Alexey Mishin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Figure Skating Coach 2021



Alexey Nikolaevich Mishin is a Soviet athlete and coach. He won the awards as a figure skater and contributed to the receipt of recognition in the international community of Russian masters of figure skating. From under his wing, the best athletes came out and, despite the old age, he now continues to train young people who have a big hope of skaters, conquering titles and titles along with them.

Childhood and youth

Alexey Mishin was born in Sevastopol on March 8, 1941. It is not necessary to talk about it for its nationality, since such information on the network did not appear.

An important role in the formation of a child as an athlete played parents. Nikolai Mishin and Tatyana Deliukina are familiar with the young years. In his native Smolensk, they lived in the neighboring streets, studied in the same university, played together in the Amateur Theater. At the end of the training, young people received a direction to work in different places, but fate was not going to breed them. In 1930, Nikolai and Tatiana played a wedding, and in 1932 their firstborn, Lyudmila daughter appeared.

Nikolai Mishin received an invitation to the graduate school of LSU, and then became a teacher in the school. F. E. Dzerzhinsky. The family had to move to Leningrad, and her head became a military. Tatiana also became a teacher. A couple of months before the war in the family, the son of Alexey appeared.

The management of the school strongly recommended to take the family of officers. Mishina found shelter in Ulyanovsk with family friend's parents. Hungry affected the health of Little Alexey, he fell ill rickets. To cure him managed to be a mother who struggled tomatoes in the rocky yard.

Father of the family Nikolai Mishin served in different cities. At the end of the war, he received a translation to Tbilisi, where his wife and children settled in a local abandoned hotel. Mishina soon managed to get a 3-room apartment, but the joy was short-lived: the father gave a translation to Leningrad. Here, spouses and two children settled in a communal service.

Personal life

Alexei Nikolaevich Mishina biography is closely connected with his beloved business. The coach in figure skating married his pupil in his youth. Tatyana Oleneva's spouse also trains students.

The sons of Andrei and Nikolai appeared in marriage. Young people went through the sports footsteps of the Father, but the Tennis Court preferred the ice. About personal life Family Mishina prefers not to spread. Alexey Nikolaevich leads a modest lifestyle and does not excel its own merit.

Andrei's son successfully married the tennis player Daria Mironova, having a good experience in this sport, he trains his spouse and acts as a manager. After some time after the wedding, Mishina presented Alexey Nikolaevich her grandson.

The coach does not lead pages on social networks, but in "Instagram" there is a page dedicated to the Mishina school, as well as the official website.

Career Figurist

Little Alyosha was a moving and active child. Figure skating entered his life almost imperceptibly. Father took children with him to the rink, and once the sister on the resulting scholarship bought his first skates of Snow Males. The main entertainment of the boy was riding, clinging for a truck. He waited on a rustic avenue wrapping the car on his street and wrote out the figures, dangerously balancing.

Leningrad youth came to ride an anichkoval palace. There were founded by Stanislav Zhuk, Lyudmila Belousov, Oleg Protopopov, who made their surnames to the sports story. Father Mishina saw how the guys ride, and decided to give his son to a circle of figure skating. He supplemented athletes with loud names. The plans of Mishina Jr. included the end of Lay them. V.I. Lenin and the work of the engineer, but the passion for sports was stronger, and the young man preferred him as a future profession.

Mishina's career start came in 1956. Soviet figure skaters began to perform at international competitions. Nina Leplinskaya, who worked with the Olympic champion Nikolai Panin became the first coach. Mishin's teacher received basic knowledge and skills. At the stadium "Spark" at this time, Maya Belenkaya created a team of skaters, which was invited by a starting athlete. Here he met Tamara Moskvina, from which he began to work in a duet.

A couple of Mishina and Moskvina performed at competitions, conquering awards and titles. The duet became the Champions of the USSR in 1969 and won silver medals at the World Cup in the same year and a year before, in 1968. Mishina and Moskvina for a long time did not succeed in surpassing colleagues on the workshop Lyudmila Belousov and Oleg Protopopov. In 1969, they became bronze medalists, performing a pair at the European Championship, and at the World Championships won "silver". Two these competitions first showed the power of Soviet skaters who took all the places on the podium podium.

Career coaching

Realizing that the further prospects of the speeches as figure skaters do not promise large victories, Mishin and Moskvin went to coaching activities. 1969 became their last season, and already in 1975, a student Alexei Mishina Yuri Ovchinnikov became the Champion of the USSR in figure skating. The coach worked with real nuggets. Among them was his future spouse Tatiana Olenev. The girl became the champion of the Soviet Union and represented the country at European competitions.

Women's figure skating enjoyed special attention among sports figures. For talented girls existed special groups of training. The head of the Leningrad Group became Mishin. He suggested the ward of deer to go to the new sphere and try himself as a coach.

In 1976, the locality of the authorities and the sports committee was changed by disfavor. Mishin received the status of "non-district". The book "Figure skating for everyone" prepared for the release went to the list of waiting print. On television ceased to broadcast his performances and interviews. The only joy remained the opportunity to continue training the students at the position of coach of the USSR national team. While the wards performed in Europe, the results of the mentor reported in telephone conversations.

The clarifications of the situation of Mishin did not receive for 3 years, until 1978. No one decided to give the coach answers to exciting questions. Aleksey Nikolaevich decided to take care of his hands and appealed for comments to Sergey Pavlov, the head of the direction of Soviet Sport. He contacted the first secretary of the city of Boris Aristov and solved the problem of a former athlete.

Mishin began to work with enthusiasm, because now all the roads were open, and among students only talented and passionate people. In 1994, his ward Alexey Urmanov became the champion of Europe and the world. The same titles later received Evgeny Plushenko. In his memoirs, Mishin wrote that the coach took place if I released at least one Olympic champion on the ice. He put creative searches in chapter and believed that where the experiment ends, there is no future.

Honored coach of the Soviet Union knows exactly: to be first, it is necessary to constantly develop. All new in figure skating quickly stirs. The main principle of Mishina is not to teach the ward "for itself." He promotes development for the future and work on the future.

Alexey Mishhin independently thought over and theoretically prescribed the method of multi-turn curious jumps. It owns a new equipment execution technique. The talents of the engineer and the athlete were reflected in this direction.

The coach is often invited to participate in telecasts. In 2014, the first channel passed the release of the program "Alone with everyone", where Mishin answered the tricky questions of the leading Julia Little. Alexey Yagudin, Yevgeny Plushenko, Elizabeth Tuktamysheva and Carolina Costner are told about working with him.

Alexey Mishin often commented on what is happening in the field of figure skating. In an interview with 2018, he spoke out about the scandalous transition of the figure skater Evgenia Medvedeva from Eteri Tutberidze for training to Canadza Brian Oswan. According to Alexei Nikolayevich, transitions from the coach to the coach were at all times, and this is a common practice, because a lot of relationships depends on the relationship between the student and mentor.

And later, before the final of the Grand Prix, he commented on the ability of his student of Sophia Savorov, calling it a promising athlete, but noted that it could not guarantee a life success in the future.

Alexey Mishin now

Today, the coach who worked with Pleialy Champions teaches in St. Petersburg, at the Academy of Physical Culture and Sports. P. F. Lesgafta. The former skater heads the department of skating and figure skating. Mishin works on the theory of sports. He is the author of the textbook on figure skating and books that use as benefits for universities.

Alexey Nikolaevich is still skating, although it does not make tricks and pyruettes by age. Photo from training that holds a master is published on the Internet.

The main news of the summer of 2020 was information about the transition of Mikhail Kolyada, a multiple winner of the championships, to the coach Alexei Mishina. And although this year there was a lot of high-profile transitions in figure skating, the first and only meaningful for solitary male riding was this.

Not everyone considered the transition of the carriages beautiful, 20 years he trained with Valentine Chebotareva (from 5 years old) and even in minutes of sensitive falls, they were indepressible. But the last starts of Mikhail caused contradictory feelings. And, probably, he decided to change something. At first, the skater went to train to Novogorsk, then consisted from Chebotareva to his native St. Petersburg, referring to family circumstances. And immediately began training in the Mishina group.


  • 1994 - the Order of the Friendship of Peoples
  • 2003 - Honorary Sign of Figure Catania
  • 2011 - Honorary Sign "For Merit to St. Petersburg"
  • 2014 - Order "For Merit to Fatherland" IV degree

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