Nina Kirso - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Cause



The singer Nina Kirso became famous in the late 80s - early 90s, it was then that the Freestyle group became one of the most popular musical teams of the Soviet pop. Nina Vladislavovna has passed a long concert path with the group and fulfilled all its female compositions. "Flowers Kalina", "And in the Sky of the Moon", "Happy Birthday, Mom" ​​- this and other songs of Nina Kirso sang the whole country. And although the tops of the charts have long been engaged in other stars, music lovers still remember the words of the Frestale compositions.

Childhood and youth

Future star star was born on August 4, 1963 in Poltava. From early childhood, a creative atmosphere surrounded Nina: the father was professionally played on the accordion, and Mom had a luxurious voice.

When the girl became older, she was taken to music school. There, Nina mastered the piano, sang in the choir and often accompanied by performers at concerts in local DC. But after school, the girl accepted an unexpected decision and entered the Engineering and Construction Institute. In 1985, Kirso became a graduate engineer, but she failed to tie a biography with this profession.

Despite the sudden choice of profession, in the youth of Nina, the love of love for music remained. The girl did not miss a single institute concert, and later he joined the Olympia group, whose supervisor was Anatoly Rozanov.


Amateur team gradually expanded and gained experience, and in 1988 Rozanov invited several more musicians and announced the creation of a new group. The updated team was called "Freestyle". Few later to the musicians joined Vadim Kazachenko, who became the first vocalist.

At first, not a well-known team performed in local DC, but soon talented musicians noticed. After some time, Kazachenko left the team. Sergey Dubrovin became a vocalist "Freestyle", and the female repertoire was still performed by Nina Kirso.

The peak of the group's popularity fell at the beginning of the 1990s - Songs "Ship of Love", "Flowers Kalina", "White Birch" fired all lovers of Russian-speaking pop, and new albums were instantly bought.

For many years, Nina Kirso remained a "female voice" "Freestyle". In addition, the singer helped Anatoly Rozanov and in organizational issues: was responsible for printing, the photo group, advertising posters and posters, and also often negotiated concerts and settled administrative moments.

As admitted in an interview with Anatoly Rozanov, and in his youth, and becoming older, Nina Kirso had the ability to like people and find a common language with each.

In 2014, the Freestyle group celebrated the anniversary - the team was 25 years old. According to tradition, artists have met a new creative year on stage. The friends of the team joined the festive show, including Mikhail Gritskan, with whom Nina Kirso performed a song "Old House" by Duet.

Personal life

Nina Kirso's personal life has been happily. The singer's husband became Anatoly Rozanov, the founder and head of the Frestale group. Perhaps it is precisely the common interests of the spouses became the key to the inviolability of the family. Neither the difference in age (Nina Karso is younger than the beloved for 9 years), nor the fact that for Andrei this marriage became the second.

Nina Kirso warmly accepted the daughter of Anatoly from the first marriage, and after some time in the family it became two children: in 1998, the singer presented the Son Rozanov. The boy called Maxim. Like parents, he gave the lives of music and, becoming older, began to perform with them.


In 2018, the fans of Nina Kirso agitated the news about the state of health of the beloved singer: June 1, a woman found unconscious in their own home. Anxiety scored the neighbors, her husband and son Nina Kirso at that time were on tour. It turned out that the actress suffered a stroke, but since the first aid was not given to her on time, the state was critical. The next day, Kirso made an operation.

The state of the singer stabilized, but it was introduced to whom. According to relatives, the woman did not suffer from bad habits and led a healthy lifestyle. At the hypertension, which she began to manifest itself recently, Nina practically did not pay attention. A month later, Kirso was transferred to one of the Kiev hospitals. Later, the husband of the artist decided to re-transport the spouse to his native Poltava: he was not arranged for conditions in Kiev.


In the spring of 2019, Nina came out of the coma, the woman began to open his eyes. But it was impossible to call it a look, since the singer did not react to external stimuli. The estimated improvement was not confirmed.

April 30, 2020 Nina Kirso died at the age of 56. Soloists "Freestyle" did not become in the evening. About the happened told her sister Alla.


  • 1994 - "Ground the price to you"
  • 1995 - "Yellow Roses"
  • 1995 - "White Acacia"
  • 1995 - "Goodbye forever, last love"
  • 1995 - "hurt me, hurt"
  • 1995 - "Ah, what woman"
  • 1997 - "Flowers Kalina"
  • 1997 - "Love Ship"
  • 1997 - "Cherry"
  • 2001 - "Star rain"
  • 2002 - "Freestyle"

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