Radiohead Group - Composition, Photo, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



The Radiohead British group has been happy for more than 30 years old fans with unique sound and the original genre of music. Traditionally, their style is defined as an alternative rock, but at different stages, he varied from Brit-pop to psychedelic electronic music. Surprisingly, but during the existence, the staff of the team, his backbone, never changed.

The history of creation and composition

The biography of the Radiohead group began in 1985. Future participants in the team met in a private private school in the city of Abingdon. Initially, the guys were going under the name on a friday ("on Friday") chosen outly. The thing is that because of the rules of the school, the young men could have been rehearsing only on Fridays.

Soloist Tom York

The soloist of the group was Tom York, and his peer colin Greenwood was responsible for the bass guitar and keyboards. The place behind the impact installation was taken by Phil Selway, and Ed O'Brien became a guitarist. The youngest participant - Johnny Greenwood, he is the younger brother of Basista, first played on a lip harmonic, after the keyboards, and soon mastered the guitar.

The first speech took place in the Oxford Pub Jericho Tavern, according to various sources, in a year or two after the creation. In the early stages, the team was maintained 3 saxophonist. Later, the guys entered the university, because of which the performances stopped: at the rehearsals they were going only on vacation.

Guitarist Ed O'Brien

4 years after the completion of Learning on A Friday began to record demo-cassettes and play concerts in Oxfordshire. DemoPublic "EP" Manic Hedgehog, named after the music store, published by the participants. At the same time, the team appeared on the cover of the Oxford magazine Curfew.

Bassist Colin Greenwood

Then popularity was popular, and on a friday played atypical Pixies style music, The Smiths, R.E.m. and Talking Heads. Nevertheless, the young team attracted the attention of the co-owner of Chris Hafford's sound recording company. In the future, they with partner Bryce Edge took the positions of ON A Friday managers.

Drummer Phil Selway

At the end of 1991, Colin Greenwood, who worked in a music store, met an Emi Records agent. The case brought a group to sign a contract for 6 albums. The only condition of the record company has become a change of name. So on a friday turned into Radiohead, in honor of the Talking Heads Song of the eponymous song.


The debut mini-album "Drill" was released in March 1992, but the record did not bring a group of popularity, taking a modest 101 place in charts. Therefore, for the recording of a full-scale studio debut album, Radiohead was invited by Paul Kerders and Sean Slade. By the end of the year, the Panel finished the record record "Pablo Honey", which was published in February 1993.

So popularity began to grow: the clip on the song "Creep" got into rotation on MTV, and the single himself got to 7th place in British charts. After the release of the Plate, Radiohead went to a long tour of the USA, where they played heating from Belly and Tears for Fears.

At the end of the tour, the team began to record the next album, and John Leki worked on and one of the popular producers of Great Britain. In October 1994, a mini-album appeared called "My Iron Lung", the title single of which got on the radio and was well sold.

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By the end of the year, the musicians recorded a sufficient number of tracks, so 2 The Bends studio album came out soon. Critics celebrated him for a more mature sound and distinguished individual style. Musicians used 3 guitar and keyboards at once. The roles could change, but most often Johnny played the Solo Guitar Party, York - Rhythm Guitar, and ED responded for a noise effect.

"The Bends" brought fame in the UK, but in the United States rose only to 88 lines. In mid-1995, Radiohead went on tour with R.E.m. team. At the beginning of next year, the Group began to rehearse with a producer of Nigel Godrich. And in a short time, the release of the third album "OK Computer" took place, the tracks from which were melodic rock with electronic music enclosures, supplemented by emotional vocals of York.

This album is recognized as the best in the genre of alternative music at the 40th grammy ceremony. When OK COMPUTER came out, the guys went to the world tour, after which they almost stopped acting. Later, York recognized that then the team was nearing breakdown, and he himself suffered from depression and the creative crisis.

However, the black band passed by without interfering with the exit of the fourth studio album "Kid A". In it, participants experimented with sound. As for critics, they found the effects of jazz and stew-rock in the tracks. The album took the first lines of charts and became the first among the Radiohead plates that came to the top of the Billboard 200. "Kid A" had a commercial success, despite the lack of singles, a small advertising and leakage of tracks in NapStep.

The next album of the Group submitted to the public called "Amnesiac". He achieved commercial success and was well accepted by critics.

In the summer of 2002, there were performances in Portugal and Spain, and after the recording of a new material began, the result of which was the album "Hail to the Thief". According to the group participants, work on the release proceeded calmly and relaxed. The record received a commercial success, appearing in the first positions in the British charts and taking 3 lines in the Billboard chart. After the annual world tour, the participants went to the creative vacation. In the future, the album "Hail to the thief" will be Platinum in the UK and the Golden in the United States.

At this time, Radiohead terminated agreements with a label, without seeing the point in further cooperation. The next studio album "In Rainbows" posted on the network. In this case, the listener could independently determine the cost of downloading the album. This act has long called the revolution in the musical world. The company engaged in the monitoring of downloads announced that the Internet version brought more profits than the sale of the previous album.

The participants of the group acted with charitable concerts, toured in support of the album and recorded a new material. So, on the day of all in love with 2011, Radiohead announced the release of 8 studio album called "The King of Limbs".

First, an electronic version appeared, and after the disk was released. Critics ambiguously perceived new tracks: Some called "The King of Limbs" magnificent, others said that the album strikes the monstrous absence of ambitiousness.

After the tour in North America, the group took a pause, but in the fall of 2014 it began to record the material. Before the release of the album "A Moon Shaped Pool" on May 8, 2016, Radiohead has released several soundtracks and singles.

Radiohead now

Now Radiohead continues to record new tracks and touring the world. In 2017, participants conducted a tour, including performances on Cocrachell and Glastonbury. In May of the same year, a collection-reissue is announced in honor of the 20th anniversary of the OK Computer album. The digital version is represented by the public in June 2017.

In the first half of 2018, Radiohead accused Lana del Rey in plagiarism. We are talking about the composition "Get free", where British musicians heard similarity with one of the main hits "Creep".

Radiohead Group in 2018

Funny, but Radiohead themselves in the 90s were accused of plagiarism of the same song. The result was the indication of the musicians of the Hollies team, whose popularity came to the 60s, Albert and T-shirt co-authors "Creep".

In honor of the group, a new type of ant - Sericomyrmex RadioHeadi was named.

Radiohead has official accounts in the social networks "Instagram" and "Twitter", which publishes photos and video events from the group's life. In the summer of 2018, the team completed the next tour. To record a new album, musicians have not started yet, so the chances of his release in 2018 are negligible.


  • 1993 - "Pablo Honey"
  • 1995 - "The Bends"
  • 1997 - "OK COMPUTER"
  • 2000 - "Kid A"
  • 2001 - "Amnesiac"
  • 2003 - "Hail to the Thief"
  • 2007 - "In Rainbows"
  • 2011 - "The King Of Limbs"
  • 2016 - "A MOON Shaped Pool"


  • Creep.
  • Anyone Can Play Guitar
  • Pop Is Dead.
  • High and Dry.
  • Fake Plastic Trees.
  • Just.
  • Paranoid Android
  • Karma Police.
  • No surprises
  • Pyramid Song.
  • Go to Sleep.
  • 2 + 2 = 5
  • Jigsaw Falling Into Place
  • Nude.
  • House of Cards.
  • Harry Patch (in Memory of)
  • All I Need
  • Reckoner.
  • 15 Step.
  • Lotus Flower.

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