assuring that he always dreams of playing in Leningrad. The singer says he does not plan an independent solo project. Florida has many fans.

A bright and feminine girl attracts eyes and collects the laudatory responses of users. Although among them there are and the statements of Heyters, it does not prevent the singer to work hard for the benefit and developing the team. She proudly talks about his participation in the group and dedicates posts by Sergey Shnurov.


Career Florida began successfully. After graduating from the university, she became a soloist of the musical case-collective called "Marmalad Party Band". The group performed the compositions of Russian and foreign pop stars, as well as their own songs.

The singer was lucky with the selection of the site for performances. She was invited to famous restaurant "Jelsomino Cafe", belonging to the Ginza Project family. The public here is always attentive to the music, which is performed in the institution, and artists speaking at events.

Florida actively conquered the show business of the northern capital. She was invited to act in karaoke bars and closed events. The girl attended numerous castings, dreaming to reach a new professional level. This case was introduced.

In 2016, the soloist of the Leningrad Group Alisa Vastov decided to leave the team at his own request. Changes Julia Kogan, and, along with the team of musicians, under the leadership of the cord, released the clips "Patriot", shot at the hospital "Zozhe", and the exploded charts "Exhibit".

Starting in the team from the backstage, Alice took one of the main roles and decided to start the solo career. A vacant place attracted those who wish to perform on one stage with a cord.

Florida Changturia was among those who knew all the songs of the team by heart: work in karaoke meant a detailed acquaintance with the discography of the St. Petersburg group. The world of show business is cracked, and the friend of Florida recommended her to listen to the musician of the Leningrad group. So the girl was on casting, which became a sign in her biography. It is curious that at the beginning of the career Alisa Vox and Florida Changturia together worked in the plywood karaoke bar.

Following the auditions, Florida shared a leading position with the singer Vasilisa senior. Two girls entered the musical group. Such an event happened for the first time in the history of rock band. Canthuria had to introduce a mother with the conditions of his new work.

The woman did not immediately imbued with the work of Leningrad, but after a time he appreciated his daughter's professional growth. The first speech of the singer in the new status took place in Moscow at the Stadium Life site. It was preceded by 3 rehearsals that helped tune in before familiarizing with the public.

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Florida had to fight the bias of fans who survived two women in the beloved men's team. The trust of the audience had to earn. Together with Vasilisa, they underwent a serious wave of criticism. Girls managed to cope with the test.

This was promoted by the issue of singles: "Ring", "Candidate", "Ecstasy" and "Voyage". The tour in honor of the 20th anniversary of the Russian residents of the Leningrad Group became indicative for vocalists and their audience. The concert at the Opening-Arena Stadium collected a record number of guests.

In 2017, Vasilis Starshov left the group, and Florida Changturia was deservedly bathed in the rays of glory. At the time of signing a contract with "Leningrad" girl was 25 years old. Excellent age to conquer new vertices and rapid career development in the shocking Russian rock team. Today, the Florida Group collects stadiums, filmed in the clips and causes stormy ovations at concerts.

The first clip of the new soloist "Leningrad" was the video "Ch.p.h.". The song "Ring", in which the heroine offers a master of Tatu to smold her eyebrows, brought Florida's approving feedback from the public and critics.

In 2018, Sergei Shnurov invited Anna Zolotov to the team, Victoria Kuzmin and Maria Olkhov. Girls act as support for Florida, back vocals and occasionally independently. In such a composition, the team presented a clip for the song "Not Paris". Florida also performed the "Amplua" composition, which was renamed the public to "not Alena". Another hit of Changturia and the cord was the "Cabriolet" track dedicated to Hiruva Letov.

Florida uses every chance for development. Long-legged beauty, whose growth is 176 cm, and the weight of 54 kg, would easily become a model for covers of glossy magazines, but she chose music. The girl opened his own studio in St. Petersburg, calling her "Leningradia". There are vocals for lovers and professionals.

Florida Changturia now

Now the creative life of Florida continues to develop in different directions. In 2019, Changturia took part in the Fort Boyard television show, along with Oleg Miami, Egor Druzhinin, Alena Shishkova and Sergey Safronov.

The singer did not cope with the fulfillment of his task, during which she had to feed the ball with a sticky floor to the target. For a while she was forced to move to the sharpening room, after which he returned to his team.

In March 2020, the Russian group Little Big posted a video clip of the new Song of the UNO, which was going to present in May at the Eurovision International Competition. The video came out with some delay.

For the execution of the composition, the team participants invited the soloist of The Hatters of Yuri Muzychenko and the participant of the Leningrad grouping Florida Chancuria. They supported Little Big musicians as back-vocalists. Also in the shooting of the video took part dancer Dmitry Krasilov. The song, like all the previous hits of the group, was enthusiastic adopted by the public. During the day she scored more than 8 million views.

Unfortunately, the speech was not destined to take place: March 18 became aware of the abolition of Eurovision due to the coronavirus pandemic.


  • 2016 - "Sobchak glasses"
  • 2016 - "In St. Petersburg - Drink"
  • 2017 - "Voyage"
  • 2017 - "Ch.p.x."
  • 2017 - "Candidate"
  • 2017 - "Roll"
  • 2017 - Ecstasy
  • 2018 - "Zhu-Zhu"
  • 2018 - "I don't want to be a Muscovite"
  • 2018 - "Not Paris"
  • 2018 - "Antidepressants"
  • 2019 - "Cabriolet"

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