Sasha Shapik - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Instagram 2021



Sasha Shapik is a vivid example of how without formation and special skills can be decent. Alexander calls himself the most sincere blogger. The famous marginal began to conquer fans with outrageous and extreme trips whose videos spread online. Gradually, the young man switched to the "calm" lifestyle, while the number of channel subscribers on YouTube is only grows.

Childhood and youth

Alexander's parents at the first meeting understood that they were created for each other, and already two months after the acquaintance, they visited the registry office. The heir was born on September 25, 1987 (according to the zodiac scale) in the Ukrainian city of Cherkasy. This name of the blogger is Rarere.

Sasha flag with parents

A boy from early childhood was tied to his father, who, by the way, also leads the channel on YouTube. Sasha Rained by naughty and hyperactive, and in school years was distinguished by the knowledge of knowledge, he studied well. The teenager was carried away by rock, the favorite group became Kiss. Then he joined the rows of punk, came to youth parties in the appropriate clothing.

Another hobby became esoteric. The guy has studied spiritual development textbooks, meditated. The young man cherished the dream to live an unusual, bright life, not such as "gray mass". And he seemed to happen.


Life began to change rapidly at 15 years old - after exploring the American movement "Jackass" (in translation means "assholes", "Cranks"). The beginning of this flow laid the cycles of films about guys who were trapped on the camera, but funny tricks. Each television video was supplied with warning signatures, but the overseas adolescents did not stop. They began to repeat the tricks shown in one another by posting the video into the network.

Sasha Chapika at 14

Sasha came up with a pseudonym and also joined the movement. Two like-minded people from their native city have joined since the family, so formed the "Panic" team under the leadership of the chapika. Sasha with the guys under the fictional names of Faust and Di Di quickly gained fame - the teenagers ignited themselves, they rode naked on the toilet.

The cassettes with the record went to the hands of young people, until finally, someone did not posted a video on the Internet. The spectators were divided into two camps - fans and those who frankly did not understand the jokes of the killed team of boys. However, part of the tricks and tricks really went beyond the scope of harmless. The guys ran with a naked backway through the streets, jumped from a high bridge to the river and even turned the cabins of the dry-flooring.

The company often fell into the police station. Sasha's parents also had no sweet: piles of stones were collapsed to the house, familiar fit on the streets and accused of poor education of Chad, and once the father even splashed in the face with a gas can. Testernly becoming acquainted with the provincial jewel, Sasha decides to go to the capital of Ukraine in the hope that his non-standard person will take place there.

"Panic" went to Kiev in full force. The main city of Ukraine and the truth turned out to be loyal - the guys accepted benevolently. Soon the young men turned into the capital's stars. Journalists were invited to an interview, the producers of the TV show of the central canals were lured on the ethers.

Blogger Sasha Shapik

In 2011, Sasha Chapik opened the first channel on YouTube. A young bang began to master new formats: the blog commented on the video received from subscribers, made reviews for rollers from the Internet. And then went to the genre of Lifestyle, sharing with the audience events and moments from everyday life.

From time to time, continued to shock Kiev by the antics. For example, jumped from the carriaged train to Dnipro or kissing grandmothers passing along the street. Widow is possessed by the inhabitants of the capital, the chapik decided to leave to Sevastopol. Upon arrival, he took off the movie "Dream City", quickly scored hundreds of views.

Often bloggers Andrei Martnenko and Pasha Bumchik, as well as the parents of a young man, flashed in the chapik video. So, together with the Father and Mom, Sasha taught to build a water park from the girlfriend in the country.

Chapika more than once became the hero of television gear. He lit up on the show "Lie Detector" and "Battle of Psychics". After the first marriage of the time he reduced the degree of activity and even closed the blog. But, forgotten with his wife, returned to the Internet and show business.

The popular Ukrainian project "Heroes and Lovers" helped to unbalanced. Sasha performed one of the challengers on the hand and the heart of the main heroine. The head of the guy on the transfer again gathered a considerable army of subscribers on YouTube. Success secured by a touching decision: he left the transfer of "heroes and lovers", explaining that she was going to resume relations with his wife. Due to this, the number of female fans, girls began to actively be interested in the biography of a young man.

Personal life

At 23, Sasha met a 16-year-old schoolgirl Annette. Young people two days later declared themselves a couple, and later began to live together. Parents Choosing a daughter did not appreciate, considering the work on the Internet. The children were not planned lovers, but in the spring of 2011 there was news about pregnancy Annette. Already in December, the flag was the father of his daughter, which was called cute.

Sasha Shapik and Annette with her daughter cute

Family idyll lasted long. Shortly after the birth of a child, the couple began to quarrel. According to rumors, the girl did not suit the human classes, she believed that he did not work, but simply kills time on the Internet. Annette kicked out Alexander from the house, while he also reproached in irresponsibility towards his daughter. Sasha was very worried about the family drama, made attempts to return the relationship, but they turned out to be vain.

Now Annette lives with her daughter with another man, the blogger visited Mile and regularly lists the money for her content. Recently, the meeting with the daughter almost stopped, the blogger does not hide it.

Sasha Shapik and Tanya Tkachuk

In 2013, the flag began a new novel with an old friend - also blogger Tanya Tkachuk. Young people settled under the same roof. Relationships, bright and loud, have become public domain: scandals, separation, violent reconciliation - all this is removed on the video and lay out on the network.

After another quarrel, the sobes began to appear in which Sasha was noticed in the company with blogger Anja Nesterenko. Subscribers even attributed to them, but Anna stated that the romantic feelings of them with Alexander do not associate.

Tattoo Sasha Shapika

In the spring of 2017 Sasha made a sentence tan, giving a Tiffany ring. Beloved told the cherished "yes", but while the couple did not reach the passage.

Sasha Sachet is rather colorful appearance: Static (with a height of 172 cm weighs 73 kg) A man focuses on fashionable chips - tunnels in the ears, a tattoo on the chest, unusual hairstyles.

Sasha Shapik now

In early June 2018, part of the bloggers, including the flavored channels, were removed on YouTube. But the young man did not lose heart, and started a new branch. Later, the channels gradually restored. And today is tirelessly on the pages of Twitter and Instagram, he invites you to the ranks of subscribers. Fans are joking on such a stormy campaign, because in the video presentation of the new channel Sasha stated that the number of follovers is not interested - they say, is engaged in a favorite thing, "for themselves."

Sasha Chapik in 2018

Fans laughed over the fear of flavored lion's share of earnings, which canal brings. According to calculations, the income of the blogger from views and advertising is about $ 15-17 thousand per month. Alexander removes a spacious apartment in the center of Kiev for $ 2 thousand.

In the spring rumors about pregnancy Tanya Tkachuk. Internet users saw on the photo rounded tummy girl. But everything turned out to be no more than a joke.

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