Heydar Jamal - biography, photo, personal life, cause of death



The Russian public figure, held the post of Chairman of the Islamic Committee, belonged to the Oppositional Public Association "Other Russia". He took part in the street shares of the Russian opposition, the so-called "disagreement marches". She adhered to extremist views, in particular, called for "abolishment" of Israel and Armenia as state entities.

Childhood and youth

Heydar Jemal was born in Moscow in the fall of 1947 in the family of the famous Azerbaijani artist Jahid Gemal. The father of the future public figure was from the Azerbaijani settlement. Jahid first entered the Art School in Baku, and then moved to Moscow, where he continued to education at the Surikov Art Institute.

Public Worker Heydar Jemal

Over time, Jahid, Jamel became a member of the Union of Artists, then began to teach in the Moscow Architectural Institute, then at the Stroganov Academy and, in the end, in Moscow State University, where he became a professor at the department of drawing and painting.

Grandfather Heydar Geemal was a member of the NKVD and fought with bandits, and during World War II, he became a military commissioner.

Gemal's mother was Russian by nationality and worked in the theater of the beast named after Durov. The woman was trained by major predators and was a professional hop. Grandfather from the mother was a professor and was interested in classical German philosophy. From Grandfather Heydar, the Great Library got a big library, and the young man took his interest in philosophy from him.

Heydar Jemal

Geidar's parents and other family members adhered to atheistic views, the Gemal himself had formed his worldview under the influence of Islam. After graduating from school, the young man entered the Moscow State University, where I studied oriental languages. Already in the youth, Heydar showed pronounced bourgeois-nationalistic views, for which he was expelled a year after receipt. Gemal earned a living like a turner, and also time from time to time was engaged in tutoring.

After some time, the young man went to work in the publishing house by the proofer. The institution was engaged in medical literature, there Heydar met and began his friends with the editor, who specialized in psychiatry. This young man not only contributed to the fact that Heydar became interested in the branch of clinical medicine, but also introduced that the writer Yury Mamleev, who was going on his apartment. Members of this mug, in addition to the literature, were also interested in the occult.

Heydar Jemal at work

In the late 1970s, Heydar Hemal met the philosopher Alexander Dugin and, together with him, joined the next esoteric circle, at the same time continuing to establish and strengthen ties with Muslim circles. In the late 80s, Gemal and Dugin also entered into the ultra-right anti-Semitic monarchical organization "Memory". However, the years did not pass, as Jemale expelled from there for contact with the occultist and satanist dissident circles.

According to the journalist "Independent Newspaper" Grigory Nehhoroshev, Jamel was registered in a psychoneurological dispensary as a schizophrenia patient. In the material it was reported that Heydar "Delibery" portrayed a mental illness during the years of youth, so that the police stopped persecuting him and try to bring to responsibility for the "Tuneshi" - the lack of official work.


In the 1990s, Heydar Jamel was actively engaged in promoting Islam in society. He consisted in the Islamic Renaissance party, founded the religious information center and published the Islamic newspaper for two years, and since 1993 he began the publication of the profile magazine.

Jemal traveled to Sudan, where he participated in the conference, during which the Islamic Committee was created. In the same 1993, he began to lead on the first channel of Russian television a rubric in the program "Now", dedicated to Islam issues. Then he began to lead "Muslim" TV shows on the Canals of RTR and "Culture". There, he openly promoted his own extremist glances, which contributed to the closure of these programs in the future.

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In 1999, Heydar Jameal tried to become a deputy of the State Duma, and a year before this he had lectured on Philfak MSU.

Heydar Jemal released a number of books. One of them is a collection of poems, published in Yekaterinburg. The rest of his books are devoted to socio-political and religious issues. In 2004, he released a collection of articles "Liberation Islam", where promotes the ideas of the revolution under the banners of theology. A year before, another collection was released - "the revolution of the Prophets."

Personal life

Heydar Geemal's wife - Galina Norse - was a radical Orthodox Christian. The couple had two children. In 1966, a son was born, which was called Orhan.

Heydar Jemal and his son Orhan Gemal

Subsequently, Orhan Gemal also became a public figure and military journalist. The second child is a daughter named Kausar.


At the end of 2016, Heydar Gemal had cancer, who was the cause of death, soon he was overtaking. Two months he fought with a disease in one of the hospitals of Almaty and died in early December.

Heydar Jemal in recent years

The public figure himself chose the place of his future burial. He did not want his body to be transported to Moscow, and demanded that the funeral took place in Almaty, on the "Turkic Earth", according to Muslims. The grave of Gemal can be seen on the cemetery of Baganashil.


"Chechens and by the time of the arrival of the Russians had a long defense experience ... Chechnya was a stumbling block for very many." "Islam is a protest worldview of the street, and not the order established by the bastards in power. But this is not a crowd. This is a high political self-organization. "

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