Cupid - Biography of Love God, Values ​​in different cultures, image


Character History

Cupid is a small winged bullet, behind whose springs of Quiver arrows in the heart. Its image is found in the paintings of various eras, and the legend of God's God is rooted in ancient mythology.

History of origin

Cupid has several names. The divine creature is also called Cupid, in ancient Greek version - Eros. Character of the ancient Roman myths, he is a patron of love. Born by the goddess of Venus, the baby appears in the appearance of a mischievous angel, who rushes to pierce the arrow of love the heart of the first oncoming or unwanted hero of the sough. It is accompanied by important attributes: quiver, onions and arrows, which he amazes, forcing it in love. Cupid arrows were subject to simple mortals, and gods.

Amours in sculpture

This character is famous for a touching love story, connecting him with a simple earthly girl named Psyche. Cupid's mother, the goddess Venus, ordered his son to punish her beautiful beauty. But the son was abused by psyche and, falling in love, became her husband. The girl did not know who became her chosen one, as ordinary mortals did not allow themselves to raise the gaze. Family idyll seemed to be delicious until the sister provoked a psyche to survive for Cupid. Looking at the relatives, the girl led Cupid to anger. He left the lover, destroying everything they lived in marriage.

Psyche was killed along the spouse and, being in despair, went to the temple of Venus. Praying mother-in-law about forgiveness, she ventured to go through the obstacles in the form of difficult tasks. Venus thought to lime the girl and get rid of her, but psychhery overcame difficulties with the help of love.


The final test was moving to the underworld Pandora drawer. Inside him was the beauty of the wife of the god Pluto. An important assurance of the task was a ban on the opening of the box. Psyche again did not resist the temptation. Inside the box was a dead dream, which struggled to beauty. Cupid found the beloved and helped come to himself. The hero forgave the girl. The gods, who saw the power of the love of young people, made a psycho goddess.

Ancient Greek mythology reveals a similar plot. He became a source of inspiration for artist workers, therefore, the image of Cupid, he is Cupid, he was an erosion, chasing in literature, visual art, sculpture and architecture.

Venus, Psyry and Cupid

Mythological character appears in the image of a fair-haired angel, personifying sublime feelings. Lichyko boy decorate a blush and a walking smile, there are often beautiful flowers of pastel shades around it. It is curious that the Cupid weapons often compare women's lips due to the similarity of the forms.

On Valentine's Day, the image of the Cupid enjoys extremely popular, although the Roman deity, as well as the Greek God of Eros, was heard by the span of chaos because of their winsted in the lava. The holiday of all lovers is accompanied by thematic attributes, on which it is customary to depict small angels, producing arrows towards hopeless skeptics.

Cupid in culture

Aphrodite Assistant in Greek culture and the Son Venus in Roman was not considered a key figure of mythology. But he often mad in the era of Hellenism and during the Renaissance. It was resorted to his image, using the hero as a symbol. He does not need to be an active person to attend canvas or in the sculptural ensemble. Cupid depicted to hint about the presence of a love leitmotif in the described plot.

Aphrodite and Amur

UNCA is often depicted in paintings describing the seduction of Jupiter of beautiful maids. Cupid also appears before the public in the scenes, where Venus and Adonis interact. The messenger of love plays with the guns of Mars and Cubina Hercules, causing an association with disarming feelings.

Frustrated in the workers strictly punished him. So Diana and Minerva came, whose images personify the chastity.

Eros and Diana

The image of Cupid mad in the era of the Renaissance. The sculptures dedicated to him often became decorations for the tombstones and family crypts. Cupid (or Amur in an alternative interpretation) - the hero of the artist of Lesuer. It depicts Venus surrounded by three graces, one of which stretches the goddess of the baby Cupid.

According to the legend, Eros did not grow until he had a friend who can love him. They became anterm, in counterweight Erotu responsible for mutual love.


Poet Anacreon dedicated several poems of a popular legend that Jupiter ordered to kill the Cupid of his mother. Venus hid the child in the forest, where wild animals were brought up. This legend is described in the Pictures of the Prudon. He captured the love adventures of Cupid on the canvas.

The copyright idea was followed by Corredjo and Titian, on whose paintings Venus put on his eyes a bandage, making a wintful shot of Cupid arbitrary.

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