Hermann Black (Gary Gray) - biography, personal life, photos, news, Eva Miller, age, "Instagram" 2021



Hermann Black famous like a singer, actor and producer. He is the founder of the XO team, which, as he claims, created the first home of bloggers in Russia.

Childhood and youth

Hermann Black was born on April 16, 1994 in Kireevsk, Tula region. The parents of the boy were engaged in business, they had their own store. In the early period, the biography of the celebrity wanted to go in their footsteps, and his desire was partly implemented. But to realize ambitions, it was necessary to overcome the long way.

As a child, Herman was active and creative, already in kindergarten performed the main roles in the production and loved to speak in front of the public. Parents sought to develop the talents of the heir, so he studied both in a musical and dance school.

Hobbies did not interfere with their studies, until the 9th grade of the black was an excellent student. But later he moved to Tula, where it became no lesson. Despite this, the young man successfully passed his ege and entered the Moscow Pedagogical Institute. Student years celebrity recalls with warmth.


Seriously engage in music guy began in adolescence. He took himself a pseudonym herach and recorded tracks in the RPP genre. The artist actively participated in Batlach and quickly became famous both in his hometown and in Tula, where he often acted with concerts.

The growth of the popularity of the singer contributed to the appearance of heating from Nyushi. Later, he became a member of the contest "Star of the Disney Channel", where he fulfilled the composition of the "Ice fragments". After that, they learned about him in other cities of Russia, which inspired to record new hits.

Over time, Herman began to emphasize the R & B genre and took a new pseudonym - Gary Gray. Although he has reached heights not like a singer, but as a blogger and producer, fans know and love his work. The artist repertoire has such popular compositions as Miami and Raspan Sunset.

"Yutyub" and "Titstok"

The idea of ​​developing your own channel on Yutubeuba came to Herman after familiarizing from Marie Senn. At first they helped each other to type the audience, and then decided to promote the work of other bloggers. So in their company Eva Miller and Mark Makarov appeared.

In 2017, Black, together with the team, launched the XO Life show dedicated to the life of the rising stars "Yutiuba". Most participants lived in the same house, where they created general content. The project was liked by the public, which contributed to its development. Total shot 6 seasons.

Later, "Titstok" entered the fashion, and bloggers decided to create a Ticking house of XO Team, which was quickly among the most popular in Russia. After the care, Xo Life was closed, but in the fall of 2020 the fans saw a new realistic show, now about the inhabitants of the new home.


Almost simultaneously with the development of the Blog Herman implemented as an actor. At first he starred in the episodes of the series, appeared in the "university" comedy and the Drama "Doctors". But in 2015, the piggy bank of the artist replenished the main role.

Black starred in the entertainment project "Botany". According to his hero, his hero, a young guy nicknamed Velasquez, falls into the army together with the fourth other guys, as well adapted to military service, as he himself.

In the future, Herman decided not only to be filmed into the cinema, but also to produce it. In 2020, XO Team participants presented the Internet series "DanyaEvini", which received positive feedback from the public. The project was created in collaboration with the CTC channel.

Personal life

With Senn Blogger tied not only workers, but also a romantic relationship. They met on the Internet. The girl saw a roller with the participation of Herman, and she liked how he sings. Young people have been written off, and after 5 months, black came to Kiev, where Marie lived at that moment. Mutual sympathy broke out between them, and the guy decided to stay in the city.

The novel lasted 6.5 years, but ended with parting. Herman admitted that he became the guilt of the gap. Black did not pay enough attention to the former girl and began to perceive her presence as proper. Soon the feelings were faded.

After severe parting, the artist became close to Eve Miller. The couple often appeared in public together, pleaseing the fans of romantic photos in instagram accounts. But in 2020 the scandal broke out. Blogger Renata Rea stated that Herman cheated his beloved with her. The 1st season of the XO Team show was dedicated to this difficult period in the personal life of celebrities. The drama unfolded in front of other residents of Titstok at home.

Despite the insult, Eva found the strength to forgive German, and they continued to create content together. Although bloggers do not comment on the status of relationships, fans believe that they are together again. After the scandal with Renata Black, released the Onlyfans track, whose name was a hint on its provocative interview.

Star weighs about 70 kg with growth 173 cm.

Hermann black now

Now the star continues to engage in creativity. In 2021, he announced the output of the film "This is love", the producer of which is. I did not stop the artist to please the public with new tracks, in April he released "wings." Soon after that, the artist appeared on the children's "new wave", where he was invited as a member of the jury.


  • "Ice fragments"
  • "Miami"
  • "Raspberry Sunset"
  • "Wings"
  • "Dance"


  • 2013 - "Doctors Case"
  • 2014 - "Botany"
  • 2016 - "Penalty"
  • 2020 - "# DanyaEvini"
  • 2021 - "This is love"

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