Kitana - character biography, name, actress, ability


Character History

The seductive princess of China is included in the list "The most seductive (and deadly) chicks of the ninja killer." In addition to attractive appearance and excellent ownership of oriental martial arts, the girl is distinguished by stubbornness and thirst for justice. As a real representative of the royal family, China has developed a strategic faith for the destruction of the enemy. And soon it was carried out with glitter.

History of creation

Kitana's appearance is obliged by the video player Edward Bunow and the artist of comic John Tobias. For the first time, Princess Empenia appeared in the second part of the famous video game "Mortal Kombat 2". The new character was liked by players, and the charming warrior took place among the main composition of the heroes.

Edward Bun and John Tobias

In the original version, the princess wore the name of Kitzune, as the inspiration (and even a certain prototype) of the character served as Princess Mariko from the Karatec video game. The girl was not planned as a gaming character. China was supposed to be a beautiful prize for the winner of the battle, but during operation, such a plot line was rejected. The Japanese name also had to change. The authors of the video game decided that the Japanese Kitsune was not combined with Chinese Shao Kan and Shang Tsung.

To study the character movements, the creators of Mortal Kombat were invited to a special Studio actress and fitness coach Catalin Zamir. Men met the Kitana prototype in the gym, where the beauties led individual training. The girl had to depict techniques from various combat techniques in a blue swimsuit, which constantly reloved to move to the side.

Sub Zero

According to the authors of China, China became the female equivalent of Scorpio and Sab-Ziro. Therefore, the fights of the princess against the already mentioned Scorpion became the most fierce. Shortly before the release of the version of the game "Mortal Kombat X", the brand owners announced that the princess received the title "The most recognizable character".

"Mortal Kombat"

Kitana was born in the family of rulers of Eden. The girl grew in love and care, but the child's life changed dramatically when Shao Kan came to power. The powerful villain forcibly married the mother of China and overshadowed the girl.

Kitana against Scorpio

Soon the Queen of Sannelo, without preparing the test, committed suicide. From this point on, the history of young princess is full of darkness and cruelty. China grew under the close attention of the adopted father, not even suspecting that she was not a daughter Shao Kana. Since childhood, Kitan was trained with martial arts, the girl grew up the strongest fighter and a cold-blooded killer.

In training, the heroine helped Milina. Kitana believed that the girl, so similar to her external, - her sister. Pravda was that Milan was an unsuccessful experiment on Kitan's cloning.

Kitana and Milina

Over time, the combat abilities of the princess reached incredible heights. The girl cleverly drawn with steel versions that are replaced with any cold weapon in battle. With the help of metal, the princess, the princess instantly takes off above the ground and overcomes rather big distances. However, to teleport, China does not necessarily use the fan - the girl from nature can move in space.

Kitana's own real biography found out in the already mature age. Realizing that he will not cope with the enemy, the princess expected a convenient case for an attack. An excellent opportunity was the tournament conducted with the warriors of the Earth.

Kitana with fan

It is unnoticed for servants of the receptional father Kitana corrected contact with Liu Kang and other fighters. The escape plan was ready, Milina intervened in the case. In the fierce battle, the princess won, destroying his own clone.

In pursuit of a fuzzy Shao Kahn sent a reptile and a faithful girlfriend Kitana - Jade. The princess managed to replace the girl on his strand, and together the ninja beauties won the Mighty Warrior Shao Kana.

Kitana and Jade

The new test for China was the resurrection of a native mother. A similar tactical move allowed the emperor of the outside world to start an attack on Earth. To free the captured areas and prevent the fall of the earth kingdom, China is again united with Liu Kang, Johnny Cage and Sonya Blade.

The bold princess manages to penetrate the guarded Tower of Shao Cana and free the mother from the faded magic. A large-scale battle ends with the victory of warriors of the Earth. The liberated Canelan and China return to their homeland. However, happy events are just a short respite in a series of battles and battles that are waiting for Kitan in the future.


The history of China is partially shown by the audience in the film "Deadly Battle". The film was released on screens in 1995. The role of militant princess performed actress Talis Soto. The receptional daughter of the villain takes the side of the warriors of the earth kingdom and helps the fighters to win over the strongest soldiers Shao Kana.

Talisa Soto in the image of china

In the film "Deadly Battle 2: Extermination" The brave princess reappears again on the trop of war with the adoptive father. The girl intends to reunite with the lost mother, as well as help his beloved to win in a deadly fight. Talisa Soto re-tried the image of the militant princess.

The next appearance of China was held in the animation-playing film "Deadly Battle: Federation of Martial Arts." The picture is an addition to the main ribbons, but the result did not like the audience. Throughout the Kitan's films enters the battle with Johnny Cage and Scorpio. The name of the actress, who played Ketan, is unknown.

Interesting Facts

  • Favorite fatalithi Princess Kitana - Kiss of Death. The girl tears off his mask and passionately kisses the enemy. After that, the enemy is inflated to incredible sizes and explodes.
  • Impressive brutaliti princesses are somehow connected with fan. The girl easily cuts off a man's head or cuts the enemy on the part.
Kitana without mask
  • Kitana rarely appears in games without a mask. For example, the "Mortal Kombat X Mobile" princess appears in make-up characteristic of the Mexican holiday the day of the dead. The girl's face resembles a skull.
  • The meaning of the Kitan name is specifically unknown, but the theory is put forward that the creators of "Mortal Kombat" were repelled from Katana - Japanese cold weapons, the same sharp, like a fair of princesses.

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