Anastasia Kocherway - biography, personal life, photos, news, "house-2", "Instagram" 2021



If anything can not be accused by the participant "House-2" Anastasia Kocherway, so it is in indifference of the audience. While one project fans demanded from the organizers to get rid of the blonde and pointed to the professional past in the field of intimate services, others sympathized with a constantly degradiated participant and called on a worthy companion of life. The vulnerable and fragile in the lens of the telestroy chambers, in social networks, the Kocherway publishes candid photos with the status on the topic of independence and indifference to criticism.

Childhood and youth

Anastasia was born in 1993 to Kuban, date of birth - November 9. By nationality, she is Russian. Ivan's parents and Irina Kocherwe lived in the village of Soviet Novokubansky district, the family had an average wealth, although both worked.

As a child, Anastasia was disabled. At 4, her legs were denied, and she was chained to bed. Doctors for a long time could not put the correct diagnosis. But, fortunately, the disease managed to win.

The girl went to school. Humane performance was average, but always funny Nastya was happy to participate in extracurricular activities.

At the young age of the Kocherway acquired education in the sports field, and then - tourism and hotel business. After moving to the capital of Russia, these knowledge allowed her to get an administrator in the fitness club. In this position she worked for three years. Also performed the functions of the sales manager in the same organization.

Anastasia becomes a permanent party of beauty contests and fitness competitions. In one of them, she won an "iPhone". At the same time, most often she went through the podium in a swimsuit. Even in one of the interviews, Kochervay stressed: it is important for her that the future chosen one does not forbid it to pose in bikini.

Thanks to the attractive appearance, the Kocherway found a part-time hostess: she participated in the presentations of the luxury foreign cars and met guests at official events. Later, being a party to Telestroika, admitted that he worked in a company specializing in escort services. According to Anastasia, she earned funds for mother treatment.

Kocherway graduated from acting courses, engaged in strip-plastic. The debut on television was to participate in the transfer of the first channel "Let's get married!". The release with native Kuban came out in 2017. The film crew and the audience in the studio she was remembered by the incendiary dance under the Latin American music performed during the breakage of the program preparation.

"House 2"

On April 16, 2018, the new page of Nastya's biography began - she first appeared on telestroy. Many people remember visiting and frankly: during the dance in little that the debutantt's hiding shiny costume demonstrated all the advantages of the figure. Even Ilya Yabbarov was embarrassed, for whom, according to the assurances of Kocherway, she decided to participate in the "House-2".

I realized that it was not possible to hook Yabbarova, Anastasia began to show sympathy for Alexey Kudryashov, a kiss with whom did not make himself wait. Also, her attention was attracted by Andrei Denisov (barcode). And Artem forty got a dance with striptease elements, filled with Nastya on the table under the accompaniment of a bard song.

Everything changed in a month - in mid-May, Andrei Shabarin joined the project, which 12 years ago already "tried to build his love" on TNT. And immediately it turned out that Besarin managed between the visits to Dom-2 and lived in relations with the Krasnodar two years.

Seeing among the newcomers of the former lover, Anastasia burst into tears and the hand kissed Shabarin's hand in devotion. In telestroy, their relationship resumed, and simply emerged an impartial past. Shabarin did not hesitate to brag about the fact that not only Bil's beloved, but also arranged her humiliation sessions in public places. In particular, for the payment, Nastya agreed to get up on all fours in one of the metropolitan shopping center and crawling before visitors. And in one of the issues, the man made her eat cockroaches, promising for it to give a car.

In the summer of 2018, it became known that Andrei had homemade video erotic content with the participation of Anastasia and her friend. Shabarin has repeatedly blackmail former girl, threatening to promise a roller. When the leading Olga Orlova asked Nastya on the origin of the compromise, she told that he tried to achieve for the perfect treason from Andrei forgiveness.

However, in July 2018, the other member of the "House-2" Daria Friends announced that the drama Shabarina and Kocherway - setting from the beginning to the end. Allegedly Nastya tried to pull into the "performance" and her, leaving notes with prompts replicas. On the revelation, the friends decided after Shabarin rejected it. She promised that it was only the beginning of revenge Andrei.

In July 2018, Kocherway participated in the beauty contest, but did not occupy a prize room. But the snapshot from the competition she signed like this:

"It was an honor to stand next to gorgeous girls, and, having fallen in love with Shabarina, I became a barte and insignificance."

In August 2018, Blonde decided to leave Telestroyku. To accept such a solution to Nastya helped her father, who was tired of watching how his daughter suffers.

In April, it became known that Anastasia is pregnant from Shabarin. However, she lost a child.

Personal life

Anastasia was not married, children did not. But at the same time there were many novels with different men in her personal life.

Koching growth is 169 cm, and the weight is 60 kg. The parameters of the shape are close to model proportions: 91-67-96. Nastya has no tattoo, but she decided on piercing.

By the sign of the zodiac star "House-2" - Scorpio. He is fond of fitness, sports, loves dancing and ride on the motorcycles. It does not have bad habits and trying to stick to a healthy lifestyle.

Since Anastasia appeared on the TNT show, rumors are walking about repeated visits to the plastic surgeon. In the proof of the plastic, users of reposcriptions "to", on which Anastasia is depicted with long straight hair and a slightly different appearance. Kocherwe's information does not comment.

The story of Telestroyka believes that social networks are dangerous for our generation. Therefore, she revised their attitude towards them:

"I stopped watching other people's social networks, lay out Storsis for someone. We left the pens, nerves, experiences.

In "Instagram" Nastya publishes a photo from life. It is most often captured on them in a swimsuit, underwear or a transparent dress. There are pictures with advertising cosmetics, which she uses.

In early August 2018, Anastasia announced an "instagram" announced the end of relations with Andrei, but after a couple of days he posted joint photos with Shabarin.

In one of the interviews, Nastya admitted that the son of the company owner was the next young man, in which she worked in the UAE. The man is wealthy, promising, and also jealous. He demanded that the blocks wore a traditional oriental outfit that the blonde who was accustomed to frank dresses was not likewise.

In February 2019, Kocherway became a participant in a loud scandal. The secular lioness Alena Kravets found out that Anastasia twisted the novel with her husband oligarch Ruslan Kravtsch. Because of this, she filed for a divorce.

In 2020, rumors appeared that the former participant of the telestroy was an unconventional orientation and had previously had an intimate relationship with another participant of the "House-2" Victoria Tsarka. However, they are not confirmed.

Anastasia Kocherva Now

After the project, the Kocherway faced with the accusations of escort. Therefore, decided to move to permanent residence from Russia to the Arab Emirates. In Dubai, she found a prestigious work - a luxury real estate manager in a large construction company. With the employment of Nastya helped her lawyer helped. Her medioity was played not the last role, since the employer wanted to see a famous person in this position.

Many star subscribers accused her in deception. However, Kocherway posted a document on his page in "Instagram", which confirmed that she really got a job. She also added that he never deceived her audience.

Anastasia boasted its success. She managed to conclude beneficial transactions and receive commissions.

Anastasia Kocherway to plastics and after

After some time, the Kocherway returned to Moscow. She continued her media activities and became the Guest of the transfer of Andrei Malakhov "Direct Ether". Anastasia spoke as an expert in the release "The history of the contents: hidden in a suitcase." She also starred in the release of "direct ether", in which Alexander Serov accused Daria's friends in the steal.

In the spring of 2020, Anastasia was a survey in the clinic, where she was given a disappointing diagnosis of "breast cancer". The star "House-2" survived a strong shock and brought himself to exhaustion.

Kochervays were determined in the hospital where it was treated from oncological disease. However, Anastasia decided to double-check the diagnosis and appealed to another clinic. It turned out that she had no cancer. The correct diagnosis is "Fibroadoma".

Anastasia Kocherva believes that it became a victim of fraudsters. She has already hired a lawyer to achieve justice.

Since the star with the health is now everything is in order, she decided to fulfill his long-standing dream - to increase the chest. Photos after the operation, she laid out on their page in "Instagram".

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