Irina Gordienko - biography, photos, personal life, news, journalism 2021



Irina Gordienko is one of those journalists who consider it important to convey to the reader the truth, even if not always pleasant. For reports and investigations, the woman regularly chooses topical and painful topics, without fearing to substitute himself. Unfortunately, on the example of his family, Irina had the opportunity to make sure that journalism was not the safest profession.

Irina Gordienko

About childhood and adolescence Gordienko information is small. Woman comes from Sochi. It is known that Irina graduated from RGGU by choosing a specialty political scientist. Later, it was more likely to use a journalist when preparing materials for publication.


Since 2002, the workplace of Irina Gordienko became the "new newspaper", in addition, the journalist cooperates with other publications. A frequent topic of its reports and investigations - military conflicts in the North Caucasus. For many years, Irina spent to cover the situation in Dagestan, Chechnya, South Ossetia.

In prepared materials, Irina is not afraid to raise topics that try to silence in the media. Reports Gordienko are devoted to lawlessness, which is sometimes allowed in the southern republics, the arbitrariness of the authorities, non-crimes.

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A lot of attention in the transfer female pays a charitable society "Memorial", whose employees come to the revenue to families faced with trouble. According to Irina, in the Caucasus "Memorial" - often the only place where people turn help, and material and legal.

The journalist and other charitable organization helps. Irina has repeatedly covered the work of the "Children's Children" project, which collects help for orphans. Perhaps the most promising program of this project - "Step towards". In the prepared material, Irina described in detail about this promotion, to participate in which material investments are not required. It is enough to spend some time with a child from the home of orphans, give your attention and communication.

Speech by Irina Gordienko

The efforts of Irina did not remain unnoticed, the journalist was even awarded the Dagestan Prize named after the Hadzhimrata Kamalov.

During the work, Gordienko has repeatedly had to hear threats, not everyone accounts for the directness of the journalist and the reluctance to grind the truth. Unfortunately, one day the trouble really came to the house of Irina, and not from the other side where it would be possible to expect.

Personal life

The personal life of Irina was happily. Her husband Gordienko became a journalist Orhan Gemal. Spouse also wrote about the North Caucasus, shedding light on the details of the past wars, as well as on the current situation in this region. The son of Mansur's son is growing in the family of Irina and Orhans. It seemed like the unanimity guarantees a long life of the soul in the soul. However, fate ordered otherwise, opening a black page in Irina biographies.

Orhan Gemal, husband Irina Gordienko

In 2018, the spouse of the journalist went to the Central African Republic. The man was planning to collect material for a report about Russian private military companies, allegedly working in the area, in particular about the CHVK Wagner. Orhan was not alone, the operator Kirill Radchenko and director Alexander Razorguev went with him.

The trip was planned short: two weeks later, in the middle of August, Orhahan Jameal was already calculated to return home. The tragedy occurred on July 31. The car in which men were sent to the place of filming, shelled unknown people. Survive managed only to the driver of the car. Gemal, Rastorgueva and Radchenko identified on the press cards that were found among things.

Irina Gordienko, Orhan Gemal, Alisher Saipov

The very next day, the photos of Russians who died in Africa appeared in news publications. The official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Maria Zakharov emphasized that military instructors from Russia really work in the CAR, but they do not have any relation to private mercenaries. In addition, Zakharova noticed that the film crew was sent not to the place of work of these instructors, and in the other direction.

Irina Gordienko now

Now Wife Orhan Gemal is waiting for the results of the investigation. So far, the three options of what happened are put forward. According to one of them, local bandits attacked the journalistic group, hoping to rob foreign visitor. Another assumption is an attack of the Islamist grouping "Selekt". And one more version assumes that the mercenaries of the Che Wagner are shot.

Irina Gordienko in 2018

On August 6, Irina reported on the personal page on the social network "Facebook" that the funeral of Orhan Jamaal will be held the next day at the Moscow Khovansky cemetery.

Meanwhile, in the media, as well as "instagram", "Twitter" and other social networks continues to discuss this tragedy and versions of what happened.

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