Prince Albert - biography, photo, personal life, cause of death



The royal marriages and marriage of noble specimens become a profitable political and economic step, which state would be some state. The emergence of gentle feelings between titled individuals was very rare. Marriage of Queen Victoria and Prince Alberta, Saks by nationality, became an exception to the rules.

Childhood and youth

Albert Saxen-Coburg-Gothsky appeared on August 26, 1819. The outcom from a notable kind, he lived in the Rosenau castle in the UK, not far from Coburg. The boy received a upbringing corresponding to his status. In 1837, he became a student of the University of Bonn.

Prince Albert in childhood with mother and brother Ernst

Among the items that young people studied were philosophy and history, political science, languages ​​and natural science. The young man had creative deposits and confirmed this, making a small tomik poech in his student years. He himself illustrated the book. Expanding the horizons, Albert traveled in Italy.

Prince Albert in youth

As it often happened in families of noble origin, Albert was destined to marry her relative. The future husband of Queen Victoria accounted for her for cousin. The first meeting of young people took place when they were 16 years old. And at birth, they took the same midwife.

Queen's husband

Alberta and Victoria acquaintance occurred a year before the coronation of the future Queen. For Victoria, the date turned out to be fleeting. She almost did not pay attention to the advantages of Albert. In the letters of the uncle, the Belgian king of Leopold I, who dreamed of the union of nephews, the girl wrote dubious comments about the young man. Seventeen-year-old Princess dismissively relate to the perspective of marriage.

Prince Albert and Queen Victoria

Albert, as predicted by the shockpieces, also did not pushed by passionate feelings. Victoria did not hear the beauty. In her appearance there were insignificant shortcomings, which in those days were considered weighty: the upper lip of the girl was less than the lower. The princess itself referred to this ironic, and the misfortunes laughed at the defective nature. In addition, she was low growth.

The second meeting of Albert and Victoria took place on October 10, 1839. Prince together with his brother visited Windsor and stayed. Victoria was fighting. Her priorities regarding the Institute of Marriage changed. The girl fell in love. In his personal diary, she described the appearance of the chosen one, taking his figure and face features. The next day, Victoria appointed Albert at the meeting, on which he herself made a young man.

Wedding Prince Albert and Queen Victoria

The groom found the bride good-natured, her appearance did not embarrass him. The young man unconditionally accepted his hand and heart offer. Wedding played on February 10, 1840. It was the marriage of the century. Victoria boldly violated all the established traditions, put on white dress, decorated with orange flowers. All design of the celebration was made in white, which became nonsense.

Albert turned out to be a profitable party for the queen in love. Their personal life has been successful. Becoming the wife of a prince, Victoria made a favorable step for England and gained reliable support in the face of her husband. How sincerely was the attachment of Albert to the queen, historians argue not the first decade, studying the details of the life of crowded spouses.

Prince Albert with family

About the court intrigues in which the prince was involved, no one knew. Court ladies did not sit down. Many contemporaries testified that Albert moved a sense of debt to the Fatherland, but it is impossible to talk about the absence of sympathy for his wife.

In the correspondence with friends, the prince was flattering about his family, commenting on what was pleased with his spouse and their joint plans. You can argue about the hypocrisy of a man as you like, but judging by the description of the character of the prince, he was a noble man. Perhaps he did not experience passion, but gratitude, tenderness and loyalty were viewed in his behavior.

Queen Victoria and Prince Albert with children

Having become a Queen's husband, Albert collided with a number of questions that could not foresee. He did not have claims to the British throne, and the light did not perceive the king seriously. Brilliant education and upbringing did not play roles. Albert's political strategy formation was not allowed. The whole life of the newly-made king took place on schedule, depending on the essentials of the crowded spouse. Such a split even arranged Albert.

The prince pedant became an exemplary husband, and the entire British people could be equal to the royal family. Albert did not give a reason for rumors and gossip. It is rumored that for the whole joint life of the spouses was only one quarrel. It is associated with the daughter's disease and the choice of treatment option. Parents have matured. Justifying Albert managed to convince Victoria, and the queen gave way.

The firstborn of the royal couple was born in 1840. The girl was called Victoria. Behind her, the son appeared to the world, which later became the King Edward VII. Alberta and Victoria were born 9 children. With all the dislike for babies, pregnancy and breastfeeding, Victoria occasionally went on a feat of feelings to her husband.

After a while, Albert managed to win the location of the yard and take the place of the Queen advisor. He helped support correspondence with the ministers and answered requests. Victoria only put a signature on documents. Politics and government governance were interested in Albert, and Victoria noticed this, on the contrary, losing a craving for what the government should be done.

Portrait of Prince Alberta

The prince consort was able to influence the views of the queen. He inspired her confidence in the railway, which Victoria was afraid. The queen opened the doors of his residence for guests, whose visits were previously boring her. Over the years, Albert became the unlawful ruler of Great Britain, taking responsibility for state affairs and allowing Victoria to enjoy women's care - raising children and improvement at home.


In the 19th century, even a simple cold was becoming the cause of death. Despite the development of medicine, the late help of doctors provoke health risks. In 1861, Albert was preparing for the industrial and art exhibition. He suddenly fell ill, and by December, no chance left the prince-consort of chances. His spouse did not believe in the proximity of the death of the beloved.

Portrait of Prince Alberta

The death of her husband made the Queen of the Navigator. She did not participate in public events, rarely left the bedroom and supported the situation around, habitual for his beloved spouse. Courtnaya dismissed rumors that the queen goes crazy, resorts to spiritual sessions and causes spirits. Victoria ordered to build a mausoleum for Albert, where he found the last shelter, and built monuments, mourning it with all England.


  • In honor of Alberta, Victoria created monuments, opened schools, hospitals and museums in large and small towns of Great Britain.
  • London is Albert Hall of Sciences and Arts, named after the Prince Consort, and the Memorial in the southern part of the Kensington Garden.
  • In 1852, Albert witnessed the opening in the British capital of the museum in honor of him and Victoria.
Memorial Prince Alberta
  • In Africa, there is a lake, named Albert in honor of her husband of the British Queen.
  • After the death of her husband, Queen ordered his speeches, spoken in 1857 and 1862.
  • In the UK, until 1971, Albert Golden and Bronze Degrees was awarded for the salvation of life.
  • In the Canadian Province Saskatchewan there is the city of Prince Albert.

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